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WWII Begins
Review Questions?
 What were Martin Luther’s biggest issues with the
Catholic Church?
 What is Realpolitik?
 Why was Germany unable to quickly defeat France?
 What was the War Guilt Clause of the Treaty of
The Rise of Hitler:
 Collapse of the American stock exchange led to
economic disaster in Germany
 Germans still felt anger and humiliation about their
defeat in WWI
 Germans doubted their democratic government
 These conditions provided a chance for the rise of a new
leader, Adolf Hitler, and his party, the Nazis
 He promised the disenchanted a better life, jobs, and a
new glorious Germany
The Rise of Hitler:
 The Nazis appealed to the unemployed, young people,
and members of the lower middle class
 In 1932, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more
than any other party
 In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, the
head of the German government
 Many Germans believed that they had found a savior for
their nation
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Hitler long dreamed of revenge for WWI
 Revenge:
 Stationed troops in the Rhineland
 Two years later re-united Austria with Germany
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Why did the world do nothing?
 Many countries still concerned with their own economic
problems during the Great Depression
 Thus, ignored
 In 1938, situation escalated when Hitler called for
Czechoslovakia to hand over the Sudetenland
Why did the world do
The Great Depression
and their poor economic
Good Job!
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Why?
 Many ethnic Germans lived there
 Goal of Hitler taking this land was to create Lebensraum
(German Living Space)
 Give space for Hitler’s new master race to expand
The Master Race?
 1.) What was Germany’s goal to dominate Europe?
 2.) Who did they have support and involvement from?
 3.) Who were the initial targets of eugenics?
 4.) Who was this expanded to?
 5.) Using WWII, how did the Nazis racial hygiene
What was a reason for
Hitler creating this Third
Lebensraum for a master
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Germany threatens war if Czechs do not give it up
 Czechs refuse
 To prevent war, British and France met with Germany
and agreed to hand over Sudetenland to Germany to
avoid war
 These meetings were called the Munich Conference
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Giving into Hitler was an act of appeasement
 Appeasement
 The act of giving into an aggressor to preserve peace
 The Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, was
outraged by this act of appeasement
 “The government had to choose between shame and war.
They have chosen shame and they will get war”
Hitler’s War Machine:
Hitler’s War Machine:
 Churchill is right
 Hitler does not stop, he takes the rest of Czechoslovakia
in March of 1939
 Then demands the port of Danzig in Poland, which had
been part of Germany until WWI
 Great Britain and France had enough
 We will defend Poland
Map of Germany:
After WWI
What is it called giving
into an aggressor for
The Fighting Begins:
 Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939
 Britain and France form the Allied powers and declare
war on Germany, WWII begins
 Germany introduces new fighting style
 Blitzkrieg (Lightening War)
 Concentrated tanks and airplanes in strategic positions to
break through enemy lines
 Poland is defeated
Germany’s Message to the
 Consider two questions while watching
 1.) According to the Nazis, what has the outside world
and Poland done to Germans?
 2.) Why would the Nazis make a video like this?
What was the name of
Germany’s new war
The Death of France:
 Germany goes around Maginot Line, French defense on
German border
 They invade through the Ardennes Forrest taking
Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg
 They then invade Northern France, weakly defended
 In June of 1940, France falls (forced to surrender in
same place Germany surrendered at Versailles)
The Maginot Line:
The French Surrender:
What was the name of
the French fortification?
Maginot Line