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the fixed stars
The star of Pegasus and Andromeda, a lady in distress
THE DISTANT backdrop of deep space
twinkles with unique cosmic energies.
Some stars are glorious and helpful,
while others are negative, even sinister. The fixed stars have been important
since astrology’s earliest days. Fixed is
something of a misnomer. The stars do
move ever so slightly; however, the distance traveled over a century is barely perceptible.
Alpheratz is a purplishwhite double star of the
2nd magnitude located
at 14 degrees Aries 26
minutes. It is benevolent,
with the overall nature of
Venus. A part of two constellations, both Andromeda and Pegasus, Alpheratz has the
added distinction of being among the
fifty stars catalogued by the Elizabethan astrologer William Lilly in his
book Christian Astrology. Alpheratz is
also noted by the 1st-century astrologer
Manilus in his work Astronomica where
it appeared on the title page in a drawing of the constellation Andromeda.
The legend is that King Cepheus and
Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia had a
beautiful daughter. The proud parents
claimed Andromeda was even more
beautiful than the sea nymphs. The
nymphs complained to their father,
Poseidon, who sent a sea monster to
ravage the coast. Terrified, Cepheus
learned that the only way to save his
kingdom was to sacrifice his daughter.
Andromeda was chained to a rock and
left to the mercy of the monster. A hero,
Perseus, had a quick consultation with
the parents who agreed
that he could marry her if
he rescued the situation.
Perseus rode through the
air on the winged horse
Pegasus and turned the
sea monster to stone. The
wedding soon followed.
The name Alpheratz derives from the
Arabic, Al Surrat al Faras, or “the
horse’s navel.” Later this transferred to
Andromeda’s hair or “the head of the
woman in chains.” Ptolemy, the 2ndcentury Greek astronomer, has been
credited with making the switch.
When a fixed star conjoins a luminary
or planet it will dominate the outcome
of events or the path of an individual’s
destiny. Consider only the conjunction when placing a fixed star in a birth
chart, and the orb is just three degrees.
Some keywords showing the significance of Alpheratz’ influence in the
Natal Horoscope are in the chart below.
Alpheratz will exert a great deal of
influence during 2014 – 15. Uranus will
be in orb of a conjunction with this
fixed star most of the year. The aspect
will be strongest when Uranus is at 14
degrees of Aries during April 30 – May
19, 2014; September 26 – October 20,
2014; and again February 20 – March
11, 2015. The total lunar eclipse on
October 8, 2014, will also be in very
close proximity to Alpheratz. At these
times those practicing ritual magic can
invoke the myth archetypes of the rescue of Andromeda by Perseus as well
as the power of flight through calling upon Pegasus. Magical workings
to save those in distress, especially
for the sake of love, and travels for
the sake of pure and virtuous motives
would be favored.
– Dikki-Jo Mullen
Alpheratz’s Influence in Astrology
With the Sun
Honors, favors granted, and assistance from others
(Those born April 1–7 of any year will have Alpheratz conjunct the Sun.)
With the Moon
Energy, good friends, business success, persistence, and wealth
With Mercury
Pioneering work brings prominence; interest in science, religion, philosophy
With Venus
Good health, luck in games of chance, sociable,
pleasant, and a tidy appearance
With Mars
Astute, high energy, success through originality
With Jupiter
Dignity, spiritual growth, good professional networking
With Saturn
Frugal, seeks popularity, domestic harmony,
prone to health problems involving the head
With Uranus
Good speaker, talent in occult studies, honorable,
practical application of inventive ideas
With Neptune
Humane, reformer, charitable, attracted to animals
With Pluto
Interest in big business; good vitality and recuperative powers