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Practical Vertebrate Zoology
Prepared by:
Nada H. Lubbad
The course description and objectives :
• The main objective is to provide an in-depth study of vertebrate
biology with an emphasis on both aquatic vertebrate and terrestrial
vertebrates .
• Labs will focus on the morphology and anatomy of vertebrate ( in a
practical way )
The labs schedule :
Labs No.
Topic covered
Characteristics and Classification of Phylum Chordate
Morphological and Sectional studies of Amphioxus and Lamprey
Quiz (1)
Skeletal system in the rabbit (1) : Axial skeleton
Skeletal system in the rabbit (2) : Appendicular skeletal
Quiz (2)
Skeletal system in the Pigeon
Morphological Characteristic and Modifications in fishes
Quiz (3)
Mummification project
Dissection of the Dog-fish ( Chondrichthyes )
Dissection of the Bolti ( Osteichthyes )
Quiz (4)
Dissection of the Frog ( Amphibia)
Dissection of the Domestic Pigeon ( Aves)
Dissection of the Rabbit ( Mammalia)
The Course Evaluation :
• Attendance
• Activities
• Quizzes
• Mummification project
• Final exam (practical)
The course textbook :
- Practical vertebrate zoology , a laboratory manual.
- PowerPoint Slides .
Introduction to Zoology
Essential Concepts
Branches of Biology
 Zoology definition :
The branch of biology that deals with animals an animal life , including the
study of the structure , physiology , development , and classification of animals .
 Binomial nomenclature :
• In order to create one system that could be used universally, Carolus
Linnaeus developed binomial nomenclature.
• This is a system that uses two names to identify an organism. Specifically, it uses
the genus and species name.
Homo sapiens OR Homo sapiens
• Species = groups of interbreeding natural populations.
• Genus (genera) = all similar species grouped together based on characters that
define the genus.
 Taxonomy :
• The study of naming and classifying organisms.
• Two primary reasons for taxonomy :
- For simple convenience - organizational purposes .
- It tries to show phylogeny or evolutionary history.
• Taxonomic methods depend on :
- Morphology .
- Genetics .
- Behaviors.
 Hierarchical Classification:
• Linnaeus developed a system that went from broadest to most
specific. The levels of classification he used are:
Kings Play Chess On Fat Guys' Stomachs.
The Five Kingdoms
Animal Kingdom
Protista Kingdom
About 95% of species , lack backbones and are collectively called
 Essential Concepts :
1. Body Symmetry
There are four types of body plan symmetry:
• Asymmetry :there are no planes of regular symmetry.
e.g. ,In protozoans such as rhizopods
• Spherical symmetry : the body is divisible into symmetrical
halves in all directions & planes .
e.g. Radiolarians (Protista)
• Radial symmetry: body arranged in circle around a central axis
Found in sessile or floating animals.
Lines of symmetry exist but in vertical plane only
e.g. ,Cnidaria & Echinodermata
Bilateral symmetry: body divides equally along one plane , which splits an
animal into mirror-image sides.
• Animal have dorsal and ventral surfaces ,
anterior and posterior ends .
• Found in freely mobile animals
e.g. the majority of invertebrates & vertebrates.
2. Body Development
 Cephalization :
- It associated with bilateral symmetry .
- It means the concentration of sense organs & feeding apparatus on
on the anterior end.
- Vertebrates possess a highly specialized brain to process sensory
inputs than invertebrate .
 Examples of animals with cephalization :
Insect , crabs ,birds ,fish ,mammals, hydra ,flatworms
Hydra :
and nerve cells
are located at
one end “head”.
Sense organs and a brain
located at one end .
 Metamerism:
• The arrangement of the organs of the body in series of similar units
along the longitudinal axis of the body .
• It is most clearly in annelids , the body divided both externally and
internally into number of segments( metameres ).
• In vertebrate, segmentation appears in muscles, nerves, and
• Gonads in vertebrates are reduced to one pair only, while in
invertebrates, there are several pairs of gonads .
Animal Characterization Based on Features of Embryological
• Fertilization:
The sperm and egg nuclei fuse and the oocyte (n) becomes a zygote (2n). The zygote
is a single, typically diploid, cell. Once the zygote divides into two cells it is called an
"embryo in cleavage."
• Cleavage:
The zygote undergoes cleavage, converting its large yolk-filled cytoplasmic mass into small cells.
No cell growth occurs, only subdivision into increasingly smaller cells, until cells reach regular somatic
cell size.
Patterns of Cleavage - The pattern of cleavage (where and how the zygote divides) is coded in the DNA
and is affected by the quantity and distribution of yolk, as the yolk appears to get in the way of the
cleavage process..
 Egg Classifications:
Isolecithal eggs - small amount of yolk – mammals
Mesolecithal eggs -moderate amount of yolk - typical of amphibian eggs (frog)
Telolecithal eggs - large amount of yolk – typical of birds and reptiles
Centrolecithal eggs – Nuclei copied without cytokinesis (cytoplasm division).
Yolk in center of egg. Nuclei move to surface before forming cell membranes- most
Types of cleavage :
It means the movement of cells .
The process of gastrulation and the parts of a gastrula.
 Gastrulation in details:
• During early animal development, most embryos develop into a blastula or hollow ball
of cells.
• Then they form a gastrula by a process called gastrulation.
• During gastrulation, some of the outer embryonic cells get pushed inward in a process
called invagination.
• This creates many structures, including layers called germ layers.
• The inner hollow part of a blastula called a blastocoel.
• Invagination during gastrulation produces a pocket or space called the archenteron.
• The opening of the archenteron is called the blastopore.
• Depending on the type of animal, a blastopore will become either the mouth or the
 Germ layers :
• Gastrulation, the process that produces different germ layers.
• Germ layers are the initial tissue layers of an embryo, and animals can have up to
1. Ectoderm is the outermost layer of cells.
2. Mesoderm is the middle tissue layer.
3. Endoderm is the innermost germ layer.
Examples of tissue types that come from the three germ layers
Germ Layer
Tissue types
Outer layer of skin, nerves, brain, cornea
and lens of the eye
Connective tissue of skin (dermis), bone,
muscle (including cardiac muscle),
cartilage, blood cells and blood vessels,
fat cells, reproductive tract
Internal lining of organs of the digestive
tract, internal lining of respiratory tract,
Animals develop either two or three embryonic germs layers:
1. Radially-symmetrical animals are diploblasts, developing two germ layers:
• An inner layer (endoderm) and an outer layer (ectoderm).
• Diploblasts have a non-living layer between the endoderm and ectoderm.
2. Bilaterally-symmetrical animals are called triploblasts, developing three tissue layers:
• An inner layer (endoderm), an outer layer (ectoderm), and a middle layer (mesoderm).
During embryogenesis, diploblasts develop two embryonic germ layers: an ectoderm
and an endoderm. Triploblasts develop a third layer, the mesoderm, between the
endoderm and ectoderm.
Presence or Absence of a Coelom
• Triploblasts can be differentiated into three categories:
1. Those that do not develop an internal body cavity called a coelom
2. Those with a true coelom (Eucoelomates),
3. Those with "false" coeloms (Pseudocoelomates) .
 Functions of coelom :
The coelomic cavity represents a fluid-filled space that lies between the visceral organs
and the body wall.
1. It houses the digestive system, kidneys, reproductive organs, and heart, and it contains
the circulatory system.
2. The epithelial membrane also lines the organs within the coelom, connecting and
holding them in position while allowing them some free motion.
3. The coelom also provides space for the diffusion of gases and nutrients, as well as body
flexibility and improved animal motility.
4. The coelom also provides cushioning and shock absorption for the major organ
systems, while allowing organs to move freely for optimal development and placement.
 Embryonic Development of the Mouth
Bilaterally symmetrical ,
triploblastic eucoelomates
- Complex animal : chordates
- Simple animals : Echinoderms
The word Protostome comes from the Greek word meaning "mouth first. "
The word Deuterostomes comes from the Greek word meaning "mouth second. "
Development of the Coelom
There are two processes :
o Schizocoely, when a solid mass of the mesoderm splits apart and forms the hollow
opening of the coelom.
E.g. Protostomes.
o Enterocoely, when the mesoderm develops as pouches that are pinched off from the
endoderm tissue. These pouches eventually fuse to form the mesoderm, which then
gives rise to the coelom.
E.g. Deuterostomes
Eucoelomates can be divided into two groups based on their early embryonic development. In protostomes, part
of the mesoderm separates to form the coelom in a process called schizocoely. In deuterostomes, the mesoderm
pinches off to form the coelom in a process called enterocoely.
General Characteristic of Chordates
• Chordates : A diverse phylum of animals that possess a notochord, a
dorsal, hollow nerve cord, and pharyngeal gill slits as embryos .
• Vertebrates: chordate animals with backbone ( vertebral column),
consisting of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and various
classes of fishes
A generalized diagram of a chordate animal
The presence of FOUR anatomical structures in the embryo stage distinguish
Chordata phylum :
1. Notochord : elastic solid, skeletal rod lying below the nerve cord
and above the alimentary canal.
Replaced by backbone
Persist throughout life
Some fishes
2. Nerve cord : a dorsal, tubular , which is located dorsal to the notochord.
- It persists throughout life in most chordates, but in a few it degenerates
before maturity.
3. Pharyngeal (gill) slits : paired openings leading from the pharynx to the
exterior .
4. Postanal tail : a tail extending beyond the anus .
- By contrast, most non-chordates have a digestive system extends nearly the
whole length of the body
General Characteristic of Vertebrates :
1. Cephalization, highly specialized .
2. Triploblastic.
3. Coelom, the body cavity is divided into separate cavities: Peritoneum,
Pericardium, Pleura.
4. Bilateral symmetry.
5. Metamerism appears in muscles, nerves and vertebrae.
6. Gonads are reduced to one pair only .
7. Presence of vertebral column.
8. The endoskeleton may be made od bone or cartilage or some combination of
these two materials.
9. The brain is encased in skull ( cranium).
10. The heart is divided into two to four chambers , and its ventral in position.
11. Cranial nerves are either ten pairs in anamniotes ( fishes and amphibians) or twelve
pairs in amniotes ( reptiles, birds, and mammals).
12. The sex is separate. Reproduction is sexual. Fertilization may be external or internal.
13. Waste products are removed from the blood by Kidneys .
Glossary :
• Zoology:
The branch of biology that deals with animals an animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology,
development, and classification of animals .
• Taxonomy:
The study of naming and classifying organisms.
• Asymmetry:
there are no planes of regular symmetry.e.g. ,In protozoans such as rhizopods.
• Spherical symmetry:
the body is divisible into symmetrical halves in all directions & planes , e.g. Radiolarians (Protista).
• Radial symmetry:
body arranged in circle around a central axis, it found in sessile or floating animals. Lines of symmetry exist but
in vertical plane only e.g. ,Cnidaria & Echinodermata.
• Bilateral symmetry:
body divides equally along one plane , which splits an animal into mirror-image sides. Animal have dorsal and
ventral surfaces , anterior and posterior ends .Found in freely mobile animals e.g. the majority of invertebrates
& vertebrates.
• Cephalization:
It means the concentration of sense organs & feeding apparatus on the anterior end.
• Metamerism:
The arrangement of the organs of the body in series of similar units along the longitudinal axis of the body .
• Isolecithal eggs - small amount of yolk – mammals
• Mesolecithal eggs -moderate amount of yolk - typical of amphibian eggs (frog)
• Telolecithal eggs - large amount of yolk – typical of birds and reptiles
• Centrolecithal eggs – Nuclei copied without cytokinesis (cytoplasm division). Yolk in center of egg. Nuclei
move to surface before forming cell membranes- most insects .
• Holoblastic : complete cleavage.
• Meroblastic : incomplete cleavage.
• Gastrulation:
the process that produces different germ layers.
• blastula :
hollow ball of cells forms after cleavage.
• Triploblast:
a blastula in which there are three primary germ layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm;
formed during gastrulation of the blastula
• Diploblast:
a blastula in which there are two primary germ layers: the ectoderm and endoderm
• Deuterostome:
Any animal in which the initial pore formed during gastrulation becomes the anus, and the second pore
becomes the mouth
• Protostome:
any animal in which the mouth is derived first from the embryonic blastopore ("mouth first")
the process by which deuterostome animal embryos develop; the coelom forms from pouches "pinched"
off of the digestive tract
the process by which protostome animal embryos develop; it occurs when a coelom (body cavity) is
formed by splitting the mesodermal embryonic tissue
any animal without a coelom, or body cavity
any animal possessing a fluid-filled cavity within which the digestive system is suspended.
• Pseudocoelomate:
It has a coelom derived partly from mesoderm and partly from endoderm. Although still functional, these
are considered false coeloms. The phylum Nematoda (roundworms) is an example.
• archenteron
Invagination during gastrulation produces a pocket or space.