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Yasar Kucukardali Professor , Internal Medicine Yeditepe University Aim of the lecture Definition………………………………………………3 minute Epidemiologic determination ………………......... 5 Mechanism of the drug interactions …………… 10 Prevention …………………………………………… 7 Examples of the major drug interactions ………... 15 Mini test ……………………………………………….5 definition Drug interactions Definition; it is the modification of the effect of one drug (the object drug ) by the prior concomitant administration of another (precipitant drug). drug-drug interactions drug-nutrient interactions drug-herb interactions definition Outcomes of drug interactions 1) Loss of therapeutic effect 2) Toxicity 3) Unexpected increase in pharmacological activity 4) Beneficial effects (additive & potentiation) or antagonism DRUG-DRUG INTERACTİONS Drug-drug interactions can involve prescription or nonprescription (overthe-counter) drugs. Types of drug-drug interactions include duplication opposition (antagonism) alteration of what the body does to one or both drugs Duplication their side effects may be intensified For example, a cold remedy and a sleep aid, both of which contain diphenhydramine , a cold remedy and a pain reliever, both of which contain acetaminophen Awareness of drug ingredients is important, as is checking each new drug to avoid duplication. Opposition (Antagonism) Two drugs with opposing actions can interact, thereby reducing the effectiveness of one or both. For example, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs—see Pain: Nonsteroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs), such as ibuprofen , which are taken to relieve pain, may cause the body to retain salt and fluid. Diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide, help rid the body of excess salt and fluid. If a person takes both types of drug, the NSAID may reduce the diuretic's effectiveness. Certain beta-blockers (such as propranolol ), taken to control high blood pressure and heart disease, counteract betaadrenergic stimulants, such as albuterol , taken to manage asthma. Both types of drugs target the same cell receptors—beta-2 receptors (see ), but one type blocks them, and the other stimulates them. definition Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are an important subgroup of ADEs which are highly prevalent in patients receiving multiple-drug treatment . DDIs may lead to severe adverse events which can result in patient hospitalization. epidemiology Epidemiology Estimates about the incidence of DDIs in different countries vary from 6% to 70% due to variability in methodologies and settings . 20% of hospitalized patients were susceptible to DDIs Some studies have estimated that up to 3% of hospital admissions are caused by DDIs . epidemiology Disease conditions Four conditions that must be approached with special caution when prescribing any drug are heart failure renal disease hepatic failure elderly patient these are the groups of patients that should be treated with caution due to a specific heath condition e.g., pregnant women, malignant cases, diabetic patients, asthmatic patients As kidney or liver function declines, the renal and hepatic elimination of drugs decreases, leading to lower dosage requirements for renally and hepatically cleared agents, respectively. epidemiology following characteristics of patients are important for drug pharmacokinetics Age: Most drugs were studied in adult patients and recommended dosages may vary in different age groups. Sex: Although data are limited, male and female patients can metabolize and eliminate drugs differently, so the optimal drug dosages may differ. Weight: For patients who are obese or cachectic, changes in drug clearance or volume of distribution often necessitate dosage adjustments. epidemiology Genetics Pharmacogenomics is the study of the relationship of genetics in drug metabolism and ADRs. In a systematic review by Phillips and colleagues, of 27 drugs known to frequently cause ADRs, 59% were known to be influenced by individual patient genetic characteristics. epidemiology High-risk drugs Several drug classes have been consistently associated with ADEs in studies of hospitalized patients . Anticoagulants, anti-hyperglycemic agents, sedatives, narcotics, antibiotics, antipsychotics, chemotherapeutic agents are among the leading drug classes associated with ADEs in adults . monitoring has been widely used to guide therapy with specific agents, such as certain antiarrhythmics, anticonvulsants, and antibiotics For drugs with a narrow therapeutic window, this leads to an increased likelihood of dose-related toxicity. An example is digoxin, whose elimination is dependent on P-glycoprotein; many drugs inhibit P-glycoprotein activity (amiodarone, quinidine, erythromycin, cyclosporine, itraconazole) and coadministration of these with digoxin reduces digoxin clearance, and increases toxicity unless maintenance doses are lowered. BİOAVAİLABİLİTY When a drug is administered orally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, rectally, sublingually, or directly into desired sites of action, the amount of drug actually entering the systemic circulation may be less than with the intravenous route . The fraction of drug available to the systemic circulation by other routes is termed bioavailability. Bioavailability may be <100% for two reasons: (1) absorption is reduced, (2) the drug undergoes metabolism or elimination prior to entering the systemic circulation. epidemiology Drug Interactions In pharmacokinetic interactions, a drug usually alters absorption, distribution, protein binding, metabolism, or excretion of another drug Thus, the amount and persistence of available drug at receptor sites change Pharmacokinetic interactions alter magnitude and duration, not type, of effect They are often predicted by monitoring drug concentrations or clinical signs In pharmacodynamic interactions, one drug alters the sensitivity or responsiveness of tissues to another drug by having the same (agonistic) or a blocking (antagonistic) effect. These effects usually occur at the receptor level but may occur intracellularly. Absorption Drug absorption is determined by the drug's physicochemical properties formulation route of administration Dosage forms (eg, tablets, capsules, solutions) Given by various routes (eg, oral, buccal, sublingualrectal, parenteral, topical, inhalational) Unless given IV, a drug must cross several semipermeable cell membranes before it reaches the systemic circulation Drugs may cross cell membranes by passive diffusion facilitated passive diffusion active transport pinocytosis mechanism Examples Examples ORAL ADMİNİSTRATİON Absorption is affected by differences in luminal pH along the GI tract, surface area per luminal volume, blood perfusion, the presence of bile and mucus, and the nature of epithelial membranes ORAL ADMİNİSTRATİON Because most absorption occurs in the small intestine, gastric emptying is often the rate-limiting step. Food, especially fatty food, slows gastric emptying (and rate of drug absorption) The small intestine has the largest surface area for drug absorption in the GI tract, and its membranes are more permeable than those in the stomach. For these reasons, most drugs are absorbed primarily in the small intestine PARENTERAL ADMİNİSTRATİON Drugs given IV directly enter the systemic circulation. However, drugs injected IM or sc must cross one or more biologic membranes to reach the systemic circulation. Perfusion (blood flow/gram of tissue) greatly affects capillary absorption of small molecules injected IM or sc. Distribution Distribution is generally uneven because of differences in blood perfusion, tissue binding (eg, because of lipid content), regional pH, permeability of cell membranes. Excretion The kidneys, which excrete water-soluble substances, are the principal organs of excretion. The biliary system contributes to excretion to the degree that drug is not reabsorbed from the GI tract. Generally, the contribution of intestine, saliva, sweat, breast milk, and lungs to excretion is small, except for exhalation of volatile anesthetics. Hepatic metabolism often makes drugs more polar and thus more water soluble. The resulting metabolites are then more readily excreted. Renal excretion Renal filtration accounts for most drug excretion. Polar compounds, which include most drug metabolites, cannot diffuse back into the circulation and are excreted unless a specific transport mechanism exists for their reabsorption (eg, as for glucose, ascorbic acid, and B vitamins). With aging, renal drug excretion decreases at age 80, clearance is typically reduced to ½ of what it was at age 30. Renal excretion Urine pH, which varies from 4.5 to 8.0, may markedly affect drug reabsorption and excretion by determining whether a weak acid or base is in an un-ionized or ionized form Acidification of urine increases reabsorption and decreases excretion of weak acids and decreases reabsorption of weak bases. Alkalinization of urine has the opposite effect. Metabolism The liver is the principal site of drug metabolism Although metabolism typically inactivates drugs, some drug metabolites are pharmacologically active An inactive or weakly active substance that has an active metabolite is called a prodrug Drugs can be metabolized by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, hydration, conjugation, condensation, or isomerization; whatever the process, the goal is to make the drug easier to excrete Metabolism For many drugs, metabolism occurs in 2 phases. Phase I reactions involve formation of a new or modified functional group or cleavage (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis) Phase II reactions involve conjugation with an endogenous substance (eg, glucuronic acid, sulfate, glycine) Cytochrome P-450 The most important enzyme system of phase I metabolism is cytochrome P-450 (CYP-450), a microsomal superfamily of isoenzymes that catalyze the oxidation of many drugs CYP-450 enzymes can be induced or inhibited by many drugs and substances, helping explain many drug interactions in which one drug enhances the toxicity or reduces the therapeutic effect of another drug For examples With aging, the liver's capacity for metabolism through the CYP-450 enzyme system is reduced by ≥ 30% because liver volume and hepatic blood flow are decreased. Thus, drugs that are metabolized through this system reach higher levels and have prolonged half-lives in the elderly Statistically, if you take six different drugs, you have an 80 percent chance of at least one drug-drug interaction. Wayne K. Anderson, Dean, State University of New York School of Pharmacy pharmacodynamic interactions Pharmacodynamics, described as what a drug does to the body ( pharmacokinetics-what the body does to a drug) involves receptor binding (including receptor sensitivity) postreceptor effects chemical interactions The pharmacologic response depends on the drug binding to its target. The concentration of the drug at the receptor site influences the drug's effect. Drug-Receptor Interactions Ability to bind to a receptor is influenced by external factors as well as by intracellular regulatory mechanisms drugs, aging, genetic mutations, disorders increase (up-regulate) or decrease (down-regulate) the number and binding affinity of receptors For example, clonidine down-regulates α2-receptors; thus, rapid withdrawal of clonidine can cause hypertensive crisis. Chronic therapy with β-blockers up-regulates βreceptor density; thus, severe hypertension or tachycardia can result from abrupt withdrawal. Agonists and antagonists Agonist drugs activate receptors. Many hormones, neurotransmitters (eg, acetylcholine, histamine, norepinephrine), and drugs (eg, morphine , phenylephrine , isoproterenol act as agonists Antagonists prevent receptor activation. Preventing activation has many effects. Antagonist drugs increase cellular function if they block the action of a substance that normally decreases cellular function. Antagonist drugs decrease cellular function if they block the action of a substance that normally increases cellular function. Reversible antagonists readily dissociate from their receptor; Irreversible antagonists form a stable, permanent or nearly permanent chemical bond pharmacodynamic interactions A drug's pharmacodynamics can be affected by physiologic changes due to disorders aging other drugs Disorders that affect pharmacodynamic responses include genetic mutations thyrotoxicosis malnutrition myasthenia gravis Parkinson's disease some forms of insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus These disorders can change receptor binding, alter the level of binding proteins, or decrease receptor sensitivity. mechanism Pharmacodynamic Mechanisms When drugs with similar pharmacologic effects are administered concurrently, an additive or synergistic response is usually seen. The two drugs may or may not act on the same receptor to produce such effects. In theory, drugs acting on the same receptor or process are usually additive, eg, benzodiazepines plus barbiturates. Drugs acting on different receptors or sequential processes may be synergistic, eg, nitrates plus sildenafil Conversely, drugs with opposing pharmacologic effects may reduce the response to one or both drugs. Minimizing drug interactions Prescribers should know all drugs taken by patients all OTC drugs herbal products nutritional supplements Asking patients about diet and alcohol consumption The fewest drugs in the lowest doses for the shortest possible time should be prescribed. The effects, desired and undesired, of all drugs taken should be determined because these effects usually include the spectrum of drug interactions Patients should be observed and monitored for adverse events prevention DETECTION METHODS Voluntary reporting by clinicians detects a small fraction of ADEs. Medical record or chart review is a more systematic method for identifying ADEs, detecting many more ADEs compared to voluntary reporting (65 versus 4 percent) and computerized surveillance (65 versus 45 percent) Computerized surveillance detects many events not captured by voluntary reporting Direct observation by trained staff is regarded as the most effective method to detect medication administration errors prevention INTERVENTIONS Several interventions have been used to prevent ADEs and can generally be categorized as provider-based system-based interventions. Provider-based and system-based interventions should be used together to optimally prevent ADEs. prevention Examples Examples Grapefruit juice can act as an enzyme inhibitor. Warfarin — NSAIDs IMPACT: Potential for serious gastrointestinal bleeding MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: NSAIDs increase gastric irritation and erosion of the protective lining of the stomach, assisting in the formation of a GI bleed. Additionally, NSAIDs decrease the cohesive properties of platelets necessary in clot formation. PREVENTION: Avoid concomitant use of an NSAID with warfarin. If anti-pyretic effects are desired, then consider acetaminophen. Acetaminophen in doses less than 2g/day on a short-term basis does not appear to affect the INR. If anti-inflammatory effects are necessary, then consider cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor therapy. If analgesic effects are desired, caution should also be exhibited with the use of tramadol; MANAGEMENT: Prothrombin time and INR should be monitored every week with co-administration of warfarin with an NSAID. Signs and symptoms of an active bleed should be monitored Warfarin — Sulfa drugs IMPACT: Increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: clinicians hypothesize that warfarin’s activity is prolonged due to a decreased production of vitamin K by intestinal flora affected by systemic antibiotic administration. PREVENTION: Avoid concomitant use of a sulfa drug with warfarin, particularly sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim. Identify microbial pathogen prior to initiation of antibiotic therapy. If use of a sulfa drug is imperative, then reduce warfarin dose by 50% during antibiotic administration and for one week following completion of the antibiotic. MANAGEMENT: Prothrombin time and INR should be monitored every week during co-administration of warfarin with a sulfa drug. Signs and symptoms of an active bleed should be monitored Warfarin — Macrolides IMPACT: Increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Erythromycin inhibits the metabolism and subsequent clearance of warfarin from the body. The activity of warfarin may also be prolonged due to alterations in the intestinal flora and its production of vitamin K for clotting factor production. PREVENTION: Concomitant use of a macrolide with warfarin should be avoided; switch to an alternative antibiotic. Microbial pathogen identification prior to antibiotic initiation will decrease the prevalence of unnecessary drug interaction risk. MANAGEMENT: If use of a macrolide is imperative, then monitor INR every other day and adjust warfarin dosing as necessary. Signs and symptoms of an active bleed should be monitored Warfarin — Quinolones IMPACT: Increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Reduction of intestinal flora responsible for vitamin K production by antibiotics is probable as well as decreased metabolism and clearance of warfarin. PREVENTION: Culture and identify microbial pathogen prior to initiation of antibiotic therapy. Consider culture sensitivity screening. quinolone selection should focus on one of the newer agents that has not demonstrated significant impairment of warfarin metabolism. MANAGEMENT: Prothrombin time and INR should be monitored during co-administration of warfarin with a quinolone. If use of ciprofloxacin is imperative, then monitor INR every other day and adjust warfarin dose as necessary. Signs and symptoms of an active bleed should be monitored Warfarin — Phenytoin IMPACT: Increased effects of warfarin and/or phenytoin MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Currently unknown, but one theory suggests a genetic basis involving liver metabolism of warfarin and phenytoin. PREVENTION: Obtain baseline phenytoin levels prior to initiation of warfarin. Monitor INR during co-administration. Target INR should be towards the lower end of the therapeutic range. MANAGEMENT: Prothrombin time, INR , and phenytoin levels should be monitored during co-administration. Signs and symptoms of an active bleed should be monitored daily with particular attention to the appearance and patterns of bruises. ACE inhibitors — Potassium supplements IMPACT: Elevated serum potassium MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Inhibition of ACE results in decreased aldosterone production and potentially decreased potassium excretion. PREVENTION: Draw potassium level prior to initiation of ACE-inhibitor in a patient. MANAGEMENT: Potassium levels greater than 5 should be monitored carefully due to risk of severe hyperkalemia and EKG changes. Watch renal function (BUN, SCr) also. Adjust potassium supplementation if levels increase. ACE inhibitors — Spironolactone IMPACT: Elevated serum potassium levels MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Unknown, possibly an additive effect. PREVENTION: Draw potassium level prior to initiation of spironolactone in a patient. MANAGEMENT: Potassium levels greater than 5 should be monitored carefully due to risk of severe hyperkalemia and EKG changes. Watch renal function (BUN, SCr) also. Avoid potassium supplements in patients taking this combination of medications, unless the need is documented and the patient is monitored closely for hyperkalemia. Digoxin — Amiodarone IMPACT: Digoxin toxicity MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Amiodarone may decrease the clearance of digoxin, resulting in prolonged digoxin activity. There may also be an additive effect on the sinus node of the heart. PREVENTION: Obtain digoxin level prior to initiation of amiodarone therapy. Then, decrease dose of digoxin by 50% and monitor digoxin levels once weekly for several weeks. MANAGEMENT: Maintain digoxin level between 1-2. Monitor for signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity (abdominal pain, anorexia, bizarre mental symptoms in the elderly, blurred vision, bradycardia, confusion, delirium, depression, diarrhea, disorientation, drowsiness, fatigue, hallucinations, halos around lights, reduction in visual acuity, mydriasis nausea, neuralgia, nightmares, personality changes, photophobia, restlessness, vertigo, vomiting, and weakness). Digoxin — Verapamil IMPACT: Digoxin toxicity MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Synergistic effect of slowing impulse conduction and muscle contractility, leading to bradycardia and possible heart block. PREVENTION: Monitor heart rate and EKG–PR interval. Evaluate selection of verapamil and digoxin. If patient has CHF, note that verapamil has no proven benefit in reducing mortality or morbidity; furthermore, digoxin offers no additional benefit in mortality, but does improve symptomatology. MANAGEMENT: Monitor heart rate and EKG–PR interval. Monitor for signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity Theophylline — Quinolones IMPACT: Theophylline toxicity MECHANISM OF INTERACTION: Inhibition of hepatic metabolism of theophylline by the quinolones. PREVENTION: Obtain theophylline level prior to initiation of a quinolone. Of the quinolones, enoxacin and ciprofloxacin reduce theophylline clearance by 30-84%. Consider switching to gatifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, or trovafloxacin; these agents appear not to inhibit theophylline metabolism. MANAGEMENT: Monitor theophylline levels. Maintain level within targeted range of 5-15mcg/mL; however, theophylline toxicity may result even when the level is within the targeted range. Signs and symptoms of theophylline toxicity include seizures, nausea, and vomiting. Summary The benefits of drug therapy / risk The smallest dosage necessary to produce the desired effect should be used. The number of medications and doses per day should be minimized. Electronic tools to search databases of literature and unbiased opinion will become increasingly commonplace. Genetics play a role in determining variability in drug response and may become a part of clinical practice. Electronic medical record and pharmacy systems will increasingly incorporate prescribing advice, such as indicated medications not used; unindicated medications being prescribed; and potential dosing errors, drug interactions, or genetically determined drug responses. Prescribers should be particularly wary when adding or stopping specific drugs that are especially liable to provoke interactions and adverse reactions. Prescribers should use only a limited number of drugs, with which they are thoroughly familiar. Following conditions that must be approached with special caution when prescribing any drug. Which one is wrong? A-heart failure B-renal disease, C-rheumatismal disease D-hepatic failure E-elderly patient Following factors contrubuting factors to drug interactions Which one is wrong A-Multiple drug therapy B-Poor patient compliance C-Enviremental factors D-Multiple diseases E-Drug related factors Which one is the mechanism of the pharmacodynamic grug interactions ? A-Reduced plasma protein binding B-Altered tissue distribution C-Altered hepatic metabolism D-Altered renal excretion E-Potentiation/antagonism at target receptor Following measures should be take to reducing the risk of drug interactions. Which one is wrong ? A-İdentify the patients risk factors B-Take throught drug history C-Consider therapeutic alternatives D-Use low dose drug E-Monitor therapy Which one is correct related to serious drug interactions ? A-Warfarin plus ciprofloxacin (increased effect of warfarin) B-Sildenafil plus nitrates ( dramatic hypotension) C-Statin plus gemfibrosil ( Rhabdomyoliysis D-SSRI plus Monoamin oxidase inhibitors ( hypertansive crisis) E-All