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Performance/Theory Synthesis Project
Theory and Performance Studies THEA 481 – F'06
This project contains a number of objectives, some of which address developing higher-level
learning skills and others that focused on mastery of the content of the course.
Information Literacy objectives
To construct new knowledge from analysis of an article's main concepts
To understand research articles and recognize an article's structural elements
To edit written reports to improve writing style and content
To analyze a body of written, visual, and auditory sources, draw conclusions, and
develop new insights
Content Objectives
To be able to analyze, differentiate, relate, and explain the various performance
forms and theories of the past sixty years
To be able to formulate and construct a production concept and description that
utilizes one or more post WWII theoretical and performance orientations
To be able to employ such ideas and means in the conception, process, and outcome
of your own theatrical work
The Assignment
This assignment requires you to a) research the origin, theoretical bases, and formal
characteristics of a late 20th-century theatre approach, b) examine and analyze the
work of specific artists and groups that have utilized such an approach, and c) apply
those theories and means to a production of a "classical" theatre text, in so doing,
formulating and creating the production's concept, process, and outcome.
The final paper, therefore, has three parts.
The project, however, consists of a number of elements and will be completed in
stages over the course of the semester.
1. Choose the research topic and formulate a research question
a. This is done early in the semester after we have discussed the
general characteristics of each area and you have had time to
reference the class texts related to them.
b. Note that the choice of performance text and application of the
ideas and form will occur later
c. Deliverable: A prioritized list of your top four research area
choices by the end of the second week
d. Deliverable: Your initial research question and research area, once
it is determined (3rd week)
e. At this point, you begin your research
2. Presentation and exercise on how to read a research article
a. This will also include a review of how, when, and why to cite
b. It will include a review of how and where to find sources
c. Information sources:
i. Peer-reviewed articles
ii. Newspaper and journal reviews
iii. Visual and audio media
iv. Monographs
v. Internet
Presentation and exercise on how to read a performance
Turn in a preliminary list of sources in proper works cited format. It
a. include works from each of the source types in #2 (and perhaps
b. be centered on works whose central concern is the research area
c. include a majority of works that you have determined are the most
significant studies for the area
d. contain at least 12 sources
e. be written in proper MLA bibliographic format
Write a survey of the sources
a. This must explain why you chose the sources that you have
i. It must make an argument for their inclusion
b. It must have an annotational aspect to it, evaluate the comparative
strengths and weaknesses of sources, identify areas of controversy
in the literature, identify valid and unbiased sources, and
formulate questions that need further research.
c. It must demonstrate that you have read and begun to analyze the
d. The list of sources may be expanded, minimally, in later weeks
e. Submit a revised research question and thesis, based upon the
knowledge gained from your survey of the sources.
Submit a paper that will constitute the basis of an oral presentation of
your research area (parts a and b of the paper)
a. All students turn this in at the same time regardless of when they
will give their oral presentation
b. Due following the Holy and Rough theatre units
c. The format of this paper is not significant. The content and the
citation of sources is, however.
d. The paper and presentation must:
i. Present the major ideas and concepts of the area
ii. Present the kinds of theatrical means used in the area
iii. Clarify the relationship between the concepts and the
iv. Present the historical development of the area
v. Present significant examples
Give an oral presentation, with optional media aids, when the topic area
arises in the class schedule (weeks 10-15)
a. The presentation format is of your own choosing. Some ideas for
possible inclusion are:
i. Handouts
ii. PowerPoint presentation
iii. Video
iv. Photographs
v. Audio
vi. Live demonstration
vii. Class participation/involvement
8. Submit which performance text will be incorporated, including a short
paragraph explaining the reason for the choice
a. Submit two possibilities, prioritized
b. The text must be a "classic" or transformable (such as a piece of
literature, poetry, etc.)
c. You must persuade me that the piece will work effectively as a
text for the area you have researched and that it fulfills, in the way
it will be used, the purposes of that area
d. I urge you to make an original choice and one with contemporary
relevance. Rather than, for instance, choosing a play by Brecht to
produce with a Brechtian, rough theatre method, try to find a
piece—perhaps not obviously rough—that will take on new
resonances if produced using a rough theatre approach.
9. Submit draft of first two parts of the paper
10. Submit penultimate full draft for peer review
11. Review/Critique your peer's paper
12. Submit final revised draft
13. Give oral presentation of production concept and implementation in finals
week and submit one page abstract of paper to each student
Evaluation Criteria
Although each step in the project will require its own criteria for evaluation, the
project as a whole will be successful if the student's work:
Evinces rigorous research,
-from a variety of types of sources
-including factual, critical, and theoretical perspectives
-with no omissions of key works
Demonstrates organization, analysis and synthesis of the information in such
(The best projects will construct new knowledge, new theoretical
perspectives or applications.)
Integrates the theoretical perspective and its theatrical means with the
performance text in such a way that new insights arise regarding both/either
the subject and nature of the performance text and/or the theoretical
Uses proper citation format and appropriate citation of sources