* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
______________’s GREEK GODS/GODDESSES - STATISTICS CARD Due Date: ______ For this project, research background information about your god/goddess, and read myths that involve your god. With this information, create a statistics card, as described below. Cover Criteria: COVER POINTS: +_____/10 Include on the cover the Greek name of your god, clearly visible and spelled correctly and a drawn picture representing your god on one side of the card. You can draw what you think the character looks like, but it must clearly represent your god. For example, if you were assigned Hestia, you could draw this goddess of the hearth and home standing near a fireplace. If you do not want to draw a human figure, you can draw a symbol or symbols that represent the god. A bunch of grapes and a wine goblet, for example, represent Dionysus, the god of wine. Use colored pencils or markers and work NEATLY. Statistics Criteria: STATISTICS POINTS: +_____/15 On the back, include the following information. Any information starred and listed in boldface must be included on your card. Anything not starred should be included if the information applies to your god. *Your name, date and core (1 point) _____ *Greek Name: (1 point) _____ *God/Goddess of: Protector of: (2 points) _____ *Symbol(s) (2 points) _____ *Family History (all that apply) Mother and Father: Spouse (s) Sisters and Brothers: Children: (3 points) _____ *Character/Personality Traits (3 points) _____ *Looks--Describe what the god or goddess looks like. Include physical characteristics, typical clothing worn, what the god is commonly found holding, etc. (3 points) _____ Mechanics Criteria: Spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation A B C Mechanics Points: D +_____/5 Total: +______ /30