Download What evidence exists to support the Theory that an Asteroid Impact

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Describe and evaluate the advantages and
disadvantages of different fuel sources.
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme:
 Fossil fuels are non-renewable/release
pollutants/contribute to acid rain
 Fossil fuels are readily available/low fuel costs/easily
 Nuclear fuels are non-renewable/produce radioactive
waste/health risks due to exposure
 Nuclear fuels release no carbon dioxide or sulphur
dioxide emissions/conserves fossil fuels/cheap to run.
 Biomass is renewable/does not increase surface
carbon levels.
 Biomass still releases carbon dioxide
Explain how passive solar heating
can be used to heat a greenhouse.
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme:
• The sun is very hot
• Visible light/short wavelength infrared energy
directly from the sun
• Transmitted through glass (transparent)
• Absorbed by walls, floors and furniture in the room.
• At night the walls, floors and furniture re-emit the
energy as infrared with longer wavelengths as they
are not as hot.
• This radiation is not transmitted but reflected back
into the room.
What evidence exists to support the
Theory that an Asteroid Impact was
responsible for the extinction of the
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme: any 6 from below:
• KT boundary: below this boundary there are fossils and above this
boundary there are none [1]
• Rare metal element Iridium which is only usually found in
meteorites/asteroids is found in the KT boundary [1]
• Shocked Quartz (in the KT boundary) shows a huge impact must have
occurred with a large force [1]
• Shocked Quartz and Iridium is not spread evenly but is thicker in the South
east suggested an impact occurred here [1]
• Yucatan Peninsula has horseshoe features that match the crater predicted
and also there is shocked quartz and iridium found here [1]
• Crater found on the Yucatan Peninsula – same size as was predicted [1]
• Cenotes (large circular holes with underground lakes) in Yucatan Peninsula –
these are found along fault lines but there are no known fault lines here so
they must have formed from an impact [1]
• Patterns of Cenotes match the shape of the crater found on the Yucatan
Peninsula [1]
• Can’t be coincidence that a large impact occurred and then suddenly the
dinosaurs were gone – the impact must have caused the extinction [1]
How is the evolution of our own star
the Sun different from stars which
are much larger? What will happen
to the Sun when it runs out of fuel?
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme: any 6 from below:
• When our own star, the Sun, runs out of fuel it
will go on to form a red giant [1]
• More massive stars will go on to form red super
giants [1]
• The Sun will emit it’s outer layers as a planetary
nebula [1] and then be left as a white dwarf [1]
which will cool to form a black dwarf [1].
• A more massive star will erupt as a supernova [1]
and then either form a neutron star [1] or a black
hole [1].
Describe how the moon was
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme:
• Earth and a second smaller planet (Thea) collided.
• The force of the collision was enough to nearly destroy
both planets.
• The iron of both planets was dense and became
concentrated into Earth’s core.
• The less dense rocks orbited Earth in an accretion disc.
• These rocks clumped together to form the Moon.
• The evidence is that there is no iron on the moon and
that it contains the same oxygen compositions as Earth.
Explain the evidence that exists
for the Big Bang.
[6 marks]
The Mark Scheme:
• universe is finite in size as shown by the finite numbers
of stars.
• light from galaxies shows red shift
• correct explanation of red-shift
• those galaxies moving away fastest/further away show
the most red shift
• the remnants of the Big Bang can be shown as the
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
• statement relating to the volume of supporting
evidence and agreement from scientists in both
theoretic and experimental work.