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B cells
B Cell
Naïve B cell
B cells and antibodies
B cell attaches to
antigen cloning of
daughter cells
daughter cells
an antibody
coated virus
Cytotoxic CD8 cells
CD8 cells can recognise
markers on the outside
of infected cells
CD8 destroys infected
cell which stops cell from
producing more virus or bacteria
Antigen presenting cells
These cells
can engulf
to CD4
The foreign organism is broken
up into smaller pieces
CD4 cell
Analogy for the immune system
Naïve and Memory B cells
Naïve B cell
Once activated it divides many times
making two types of clones
 The plasma cell which makes and releases
large amounts of the appropriate antibody
 The memory B cell which can live for years
Memory B cells
The existence of memory B cells means
that the body can respond much more
CD4 and CD8
Cluster of Differentiation
CD4 cells
Th1 (humoral response) Th2 (cell mediated
response) Th0 (??)
CD8 cells
Molecules on the surface of the cells that help the
T cell attach to the antigen
Cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL)
CD45RA – Naïve cells
CD45RO – Memory cells
CD4 count viral load over time
Levels in the Blood
Viral Load
CD4 Count
Set Point
Below the limit of the test
HIV virion
(lipid bilayer)
Protein p18
Protein p24
Vaccine - Ideal characteristics
Prevent transmission by mucosa &
Excellent safety profile
Single dose administration
Offers protection for a long time
Low cost
Stability and ease of administration
Works against a wide range of different
Immune system responses
Humoral response
Cell-mediated response
Based on cytotoxic CD8 cells
Mucosal immunity
Based on antibodies and the B cells that produce
The above but concentrated in the mucosal
membranes where most transmission occurs
Current trend
is to aim to stimulate a sufficient HIV-specific CTL
response to control or prevent HIV infection
Types of vaccine
Live attenuated vaccines
Defective or weakened form of the virus
Previous example original smallpox vaccine,
Research in monkeys indicates may slowly lead to
immune disease
Inactivated or 'killed' vaccines
Recombinant sub-unit envelope vaccines
Recombinant vectored vaccines
DNA vaccines and replicons
Combination vaccines or ‘prime and boost’
Types of vaccine
Live attenuated vaccines
Inactivated or 'killed' vaccines
Second classic technique (e.g. Dr Jonas Salk in
creating the world's first successful polio vaccine)
No-one has yet claimed any significant success
Maybe difficult to distinguish between vaccine
immune response and infection
Recombinant sub-unit envelope vaccines
Recombinant vectored vaccines
DNA vaccines and replicons
Combination vaccines or ‘prime and boost’
Types of vaccine
Live attenuated vaccines
Inactivated or 'killed' vaccines
Recombinant sub-unit envelope vaccines
Seek to stimulate antibodies to HIV by mimicking
proteins on the surface of HIV (e.g. gp120)
Initial research was strain-specific and produced
poor antibody responses
Recently more hope
Recombinant vectored vaccines
DNA vaccines and replicons
Combination vaccines or ‘prime and boost’
Types of vaccine
Live attenuated vaccines
Inactivated or 'killed' vaccines
Recombinant sub-unit envelope vaccines
Recombinant vectored vaccines
incorporate harmless bits of HIV into established
• ALVAC series of vaccines are canarypox based vaccines
• Vaccine strains of adenovirus
• recombinant rabies virus vaccines
DNA vaccines and replicons
Combination vaccines or ‘prime and boost’
Types of vaccine
Live attenuated vaccines
Inactivated or 'killed' vaccines
Recombinant sub-unit envelope vaccines
Recombinant vectored vaccines
DNA vaccines and replicons
involve HIV genetic sequences which, once
injected, induce expression of HIV antigens by
human cells.
In the case of replicons, these sequences are
wrapped in the outer coat of an unrelated virus.
Combination vaccines or ‘prime and boost’