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Greek God/Goddess Research Project
The Greek Gods and Goddesses were an interesting group of individuals that were constantly
starting trouble, seeking retribution, and falling in love. For each of the gods there are hundreds
of stories that teach us about their unique personalities and their place in Greek culture.
Overview of project:
For the next week of class, you will be working to research, write about, and design a symbol for one of the
sixteen Greek Gods/Goddesses listed below. Select a God or Goddess that you feel compliments your
personality: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Eros, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera,
Hermes, Hestia, Pan, Poseidon, and Zeus.
Directions for research:
Answer the following questions to complete your investigation. Be sure to take notes for your research
in dot-jot form and record the source each set of notes came from on index cards. You must keep your
research sources straight! All research notes should be hand-written!
1. Name of your God/Goddess (slide #1)
2. What are the powers and character traits associated with your God/Goddess? (slide #2)
3. Can you find a specific myth or story that shows how your God/Goddess attained these powers? What are
some examples/stories that show your God/Goddess’s character traits? (slide #3)
4. What are the special symbols (objects) or animals that are associated with your God/Goddess? (slide #4)
5. How did these symbols, objects or animals come to be associated with your God/Goddess? (slide #5)
6. Choose one myth in which your God/Goddess is a character, to summarize in your PowerPoint. The myth
should show how a particular symbol or animal came to be associated with your God/Goddess or show
something significant about your God/Goddess’ personality or powers. (slide #6)
7. *This is considered a research project; therefore, it is very important that you be sure to cite your sources!
For each source that you use (book or website), please be sure that you compile all of the correct
information. You will use this information later to complete a WORKS CITED slide for your presentation.
You must use a total of at least TWO sources (can be more) for this project. At least one source must be
a book and at least one source must be a trusted website from the list on the webpage for this project!
(slide #7)
Directions for project:
1) Use the books provided in class and the trusted links provided for this project to research your God or
Goddess. Some are listed below.
** A general Google search on your God/Goddess is not recommended. Remember, anyone can post things
on the web so you need to make sure it is a reliable site for information. That being said, you may use a
Google search to find more specific information on a topic that you have discovered on one of the websites
above. For example, if you find a reference to information surrounding your god and a specific animal
associated with him/her and the reference doesn’t go into detail, try doing a Google search using “Name of
god” “animal” to see what results you find. However, the sources provided to you through the library and
the books in the classroom should provide you will all of the necessary information required.
2) After you have completed your research, you will create a PowerPoint to display your information. You
must have at least one slide for each required item (can be found on Pg. 1).
3) Choose a symbol to represent your God or Goddess and create a replica to accompany your presentation.
4) You will present your research to the class, along with your symbol. You will be required to wear a toga for
your presentation and explain your symbol during your presentation as well.
Due dates for project:
Tuesday 4/5 – Begin research and gather notes for your first source.
Wednesday 4/6 – Continue research and move onto second source. Should have detailed research notes from at least
TWO sources!
Thursday 4/7 – Most, if not all of your research should be complete by the end of class. You should begin working
on your PowerPoint.
Friday 4/8 – If not already started, begin working on symbol. You may need to complete the symbol over the weekend.
Monday 4/11- All symbols for projects are DUE – NO EXCEPTIONS! Research presentations. Everyone must be
ready to present. If people are absent we keep moving down the list-so be ready even if it wasn’t the original day
you signed up for!