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Propaganda Powerful Argument's
Social 10
• Propaganda is a form of biased
communication, aimed at promoting or
demoting certain views, perceptions or agendas.
Propaganda is often associated with
the mechanisms of influencing and altering the
attitude of a population toward a specific cause,
position or political agenda in an effort to form a
consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.
Bandwagon: This technique involves
encouraging people to think or act in some way
simply because other people are doing so
Snob Appeal
Snob appeal: This technique involves making a
claim that one should act or think in a certain way
because of the high social status associated with
the action or thought
Undefined Terms
Vague, undefined terms: This technique
involves promoting or challenging an opinion by
using words that are so vague or so poorly defined
as to be almost meaningless
Loaded Words
Loaded words: This technique involves using
words with strong positive or negative
connotations, or associations. Name-calling is an
example of the use of loaded words.
Transfer: This technique involves making an
illogical association between one thing and
something else that is generally viewed as positive
or negative.
Unreliable Testimonial
Unreliable testimonial: This technique
involves having an unqualified person endorse a
product, action, or opinion.