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Session Beans
Session bean concepts
Stateless session beans
Stateful session beans
1. Session Bean Concepts
Session bean interfaces and classes
Defining metadata
Packaging and deployment
Operation at run time
Session Bean Interfaces and Classes
To define a session bean:
Define a remote and/or local interface
Define the bean class
Client calls business
methods on bean,
via the EJB object
EJB object
EJB bean
Proxy for the
EJB bean object
Business functionality
or business data
You define remote and/or local interface
Your EJB tool generates the source code
for the EJB object
You define the bean class
You write the methods specified in the
remote and/or local interface
Defining Metadata
You can provide metadata to accompany session beans
There are 3 ways to provide metadata
E.g. transactional requirements, security, etc.
Implicit defaults
Deployment descriptors
Are annotations or deployment descriptors better?
Discuss 
Packaging and Deployment
Enterprise application (EAR file)
EJB module
(EJB-JAR file)
Remote interface
Local interface Local i/f
Local interface
Bean class
Remote i/f
Bean class
Web module
(WAR file)
Remote interface
Local interface
Local interface
Client code
Client code
Application client
Client code
Operation at Run Time
At start-up, the EJB server can create a pool of beans
When a client accesses a bean, it just gets an EJB object
When a client calls a method, a bean is acquired from pool
When a bean is unneeded, the bean is returned to pool
EJB objects
Bean pool
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
2. Stateless Session Beans
Overview of stateless session beans
Defining the remote / local interfaces
Defining exceptions
Ensuring consistency
Defining the bean class
Stateless session bean life cycle
Using the bean
Using the bean in a Web application
Overview of Stateless Session Beans
Stateless session beans do not retain client-specific state
between method calls
Lightweight and scalable
If a client invokes a series of methods on a stateless
session bean…
The methods might be executed on different bean instances
This doesn't matter at all, because stateless session beans do not
contain any client-specific state
Defining the Remote / Local Interfaces
The remote and/or local interface specifies the 'business
methods' for your bean
Annotate an interface with @Remote or @Local
Example remote and local interfaces:
package demos.sessionbeans.ejb;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
in the DemosSessionBeansEJB project
public interface TempConverterBeanRemote {
public double fToC(double fahr);
public double cToF(double celsius);
package demos.sessionbeans.ejb;
import javax.ejb.Local;
in the DemosSessionBeansEJB project
public interface TempConverterBeanLocal {
public double fToC(double fahr);
public double cToF(double celsius);
Ensuring Consistency
If you want to expose the same business interface
remotely and locally…
The remote and local interfaces must be the same
To ensure the remote and local interfaces are the same…
Define a base interface that the remote and local interfaces extend
public interface TempConverter {
public double fToC(double fahr);
public double cToF(double celsius);
public interface TempConverterBeanRemote extends TempConverter
public interface TempConverterBeanLocal extends TempConverter
Defining the Bean Class
The next step is to write the bean class, which implements
the business methods for your bean
In EJB 3.x, the implementation class is a POJO
Just annotate the class with @Stateless or @Stateful, and
implement the remote and/or local interface
package demos.sessionbeans.ejb;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
in the DemosSessionBeansEJB project
public class TempConverterBean
implements TempConverterBeanRemote, TempConverterBeanLocal
public TempConverterBean() {}
public double fToC(double fahr)
{ return (fahr - 32) * 5 / 9;
public double cToF(double celsius)
{ return (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32; }
Stateless Session Bean Life Cycle
(1 of 2)
The life cycle of a stateless session bean is very simple:
Does Not Exist
@PreDestroy method
@PostConstruct method
Ready Pool
business method
Stateless Session Bean Life Cycle
(2 of 2)
A bean class can define methods to be invoked during
bean start-up and shut-down
Annotate start-up method with @PostConstruct
Annotate shut-down method with @PreDestroy
public class TempConverterBean
implements TempConverterBeanRemote, TempConverterBeanLocal
public void myPostConstructMethod()
System.out.println("Bean created at: " + new Date());
public void myPreDestroyMethod()
System.out.println("Bean destroyed at: " + new Date());
Using the Bean (1 of 3)
Generally you can inject a bean reference where needed
Declare a variable of the remote interface type
Annotate the variable with @EJB
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import demos.sessionbeans.ejb.TempConverterBeanRemote;
private TempConverterBeanRemote tempConverterBean;
You can explicitly tell the EJB container how to resolve the
dependency injection:
private TempConverterBeanRemote tempConverterBean;
You can inject a reference to a bean on a different server:
private TempConverterBeanRemote tempConverterBean;
Using the Bean (2 of 3)
You can also get a bean via a manual global JNDI lookup...
To look-up a bean by its remote interface type:
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
bean = (TempConverterBeanRemote)context.lookup(
To look-up a bean by its mappedName:
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
bean = (TempConverterRemote)context.lookup("MyTempConverterBean");
To look-up a bean on a specific server:
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "localhost");
env.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3700");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);
bean = (TempConverterRemote)context.lookup("MyTempConverterBean");
Using the Bean (3 of 3)
After you have acquired access to a bean, you can use it
as follows:
public class Main
in the DemosSessionBeansClient project
private static void testStatelessBean()
TempConverterBeanRemote tc = … ;
System.out.println("212F = " + tc.fToC(212) + "C");
System.out.println("100C = " + tc.cToF(100) + "F");
catch (InvalidTempException ex) {…}
Using the Bean in a Web App (1 of 2)
A Web app can access an EJB via its remote interface
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet
private TempConverterBeanRemote bean;
Using injection
protected void doGet(…) …
out.println("212F = " + bean.fToC(212) + "C");
out.println("100C = " + bean.cToF(100) + "F");
Using global JNDI lookup
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet
protected void doGet(…) …
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
TempConverterBeanRemote bean =
out.println("212F = " + bean.fToC(212) + "C");
out.println("100C = " + bean.cToF(100) + "F");
Using the Bean in a Web App (2 of 2)
If a bean has a local interface, you can access it from Web
apps in the same EAR application file
Same as on previous slide, but using local interface(!)
But... you can't lookup the bean's local interface in JNDI
Most Java EE servers don't add bean local interfaces to JNDI!
Manually add the bean's local interface to your local JNDI namespace
Lookup the bean's local interface in your local JNDI namespace
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet
protected void doGet(…) …
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
TempConverterBeanLocal bean =
(TempConverterBeanLocal) context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/TempConverter");
3. Stateful Session Beans
Overview of stateful session beans
Defining the remote /local interface
Defining the bean class
Stateful session bean life cycle
Using the bean in a client application
Using the bean in a Web application
Overview of Stateful Session Beans
Stateful session beans hold conversations with a particular
client, which span multiple method calls
Stateful session beans must therefore retain state between method
The state is specific to a particular client
Defining the Remote / Local Interface
The remote / local interfaces specify the 'business
methods' for your bean
The rules for defining remote / local interfaces are the same as for
stateless session beans
For example:
package demos.sessionbeans.ejb;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import java.util.List;
in the DemosSessionBeansEJB project
public interface ShoppingCartBeanRemote
public void addItem(String productName);
public void removeItem(String productName);
public List<String> getItems();
Defining the Bean Class (1 of 2)
The bean class must be annotated with @Stateful
Indicates it's a stateful session bean
The bean class must implement the business methods that
are specified in the remote / local interfaces
The bean class (and almost always does) have instance variables
The instance variables are preserved in a stateful session bean 
Defining the Bean Class (2 of 2)
package demos.sessionbeans.ejb;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
import java.util.*;
public class ShoppingCartBean implements ShoppingCartBeanRemote
private List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
public void addItem(String productName)
public void removeItem(String productName)
public List<String> getItems()
return items;
Stateful Session Bean Life Cycle (1 of 2)
The life cycle of a stateful session bean is as follows:
Does Not Exist
@PreDestroy method
business method
Stateful Session Bean Life Cycle (2 of 2)
The following example shows how to define life cycle
methods for a stateful session bean
public class ShoppingCartBean
implements ShoppingCartBeanRemote, ShoppingCartBeanLocal
public void myPostConstructMethod() {…}
public void myPreDestroyMethod() {…}
public void myPrePassivateMethod() {…}
public void myPostActivateMethod() {…}
Using the Bean in a Client App
package demos.sessionbeans.appclient;
import demos.sessionbeans.ejb.ShoppingCartBeanRemote;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
public static void testStatefulBean() {
try {
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
ShoppingCartBeanRemote cart = (ShoppingCartBeanRemote)
cart.addItem("Sky Sports");
cart.addItem("OLED 4KHD TV");
cart.addItem("Carving skis");
cart.removeItem("Sky Sports");
System.out.println("Items in your shopping cart:");
for (String item : cart.getItems()) {
System.out.printf("Item: %s\n", item);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
in the DemosSessionBeansClient project
Using the Bean in a Web App (1 of 4)
You can access stateful session beans in a Web app
Do not use injection for stateful session beans
However, you must be very careful...
This would mean each servlet instance gets its own session bean
This probably isn't what you want!
You want each client to get its own session bean
Do use manual JNDI lookup
Look up the bean using JNDI
Insert the bean into HTTP session scope
Next time round, get the bean from HTTP session scope (not JNDI)
This way, each client has its own session bean
Using the Bean in a Web App (2 of 4)
Initial Web page, to enable user to enter an item to be
added to shopping cart:
<h2>Manage your Shopping Cart</h2>
<form action="ShoppingCartServlet" method="get">
<input type="text" name="txtItem" />
<input type="submit" value="Add to cart" />
Using the Bean in a Web App (3 of 4)
Servlet (controller)
@WebServlet(name="ShoppingCartServlet", urlPatterns={"/ShoppingCartServlet"})
@EJB(name="ejb/Cart", beanInterface=demos.sessionbeans.ejb.ShoppingCartBeanLocal.class)
public class ShoppingCartServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(…)
// Get existing ShoppingCart bean from HTTP session, or lookup new one.
HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
ShoppingCartBeanLocal bean = (ShoppingCartBeanLocal)sess.getAttribute("Cart");
if (bean == null)
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
bean = (ShoppingCartBeanLocal)context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Cart");
sess.setAttribute("Cart", bean);
// Invoke business method on bean, to add item to shopping cart.
// Redisplay HTML form and shopping cart JSP.
Using the Bean in a Web App (4 of 4)
JSP (view)
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%-- Does session scope have a "Cart" attribute? --%>
<c:if test="${not empty sessionScope.Cart}">
<%-- Get items in ShoppingCart bean, and assign to local variable --%>
<c:set var="itemsInCart" value="${sessionScope.Cart.items}" />
<%-- Iterate through the items --%>
Items in shopping cart: <br/>
<c:forEach var="item" items="${itemsInCart}">
Introduction to EJBs
EJBs are transactional middle-tier components
Session beans provide functionality in the "middle tier"
Stateless session beans are conversation-less
Stateful session beans are conversational (per-client)
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