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Verbs for Elegant Exposition:
Choose your Own Adventure
In revising your expository paragraphs, one thing you can pay attention to is the
verbs you are using. Take a look at your paragraph to determine which verb
adventure is right for you!
If the majority of the verbs in your paragraph are existential (is, was, has), go to the
Developing Section.
If you use verbs other than existential ones (is, has, was) but the verbs tend to be
fairly common (begins, ends, uses, runs, goes), proceed to the Practitioner Section.
If you are already employing some sophisticated verbs (depicts, opens with,
resolves, underscores, etc.), go the Expert Section.
Verbs for Exposition – Developing
In expository writing, there are certain verbs or phrases that every good writer uses. To
learn these words you only need to practice using them. Here are two kinds of verbs you
will need to Master using in your exposition over the next few weeks and months.
1. OVERVIEW VERBS – these verbs are perfect for your first sentence and help you
summarize the main theme or plot of something. Here are the big three verbs:
George Lucas’s Star Wars: Episode Four tells the story of an orphan who discovers
his special destiny.
George Lucas’s Star Wars: Episode Four depicts the incredible journey of one man to
find out who he is and his battle to help save the universe.
George Lucas’s Star Wars: Episode Four shows that the greatest battles are actually
within oneself.
You try it now. Write a sentence about a film you have recently seen, using the verbs tell,
depict, or show.
Revision time. Go back to your expository writing for homework and rewrite the first
sentence using one of these key verbs.
2. CHRONOLOGY VERBS – these verbs help you navigate exposition of a story. They will
help you easily and powerfully explain the story in order.
The novel The Art of Fielding begins with a description of a young short-stop named Henry
Skrimshander throwing an incredible ball to first base.
The novel proceeds to explore what happens when one of the best players of a generation
chokes during an important play.
The novel ends with Henry… (well, I won’t give anything away)
You try it now. Write a sentence about a film you have recently seen, using the verb phrases
begins with, proceeds to, or ends with.
Revision time. Go back to your expository writing for homework and rewrite the first
sentence using one of these key verbs.
Name _________________________
Verbs for Exposition - Practitioner
In expository writing, there are certain verbs or phrases that every good writer uses. To
learn these words you only need to practice using them. Here are two kinds of verbs you
will need to Master using in your exposition over the next few weeks and months.
1. OVERVIEW VERBS – these verbs are perfect for your first sentence and help you
summarize the main theme or plot of something. The most common ones are show, tell, and
depict; however, there exists a wealth of other overview verbs that can really bring some
punch to your first sentences. Here is a list of ten. Try to add on at least two more to the list
delves into
tunnels deep into
paints a picture of
explodes the
Example: The Grandmaster examines the cultural heritage of kung fu in a society
that as less and less use for such traditions.
You try it now. Write a sentence about a film you have recently seen, using one of the
verbs/verb phrases above.
Revision time. Go back to your expository writing for homework and rewrite some portion
of it using one of these evocative verbs.
2. CHRONOLOGY VERBS – these verbs help you navigate exposition of a story. They will
help you easily and powerfully explain the story in order. The most common ones are
begins with, ends with, and proceeds to. Here are some more to consider (notice how these
verbs are almost always spatial). Please add on two more verbs to the list below:
circles back to
builds toward
opens with
inches toward
closes with
You try it now. Write a sentence about a film you have recently seen, using one of the
verbs/verb phrases above.
Revision time. Go back to your expository writing for homework and rewrite some portion
of it using one of these evocative verbs.
Name __________________________________
Verbs for Exposition - Expert
I want you to take a look at two (mostly) expository excerpts from recent book
reviews. I have underlined many of the verbs as well as some of their
corresponding adverbs. I have also underlined all the participles (verbs with ing at
the end) as they too function as very telling verbs. Do you notice just how many
verbs or participles show up in some of those sentences?
Please read both reviews and then write down the sentence that you think makes
most effective use of powerful verbs.
Now, I want you to look at your expository writing. I would like you to write a new
sentence (or revise one of the old sentences) so that it looks similar to the
professional piece of writing. Obviously, the content and the verbs will be different
but the form of the sentence should stay the same. Good luck!!!!!