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Notes: UMARP + F&G September 17, 2012
Val Connor
David Osti
Ramona Swenson…ENTRIX…organizer
Kelly Fritsch DFG
Shakora Azimi Galen Asst exec Director: Delta Conservancy
Steve Science Program
Focus on Ecosystem Restoration
Goals of Restoration
Will implementation of the biological opinions result in environmental changes
that affect populations of salmonids and Delta smelt? McEwan, Dennis
Will the ERP and related programs increase the area of restored habitat in the
Delta? Of specific types of habitat? Program by program? Targets are different f?
Unifying opportunity for UMARP. (Regional)
Acreage of restoration?
What is the “condition” of each type of habitat?
Change in the food web? Outcome that integrates many inputs. Many sources of
change. What attributes of restoration can feed into those things. Nutrients made
available by habitat; turbidity, flows, predation, changes other conditions that will
influence food web
ERP goals: Five..Delta plan
If we see change can aspects of that be attributed to ecosystem restoration?
Regional Scale
How much
How did you maintain it
Populations across types of habitat
Conceptual Models
Tidal marsh model….
Contiguous habitat blocks,
Related to a flood way,
Larger check off conceptual framework for each type of habitat.
Scale: Many smaller projects (550) to yield regional change. Assessment requires
larger scale landscape assessment in conceptual model. Scale down for actual
project. Scale up for monitoring.
Project scale. Monitors implementation…money, do what promised, etc.
Different types of habitat:
Each type of habitat has its own conceptual model.
Tidal habitat most relevant for Delta
Monitor, assess, report at regional scale.
Sum knowledge from several of these to synthesis for this type of restoration
Are there data that track where restoration is at?
How relate to entire system?
Focus on tidal marsh habitat
Pull together data from multiple projects
Next steps:
Question: How will tidal habitat restoration change important
regional ecosystems attributes (and processes)? Identify what we
most expect to change? What should we monitor to understand the
causes of these changes?
Goals: Tie together outcomes of these various restoration projects.
Ultimately will get at: What is the contribution of ecosystem
restoration to changes in the Delta?
Type of habitat: Shallow Tidal Habitats .
Scale: Data that pull together multiple restoration projects
Unify: Data reporting across projects; data from multiple agencies
We are interested in indicators of the broad contribution of these different habitat
to regional ecosystem…don’t get lost in differences among these projects.
Annual trends in native and non-native species residents? Which fish
Progress toward occurrence of and use of restored habitats of this type. (Area)
Contribution to anadromous or migratory species?
Conditionof habitat: measures other than fish communities; habitat; e.g. Delta
smelt food?
Processes: hydrologic regime, tidal regime; energy transfers?
Connectivity: landscape corridors?
Physical and chemical processes?
Flood plain?
Innundation regime?
Projects to integrate across
Cache slough:
Liberty Island (research data and agency monitoring; iep around island; seines and
nets around islands…); inside island is FWS and research; Breach III):
Little Holland Track
Dutch slough
Contrast to Suisun Marsh; Franks Tract, Mildreds,
Yolo Ranch Project
Previous work: CALFED Science workshop on Ecosystem Restoration. 10 pp.
Good group of people. Do we know enough to do and what should we be doing.
Indicators we can sum across restoration projects.
What should we measure is what we want to ask of speakers.
Must be doable or being done. See rules as laid out in UMARP 2 pager.
Interview…understand where this is at?
Who: Experts
…Nick Aumen; What works. Facilitate dialogue.
…Issues and concepts of indicators
…Bill Dennison
…Greg Golet
…Dennis McEwan (FRPA)
…Stuart Siegel
…Carson Jeffres (UC Davis)
…Ted Sommer
….Lenny Grimaldo
…Larry Brown
…Chris Enright
…Si Simenstad
…Denise Reed
…Peggy Lehman
..Leo Winternitz.
Sam sends email with UMARP and UMAP lite to Val.