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Canine Influenza
Canine Influenza is a highly contagious virus that infects the respiratory system. It
is similar to “kennel cough”and easily spreads from one dog to another via air and/or
contact with infected objects. Because this is such a new infectious agent, most dogs have
no natural immunity against this virus, so the majority of dogs exposed will become
infected and 8-10% will die from the infection.
Signs of Canine Influenza
The signs of infection in a dog vary but normally include coughing, nasal
discharge, fever, and decline in attitude and appetite. For those dogs that have only mild
signs of canine influenza, recovery should occur within a week or two, though the cough
may persist for an additional two to three weeks. Some dogs, however, become seriously
ill and may develop additional infections in the lungs which can lead to severe respiratory
complications and even death.
Diagnosis of Canine Influenza
At this time, there is no simple diagnostic test for canine influenza. Blood samples
can be taken to identify the infectious agent, but this process takes several weeks and
certainly cannot help with initial treatment. During the course of treatment, the
veterinarian will need to perform a variety of additional tests. Chest x-rays and
bloodwork will allow the doctor to assess the status of the patient’s condition and treat
Treatment for Canine Influenza
Unfortunately, antibiotics have no effect against viruses and there is no veterinary
approved antiviral drug at this time. Antibiotics can prevent or reduce the chances further
complications when a viral infection is present and may be prescribed. If a dog develops
the severe form of canine influenza and progresses to pneumonia, hospitalization with
supportive care with fluids, IV antibiotics and oxygen therapy will substantially increase
the chances for recovery. Unfortunately, some dogs, regardless of treatment, may not
survive a severe infection.
Prevention of Canine Influenza
The main method of preventing canine influenza, or any other “kennel cough”, is
through regular vaccination with the Flu vaccine. It is also helpful to avoid exposure to
the disease when possible. Unfortunately, infected dogs can be contagious to others even
several days before showing signs themselves. This is why vaccination for canine
influenza is so important.
Talk to Your Veterinarian Today About Canine Influenza and Canine Influenza