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In between the stars in a galaxy, there are
clouds of hydrogen gas and dust called
Our Sun and solar system were probably
formed from one of these Nebula.
The two most accepted theories of how this
occurred are:
 Stellar Collision Theory
 Nebular Hypothesis
Our Sun and the planets were spun off from
collisions between stars
believed to be more likely,
from our observations of
other star systems
that the Sun and planets
formed when a large
nebula condensed and
collected together by
Distances to most stars from Earth are in the
millions of A.U.s
Light Year It is the distance that light, which
moves at 300 000 km/s, travels in a year. It is
equal to about 9.5 trillion km.
Moon takes about 1.3 s
The Sun takes 8 min
Jupiter takes 41 min
Alpha Centauri light takes 4.3 years
Polaris 430 years
Andromeda galaxy of 2.5 million light-years
227,939,100 km ÷ 300,000 km/sec
= 75.997 sec = 1.27 min
(ii)spiral and elliptical galaxies
(iii)giant stars
(iv)dwarf stars
(vi)black holes