Download Fertilizer by the numbers! The numbers on the fertilizer bag tells you

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Fertilizer by the numbers!
 The numbers on the fertilizer bag tells you the percentage of the three major nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphate (P),
and potash (K), in the product. That is the sequence of the nutrients and the corresponding number on the bag, and
will always be in that order, N, P, K. Each of these nutrients effect plant growth differently, the formulation of fertilize
that you choose depends on your specific growing needs.
 Nitrogen (N) promotes vigorous plant growth for all flowers, vegetable plants and grass. Nitrogen produces more
plant leaves, helps produce a darker green plant color by encouraging chlorophyll formation, and nitrogen is also a
building block for plant protein.
 Phosphate/ Phosphorus (P) stimulates healthy root formation in flowers, vegetable plants and grass. Phosphate
helps flowering plants reach maturity earlier, increases the plant's flowering ability and increase the size of the
 Potash/ Potassium (K) promotes fruit and vegetable formation, strengthens the plant tissues, and is essential for
photosynthesis. Potash also increases the plant's resistance to disease and increases the plant or tree's ability to
survive the cold winter months.
 Fe is Iron. Iron promote a greener/darker lawn.
 S is Sulphur. Sulphur lowers the ph of the soil. Colorado soil tends to have a higher ph, especially around
evergreen trees and bushes, which raise the acidity (ph). A lower ph also helps iron absorb better.
Soil Penetrants (Revive Granules) are used for soils that are difficult to absorb water, such as clay soils or steep slopes.
It stimulates faster recovery of drought damage by allowing better water penetration, reduces watering, and will allow
fertilizers to become more effective because of more uniform distribution. It can be mixed with and spread with dry