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MPW 1143
Theme: Misconception in Islam
Topic: Terrorism and Islam
Group Members: 1. Aida Amalia binti Mahyuddin
2. Anissa Mazli binti
Student ID: 1. 0315190
2. 0314585
Basically the mass media has shown many acts of violence through electronic gadgets
at the eyes of the viewers. Regarding this topic, violence has many types of definition in
different perspective views. Even though it is different, one thing to be sure is that
terrorism is the systematic use of terror which is intended to create fear by the means of
intimidation and coercion.
Concerning this topic, terrorism has been proven as a controversial topic among the
citizens from different parts of the country. As a matter of fact, the foreigners always
blames at fault towards the Islamic country as a terrorist who is against Christianity and
Jews. Nowadays, the mass media has shown that Islam is an insensitive religion that
causes chaos around the world. It has given a bad image of Islam and all the Islamic
countries by manipulating the viewers. They did not show the beauty of Islam instead
they give a bad impression on Islamic culture and religion.
Apparently, the religion of Islam has been categorized as a religion which defines and
supports terrorism. Islam has been look down over these past few years because of the
incident on September 11, 2001 when the two hijacked planes crash against the twin
towers of the World Trade Center at New York City, United States. Not only that, the
Arab socialist from the Islamic countries has bought corruption and showed a bad
impression towards Islam. Furthermore, it gives a perception of the image of Islam to be
look upon by other people. For example, Saddam Husain, Osama bin Laden and
Muammar al-Gadaffi are the most popular wanted terrorist describe by the Americans.
On the other hand, the topics on terrorism are often used in the headlines through
different types of medium that the mass media could actually convey especially if it is
timeliness news. The mass media has played an important role in our daily life as a
source of information to gain better understanding and knowledge. As the technology
and productivity of growth is increasing, the message that has been received has been
misinterpreted which may leads the society to blindly believes the conspiracy that the
media was trying to convey. The mass media has played an important role to use as a
manipulative weapon that could penetrate the mind of the audience.
Until today, Muslims are given a bad impression as it was overshadowed from the
reality and became the publicity to the audience. This has made the students and the
Muslim activist felt restless as they were worried if the Westerners will accuse them as a
terrorist. Plus, missionary movement began to be suspicious for the Westerners even
though there were not involved in terrorism. Young children who want to study abroad
or learn Islamic teachings began to be a suspect and investigation is been carried out
by the Western officers. The Muslims traveller often complained that they are randomly
selected for secondary screening at the airport as the security is very tight. It is because
they could not trust the Muslims and suspect that Muslims might brought with them
weapons and explosive things that will cause a disaster to their citizen.
Unfortunately, the major concern about the topic of terrorism are the Westerners will
always blame and points their finger towards Islam when it comes to indiscriminate
bloodsheds and bombings because that is the message that was been conveyed
through the mass media. Although, Muslims in many parts of the world do find
themselves as victims of gross depredations, this is certainly understandable at a
rational level, undertaken by non-Muslim terrorist groups and state governments that
have been equally callous in their disregard for innocent human life.
From the Islamic point of view, Islam and divine religion or Abrahamic religion (agama
samawi) does not considered terrorism as lawful (halal) whereas terrorist and criminals
should definitely be opposed. Besides that, Islam practices and apply jihad in their daily
life which may lead to a slight confusion for the Westerners. The only subject that the
Westerners know about jihad that means war. Jihad in other means is known for the
effort to achieve a desired thing or to prevent an undesired one either in a form of
property, soul, oral and of course war. In addition, Jihad in the way of god is our
struggle to win God’s pleasure, to establish his religion supremacy and to make his
word prevail.
Indeed, Islam only can declared war between enemies if and only if the enemies are the
first ones who declared the war over Islam. The Muslims and Mukmins are compulsory
to take part in order to defend their religion for the right reasons such as to protect the
Islamic religion from being destroyed. It is mentioned in the Quran, “Fight in the way of
Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like
transgressors”(surah al-Baqarah verse 190). Those who battled their soul willingly to
leave their property and their loves ones for the sake of Allah will guarantee paradise.
As the Quran clearly mentioned, “Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons
and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause,
and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel,
and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the
bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.”(at-Taubah;111)
Relying the Holy Qur’an and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, it is stated clearly in
the Qur’an about the categorical prohibition against the taking, indeed harming of
innocent civilian life. Allah is merciful and forgiving towards His servants. He is very
concerned about humanity living in peace and harmony. Bearing that in mind, the
prophet Muhammad have mentioned on certain obligations about the objective and law
of war whereby before engaging in the battle to his soldiers. Indeed, the prophet
stressed on not killing woman, children, the elderly people who are not capable of
fighting or ill. It is mentioned in the hadith, ““Do not kill any child, any woman, or any
elder or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
In addition, the concept and fundamentals of jihad also mentioned that trees, crops and
animals should be protected. It is proven in the hadith, “Do not practice treachery or
mutilation. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. Do not slaughter a
sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food.” (Al-Muwatta). In that case, Islam teaches
the followers to appreciate and take great care of the surroundings as it is also a living
creature under His power. It is also applied and forbidden for the Muslim who is in their
ihram state while doing the pilgrim to perform Hajj and Umrah. This prohibition involves
every kind of animals and insects except if it is harmful, then we are allowed to kill it. It
is best if we could repel them instead of killing them as it will be better.
Furthermore, there was a statement in the Quran that mentioned Allah did not gave the
authorities to His servants to simply cause mass destruction towards the enemies’
house of worship even though the followers was not armed and been expelled from
their house. (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of
right, (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah. Did not Allah check one set
of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries,
churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in
abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause); for verily Allah is
full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).”(Al-Hajj,22:40). Plus, Imam
Al-Qurtubi also brings the words of previous scholars whose contains a ban on church
demolition and building damage zimmah of infidelity, and their monasteries Tafseer AlQurtubi, vol 12, p 67).
Furthermore, Islam is a religion that does not teach their followers to suppress or
burden their enemies when the enemies are defeated. Once the enemy is defeated, the
principle of mercy is to be applied instantly, and all hostilities should be ceased. Not to
mention, wounded enemies are given the same treatment as wounded members of
one’s own forces. For example during the Battle of Badr, even though Islam soldiers
have won the victory in the battle, the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has forgiven the
hostage of Quraysh tribe. The woman and children are release temporary while the
hostage for mans are given the terms and requirement that they have to fulfil in order for
them to release themselves. For instance, the man hostage who succeed to teach
approximately around ten children of Islam to read and write until they are smart, then
they will be released.
Moreover, Islam does not emphasize on killing and it is never even mentioned in the
Qur’an about slavery towards the creatures. The Qur’an points out that from various
corners of the Islamic faith, laws and morality. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has
spread Islam through diplomacy and not through violence. Plus, the religion of Islam
does not force the other beliefs to force and worship Allah s.w.t. It is stated in the
Qur’an, “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course
has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in
Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is
Hearing and Knowing.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 256). Hence, the Prophet Muhammad use
the dakwah method to gain people’s interest in Islam as it is one of the key to success
by showing good akhlaq that we practice among the Muslims towards the non-believers.
The Muslims are required to follow the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w to
spread dakwah among the Muslims and the non-believers to guide them to the right
path and to gain their interest in Islam.
But a crucial point must not be forgotten despite an allowance to killing and slavery, a
Muslim was not permitted to abandon the ethical principles that guide a soldier’s
conduct. That is, the combatant was required to adhere to the many prohibitions
Prophet Muhammad imposed on the exercise of force the most obvious was the
illicitness of harming a non-combatant. Despite the beliefs that Islam does not
encourage it, it shows that it is prohibited for the Muslims to violate the obligations that
have been permanently stated in the Islamic teachings. Not trying to be bias on one
side, but does anybody wonder why Islam is always the main target for the Westerners?
Actually, the issue of fighting terrorism was launched by the Americans and its allies as
a war against Islam. The enemies of Islam will try to change the fact regarding Muslims
are a terrorist. Truthfully speaking, the enemies of Islam fear the rise of the Muslims
because of the increasing population of Muslims and the history of Islam. The history of
Islam has been proven by the victory and the superior time of Islam during the ruling of
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and the formation of Ottoman Turkish Empire. The enemies
who are against Islam will do all their wills and efforts to destroy the Muslims
renaissance. One of the propaganda was to show to the world the bad image of Islam.
Since the mass media purpose has become a weapon for the enemies, it has given
them the advantage to manipulate the viewers who are exposed to technologies.
However, they would not show the viewers about the things that they had done to the
Islamic countries such as Palestine. The violence that they committed by Israel against
the Palestine regime is absurd and shows their gross characters. It seems like they just
close our eyes to see a string of atrocities committed against the Palestine. What is the
Palestinians sin to be treated in such a cruel way by the enemies? They are the ones
who are suffering and fear of the enemies who killed them mercilessly. In fact, it is
stated in their Old Testament in which the God of Israel mentioned “Now go and attack
Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man
and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (1 Samuel
Next, they said the purpose in invoking this statement is not to suggest that Jewish or
Christian doctrine authorizes indiscriminate violence, but rather to highlight the gross
duplicity that often exists among Islam’s modern antagonists who insist upon a
jaundiced reading of Islamic scripture. It is stated clearly that they are allowed and
encourage killing instead of sparing them. This statement differentiates the beliefs of
their religion to Islamic religion as the Islamic religion is more particular on peace. Not
only that, the media keeps engaging the society that Islam is the terrorist. What about
the Israel who took away millions of innocent life of the Palestinians? Isn’t it and act of
violence. Besides that, the gruesome terror attacks by a man who killed 85 people at a
camp in Norway are categorized as a massacre. When someone which is not a Muslim
they will called it as an act of the massacre. Where is the justice served by the people?
It supposed to categorize this kind of situation as a terrorism act but why must it always
be the Muslims who are the terrorist.
Disregarding what they have portrayed in the media, it has caused lots of conspiracy
that had taken into place among the society as the society is becoming a more critical
thinker than before. Nowadays, mass media has become a threat as it is controlled by
the American government. In that case, it may jeopardize the Islamic communities’ daily
life as it is controlled by them. The truth will soon be unfolded sooner or later of their
mischievous act. Only justice will serve them and Muslims have to be aware of the
things happening in the global world today.
Synopsis of the video
An interview has been conducted in several places of area to get the societies opinion
on the topic of “Terrorism and Islam”. This interview has been conducted with a lecturer,
parent and high school teachers. Alternatively, we interview people from different
religion background to figure out what they think about “Terrorism and Islam in order to
look at their point of view related to this topic. We decided to do a documentary video as
it will be much easier to be conducted as it is time consuming as we have to include a
written report. These are the questions that has been asked to the correspondents,
1) Explain to us what do you know about Islam?
2) Do you think Islam and terrorism are connected in anyway?
3) Why do you think mass media keeps blaming Muslims as terrorist especially
when there is a violent act related to terrorism happening?
4) Give us your thoughts on what we should do to change these perceptions about
Muslims and terrorism?
5) In your opinion, do you think you have a role or responsibility in the society to
make a change regarding this issue?
In a nutshell, the fact that the Quran has stated a clear message, the Islam extremist
thought that Islam encourages them to kill the innocent life of people because Allah
s.w.t. will guarantee them paradise if they are willing to sacrifice their life for the sake of
Allah. The extremist has called this violence as an act of jihad which is absolutely
unacceptable and despicable of them to say so. They are the ones who have brought
corruptions and have contaminated the dignity of Islam. Islam is not the source of
terrorism, but it is the followers who did not understand Islam thoroughly. But
unfortunately, we can’t trust the media either as it blindly tell us what they want us to
believe in. Even though they are the ones who cause the destruction, the society should
not judge the religion. The society should judge a person but not the entire religion itself.
As a matter of fact, Islam is described as one of the most beautiful religion that has
existed in the world. The non-Muslim should do more research about Islam rather than
jumping into conclusion disregarding the Islamic religion. Prior to this, Islam is defined
as a religion which stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah by following
His commandments as revealed to the Prophet. Literally, it means peace, tranquility,
obedience, surrender and submission to god. Basically, Allah is concerned about his
creations and he does not allowed killing of other people including killing one’s self.
While for the Islamic followers, they should understand the meaning of the Qur’an and
the hadith instead of making judgments on one’s belief. Not only that, the Muslims
should have a good moral, etiquette and not just discriminate the non-Muslims. It is our
duty to deliver dakwah and attract the non-Muslims to open their heart in Islamic
teaching. Plus, we must strengthen our bonds with our Islam brothers and practice the
Islamic teachings in our daily life as we are a Muslims. What is the use of becoming a
Muslim if we don’t practice or show a good example to the non-believers? The Islamic
leaders also should speak out the reality of Islam and explain what Islam is really are.
Finally, we hope that this will be an eye-opener for the Muslims before the enemies
obtain their success in segregating the believers.