* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
MYTHS IN OUR MODERN WORLD Myths? They are just fantastic stories about long ago; they don’t belong in our world. Right? Wrong! Even though you may not be aware of them, myths still play a part in our daily life. Perhaps you’d like proof? Let’s imagine that when you got up this morning, you washed your face with Dove soap before going down to breakfast. While you were eating your cereal, you happened to notice that your mom’s Starbucks logo is a woman with fins like a mermaid. Just then, your mom called to you to hurry. You were already late for school, and she’d have to give you a ride in the Mercury. In your first class, you took out your trident gum and passed a piece to a friend. English came next. You were expected to write a paragraph, using chronological order. In science, your teacher explained the characteristics of arachnids. In geography your class looked at atlases from around the world. After school, you put on your Nike running shoes. Later your track coach told you your time was off. You thought that was probably because of your Achilles tendon was sore. Back home you checked the bulletin board and found that your household chore for the day was cleaning the bathroom with Ajax cleaner. Finally, with chores and homework finished you turn on your Panasonic TV. How alert were you to the part mythic characters played in your day? In the imaginary account of your day, try to find 12 references to myths and list them below. Many are proper nouns or adjectives, but some are indirect references to the characters in myths. Please write the mythological reference and the letter of the description. 1. Ex. Dove Soap, A 9. 2. 10. 3. 11. 4. 12. 5. 6. 7 8. A. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, unity and peace. The gentle dove was her symbol. B. Demeter (Ceres was her Roman name) was the goddess of agriculture. A popular type of breakfast food derives its name from her Roman name. C. Sirens were dangerous and devious who lived in the ocean and would lure sailors with their enchanting music. D. When this great Greek warrior was a boy, his mother, hoping to make him immortal, dipped him in the river Styx, but she held him by his heel, and it remained vulnerable to injury. E. Like the warrior in description, this Greek was capable of destroying all who came his way. Today, a powerful cleanser bears his name. F. One of the old gods, Cronus, was the father of Zeus. You probably know him as Father Time. In Greek his name means “time.” G. The goddess Athena taught the young woman Arachne to weave. Arachne became so skillful that she challenges Athena to a weaving contest and so angered the goddess that Athena changed the girl into a spider. H. Nike the goddess of victory rewarded the winners of athletic contests. I. Atlas was a Trojan who was doomed to support the heavens on his shoulders. J. Hermes (Mercury was his Roman name) moved swiftly because he had winged sandals and a winged cap. K. The god of woods and fields. Pan’s name means all or every. L. The trident was the weapon of Poseidon. It was said to the most powerful.