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By: Benjamin
I will be doing my power point presentation on the constellation of Pegasus. I’m doing it on Pegasus because I want
to learn the history of Pegasus and the mythology of Pegasus.
Where Pegasus is located?
Pegasus is the constellation in the northern hemisphere,
it is southwest of Andromeda, northwest of Pisces, and
east of Cygnus. Another way of describing where Pegasus
is to say that is rises in the east around 2 a.m and is high
in the southwest the rest of the night.
Description of Pegasus
The big square on the right is the body of Pegasus.
The straight line on the bottom is the leg of
Pegasus. The line next to it is the arm of Pegasus
and the last line on the top is the head of Pegasus.
Greek Mythology of Pegasus
In Greek mythology, Pegasus leapt from the body of the Gorgon Medusa
the monster whose gaze turned people into stone. When Perseus decapitated her. It was tamed by the hero whose name was Bellerophon, the
son of the Corinthian king Glaucus and the grandson of Sisyphus. The
hero helped the Goddess Athena. In Greek mythology, he is best known
for slaying the Chimera, a monster that breathed out fire and had the
head of a lion, a body of a goat and a tail of a serpent. When Bellerophon tried to ascend to Olympus on Pegasus to join the Gods, he fell off.
However, Pegasus made it and stayed with Zeus, carrying the God’s thunder and lightning. It was Zeus who placed Pegasus among the stars.
Pegasus the winged horse, is a constellation that appears in the
south when its autumn for the northern latitudes. The geometrical figure is called “ The great square of Pegasus”. To the observers on earth, the winged horse Pegasus appears to be flying upside down. The vernal equinox, the sun’s location when Spring
begins, is not far from south of the square. To locate the features
of this area, it may be convenient to imagine that the square is
the bowl of the large dipper.
The constellation can be found below the Summer Triangle which
has the constellations of Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila. On the left is
the constellation of Aquarius.
The main stars found in this constellation are: Alpheratz, Algenib,
Scheat and Markab. Those stars make the body of Pegasus.
Stars of Pegasus
The most prominent star is called the Markab. It is a 2nd magnitude. It is the white
star situated on the wing of Pegasus. In Arabic it means a saddle, ship or any other
Another star is called the Scheat. This star is also a 2nd magnitude. It is a deep yellow colour and its situated on the left leg of Pegasus.
Another star is called the Algenib. This star is a 3rd magnitude. It is situated on the
extreme wing of Pegasus.
The last and final star is called the Alpheratz. This connects all three stars of Pegasus. It is the most prominent in the sky towards the end of Summer and through
Autumn for the northern latitudes.
The Great Square Of Pegasus
Constellations near Pegasus
The constellations near Pegasus are:
- Pisces
- Andromeda
- Lacerta
- Equuleus
- Cygnus
- Aquarius
Deep sky objects in Pegasus
Messier 15 is a globular cluster, it has a magnitude of
9.2, with an absolute magnitude of 9.2, M15 is 360,000
times brighter than the sun.
The cluster was discovered by an Italian astronomer
named Jean-Dominique Maraldi in 1764, and included
in Charles Messier’s catalogue in 1764.