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DPW Business and Technical Standards
Revised 06/11/01
The DBA has evaluated and selected only one 3rd party software tool that may
be used to administer a SQL SERVER database. Due to varied licensing
arrangements you will have to consult DBA staff in order to determine availability
of tools by platform. DBA will be looking into performance monitoring tools in the
near future. The current tool is:
Database Management Tool
Used by DBA staff to manage Database
SQL SERVER comes with Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, Profiler, Index
Tuning Wizard, and Performance Monitor. These tools are all used by the DBA to
monitor the SQL SERVER servers. The NT event viewer is also utilized for
monitoring the servers. The developers may utilize the Query Analyzer to run
queries for testing and optimization.
SQL Mail will be utilized by the DBA to set up alerts and notifications for
administrative purposes. Microsoft English Query, DTS, OLAP Services, and
Pivot Table Services (Office) are available to design and build cost effective data
warehousing solutions. Microsoft also provides full text search capabilities as well
as MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) that along with MSDTC (Microsoft
Distributed Transaction Coordinator) provide the ability for cross server
transactions. The Microsoft Repository is also available to store metadata for
SQL SERVER objects. Replication support is also available with SQL SERVER
as well as distributed queries over linked servers. Other DBA related tools are
available through the SQL SERVER resource kit and NT option pack.
SQL SERVER Tools.doc
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