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ATMO 551 Fall 2010 Impulse and Work Normally Newton’s second law is written as F=ma which means the force on an object is equal to the object’s mass times its acceleration, where bold indicates a vector. Consider gravity. The acceleration of gravity is independent of the object being pulled. The force of gravity is proportional to the mass of the object being pulled. So two objects with very different masses will accelerate identically but the forces on the two objects will be quite different. The F=ma equation can be written in terms of momentum, p. p is a vector defined as p=mv where m is mass and v is the velocity (vector). Therefore, F = m a = m dv/dt = dp/dt So force equals the time rate of change of momentum of an object. Impulse For understanding the pressure exerted by a gas, we need to think in terms of impulses. An impulse, I, is defined as a finite change in momentum. So I = p But t2 t2 t1 t1 dp p p2 p1 dp dt dt t2 Fdt t1 so I t2 Fdt t1 Now notice that the time average of a quantity, A, is given as A 1 t 2 t1 t2 Adt t1 from which it follows that t2 t2 t1 t1 At 2 t1 A dt Adt So 1 Kursinski 08/30/10 ATMO 551 Fall 2010 I t2 Fdt F t 2 t1 Ft p t1 So an impulse is equal to the average force over a time interval, t, times the length of that time interval. We will use this relation later on understanding the pressure exerted by a gas at the microscopic level. Work Kinetic energy, EK, is 1 E K mv 2 2 Now consider the following quantity, the dot product of the force and infinitesimal change in position: F dx F dx F dy F dz x y z Now consider just one component or consider the direction, x, as the direction along which the force is pushing. So the direction, x, is aligned with F. dv dv dx dv d v 2 m F dx ma dx m dx m dt m v dt m dt dv 2 dt dt dt dt dt 2 2 So F dx is equal to the change in kinetic energy, dEK. This quantity is defined as the change in work, dW. Now integrate F dx along the path, x, where x is in the direction of the acceleration. E K W x2 F d x1 v 2 v 2 x 2 v 2 x1 m d 2 m 2 2 E K x 2 E K x1 v x1 v x 2 So the force on an object times the distance over which it pushes on the object equals the change in the kinetic energy of an object and this process is called Work. 2 Kursinski 08/30/10