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By Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS
In Partnership with The Bootcamp Blueprint
90 Days to A New You!
I’ve been a Registered Dietitian and Fitness Professional for more than 10 years, and I’m expecting
you might consider this diet a little unusual at first. I’m not going to rehash all the run-of-the-mill
stuff you see over and over in magazines. This isn’t the regurgitated diet plan every so-called guru out
there puts in his or her “best-selling” book.
My program works amazingly well when you follow simple instructions. That’s because this plan is
based on very advanced information. Still, my goal is to keep everything as basic as possible. I won’t
confuse or bore you with information you don’t need to know. Everything in this book is here
because it’s what you need to achieve a quick and safe reduction in bodyweight. Period.
To get started, let’s look at the basics for the first 30 days:
1. You will be “cycling” your carbohydrate intake. One day will be “high carbs.” One day will be “low carbs.”
Another day will be “no-carbs.”
2. Your protein intake will be moderate to high.
3. Yo u r f a t i n t a k e w i l l b e m o d e r a t e t o l o w.
4. Most of your fat will come from protein sources and fish oils. Your body needs fat to exist, so please do not make
the mistake of eliminating fat from your diet. Eliminating fat will not help you lose weight quickly and safely.
5. As part of this plan, I do recommend highly researched and 100% safe supplements because they aid your
metabolism and improve fat burning. No, they are NOT controversial fat burners such as Ephedra. I wouldn’t dream of
recommending that.
6. The program is based on eating 6 times a day. This includes having protein and vegetables at every meal.
I’ll get into more detail about all the above points later in this section.
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Calorie Needs
On this program, you will be determining your calorie needs. But you will only be using these
numbers as a reference. Don’t worry: You won’t be counting calories at every meal or even every
day. I know you don’t have the time or patience for that. You will only use this calorie formula if
you think you may be consuming too much food.
At meals, you’ll consume your protein, vegetables and fruit first and your carbs last. Generally,
though, by the time you eat your protein, vegetable and fruit you won’t be that hungry for many
carbs. This helps you avoid over-consuming carbs.
As I wrote earlier, protein will be a diet staple for the next 30 days, so don’t skimp on this nutrient
or take it for granted. Your protein choices will be mostly lean, such as eggs whites and salmon,
along with a few “medium-fat” proteins like steak and mozzarella cheese.
You’ll be eating 6 meals, spread out so you eat about every 3 hours during the waking day. Four
or 5 of these 6 daily meals will include lean proteins. One or 2 of these meals will contain protein
with a slightly higher fat content (see below for examples).
You should eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and no less (see chart below). So for a
130-pound woman, the minimum protein intake would be 130 grams of protein each day.
Remember, though, this isn’t about eating for the sake of eating. You need to eat until you feel full
and satisfied, not stuffed.
For those that have more than 30 pounds to lose use your goal bodyweight to determine your
protein quantity needs.
Tip: Put your fork down while chewing, and don’t pick it up until you swallow what’s in your
mouth. (Think this little tip is silly? Well, it’s one crucial key to controlling your caloric intake.
Try it and see.)
Protein sources approved for the Carb Rotation Diet:
Lean Protein Sources:
 Chicken or turkey (white meat)
 Tuna fish (canned, in water)
 Lean beef
 Egg whites
 Non-fat cottage cheese
 Fish (shark, salmon, flounder, etc.)
 Shellfish
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Tip: When choosing fish for lean protein, ask where the fish comes from. Fish farms are generally
safe from contaminants. Many people don’t realize store-bought fish is less contaminated than fish
caught in the wild.
“Medium-Fat” Protein Sources:
 Chicken or turkey (dark meat)
 Whole eggs
 Cottage cheese (2% or whole)
 Steaks (moderate fat cuts, 20 to 25% fat)
 Other meats (moderate fat, 20 to 25% fat)
 Mozzarella cheese (non-fat or skim)
What equals 1 gram of protein?
1 ounce of meat equals 7 grams of protein.
A 3-ounce piece of meat is the size of a deck of cards. So, it’s roughly 21 grams of protein.
1 whole egg (includes yolk) equals 7 grams of protein.
2 egg whites equal roughly 7 grams of protein.
Let me emphasize again that fat is a necessary nutrient. Your body needs it. Fat provides the
nutrients for healthy hair, nails and skin. And, like your physique, I imagine you also want these aspects
of your appearance to look good at an important event. So if I’m right about that, and you’d like greatlooking hair, nails and skin, you need the correct amount of fat in your diet.
You might notice I don’t have a list of approved fats for this section. That’s because there isn’t
one per se. You’ll get most of the fats you need primarily from the protein choices I’ve already
Having said that, I highly suggest you supplement your diet with potent Essential Fatty Acid gel caps
(i.e., fish-oil supplements). Doing so will supply your body with essential fats that keep your
metabolism going strong. I’ll go into more detail about these supplements later in this book.
Nutrient-Rich Vegetables
Get ready to eat a variety of nutrient-rich vegetables every day. I’m talking about vegetables that
are high in fiber and under 50 calories per cup. You should eat at least 1 to 1.5 cups (cooked or raw) of
nutrient-rich vegetables at 4 of your 6 daily meals.
Remember, you will eat your vegetables with your protein source before you eat any
carbohydrates. Like protein, nutrient-rich, high-fiber vegetables help you feel full. By eating your
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
protein and vegetables first - and setting your fork down between bites - you will feel full faster,
which prevents you from overeating.
Nutrient-rich vegetables approved for the Carb Rotation Diet: (this aren’t the only vegetables
you can consume, but the primary ones you should be including in the program)
Salad (lettuce, romaine, etc.); use non-fat dressing.
Green beans
Red or green pepper
Artichoke hearts
“Carb cycling” is the critical component of the Carb Rotation Diet. This is where you alternate
between high-carbohydrate, low-carbohydrate and no-carbohydrate days. And, as I’ve mentioned,
you will consume carbs only after eating your protein, vegetable and fruit requirements for a given
meal. It’s simple:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
High Carbs
Low Carbs
No Carbs
High Carbs
Low Carbs
No Carbs
High Carbs (and so on, following that cycle, for 30 days
Carbohydrates approved for Carb Rotation Diet:
Sweet potatoes or yams
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Brown rice
Legumes (chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, dry beans)
High-fiber cereals (All Bran, Fiber One, Grape Nuts, Cracklin’ Oat Bran, Shredded Wheat)
Oats and oatmeal (not instant oatmeal)
Black beans
100% wholegrain pasta (Eden, Hodgson Mill, Purity Foods)
100% wholegrain bread (Pepperidge Farm, Nature’s Path, Nature’s Own, Earth Grains)
Let’s look at how each of the carb cycles described above will work.
High-Carbohydrate Day
On this day, you will eat all the carbs you like until you reach fullness. Again, you aren’t stuffing
yourself. You’ll already have eaten your protein source, vegetables and fruit, so you shouldn’t be too
Don’t feel guilty for eating carbs. They help you melt fat and lose inches. Plus, your body needs the
calories from this energy source to prevent your metabolism from slowing down and ruining your
weight loss efforts.
As part of these high-carb meals, you will need to eat 1 piece of high-fiber fruit before the carbs.
So a meal on this day would look like this:
1 lean or medium-fat protein source
(depending on which meal of the day)
1 nutrient-rich vegetable
1 high-fiber fruit
1 carbohydrate
High-fiber fruits approved for Carb Rotation Diet:
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Low-Carbohydrate Day
On this day, you will eat the same types of carbs as on the high-carbohydrate day but you will more
closely limit your carb intake to only 4 of the 6 meals (which you don’t have to do on the high-carb
days). Again, consume your protein and vegetable servings first. Then eat 1 gram per pound of
your bodyweight of an “approved” carbohydrate source for the day. Divide this carbohydrate
total by 4 and eat 1/4th of your total carbs at 4 of your 6 meals for the day. This includes your
piece of approved high-fiber fruit at each meal (to be eaten before the carbs).
I’ll give you an example of how this works. A 130-pound woman would consume 130 grams of
“approved” carbs on “low-carb” days, so that’s 32.5 grams of carbs spread out over 4 meals.
Remember, you eat carbs at only 4 of the 6 daily meals. The remaining 2 meals of the day
would be “no carbs,” just protein and nutrient-rich vegetables.
For those that have more than 30 pounds to lose, use your goal bodyweight to determine your
carbohydrate quantity needs.
Tip: Exercise helps you lose weight and increase health. If you work out (and I strongly suggest you
do), consume one of your 4 “carb” meals after a workout.
No-Carb Day
When I say “no-carb,” I mean no added carbohydrates at all. You will still get a few carbs by eating
the nutrient-rich vegetables. But you definitely will not be eating fruit or any of the Carb Rotation
Diet-approved carbohydrates.
Each meal on these days consists of your recommended protein intake along with 1 to 1.5 cups of
vegetables (see approved list in Vegetables section). Also, make sure you take your high quality
Essential Fatty Acid supplement to obtain the fats your body needs for good health and optimal
I realize that it might be difficult in the beginning to forgo all forms of starchy carbohydrate. Your
body is probably used to them, and you’ll feel hungry without them. But this no-carb day is crucial to
your success. And keep in mind that the very next day is a high-carb day- something to look
forward to indeed!
Now, there’s one loophole on this day. If you exercise on a no-carb day, you get an exemption.
Research shows that consuming a quick-digesting carbohydrate and protein drink within 60 minutes
of working out is very beneficial. So I recommend you do just that. Ideally, make it a postworkout recovery shake that consists of around 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 grams of protein.
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
So, to recap, you get to have one post-workout carb source on a no-carb day, but only if you
Here is a quick sample of a no-carb day:
Meal 1: 3 egg whites, 1 yolk omelet, 1 oz.
mozzarella cheese, 1/2 cup spinach
Meal 2: 1 oz. almonds, 1 cup baby carrots
Meal 3: 4 oz. chicken breast with seasoning of
your choice, salad with approved vegetables and
non-fat dressing, 1 hard boiled egg.
(Workout session followed by your fourth
Meal 4: Post-workout drink
Meal 5: 5 oz. lean beef, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2
cup cauliflower
Guidelines for No-Carb Days
It’s important that you don’t stray from the
prescribed program. It was created this way
for very scientific reasons. Please DO NOT
assume if you incorporate more “no-carb”
days you will get faster or better results.
You won’t. I don’t know how to be more
blunt than that. The reason you are “cycling”
these high, low and zero carbohydrate days
is so your body doesn’t trigger its
starvation response. Instead, it keeps
running at full efficiency (meaning it burns
more calories). More is not always better,
and this is one of those instances. Trust me,
if you follow the Carb Rotation Diet to the
letter, you will see amazing results.
So don’t get too hung up on tracking
calories. Earlier, we estimated your
calories only so you could use that
value as a guideline to make sure you
are not eating too little or too much. If
you put your fork down between bites
and carefully monitor when you feel
satisfied and not stuffed, you should never
have to measure your caloric intake. Your low-carb day will be about equal to your caloric
estimation. Your high-carb day will be a little higher, and your no-carb day a little lower. There is
no need to measure your calories on your high-carb or no-carb days.
Meal 6: 1/2 cup cottage cheese (non-fat), 1 cup
green or red pepper slices
Base your serving sizes on how full you feel, and not on what the calories or grams say. Simply
follow the guidelines listed above, in the order they are suggested. If you are the type who needs to
have a reference point to work from, record how many grams of carbs and protein you eat for the first
few days until you feel comfortable with how much food equals your protein and carbohydrate
total for each day.
Tip: The process of cycling carbohydrates may cause your bodyweight to fluctuate frequently in
the beginning. This is due to water loss and gain.
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Super Charge your Nutrition Plan
FACT: Nothing burns fat better than healthy muscles.
A healthy human body is made up of over 50% lean muscle…..over 600 muscles! Muscle not
only defines the way your body looks, it controls your metabolic rate.
In your quest to realize your fitness goals, it’s common to lose focus on the real things that really
matter, such as your health and well-being. Thus, you end up neglecting your overall state of
health. Cutting down on your daily calorie intake does not necessarily assure effective fat loss.
When your muscles are not properly cared for through consistent, effective exercise or if they are
undernourished, your muscles will deteriorate. When that happens, you will gain fat and your
health begins to fail.
How do you properly care for your muscles?
The best way to get the most nutrients is to combine supportive, nutrient-rich whole food
sources; “super foods” with a whole food nutrient complex such as Prograde’s VGF+25. Both
sources have a direct impact on the overall health of your body and at the same time will
optimize your fat burning ability when combined with an effective workout program.
VGF+25 provides your body with the nutrients naturally found in whole foods. These are the
nutrients your body was designed to use in order to heal, promote and maintain optimum health.
The cells of your body were intended to absorb and be nourished by natural food. Because your
body recognizes VGF+25 as food, nutrients are readily absorbed and utilized for nourishment
and balance.
Here’s a quote from a special report put out in 2006 by the Harvard Medical School’s School of
Public Health: “Diet alone cannot provide everything. It’s difficult to get enough of certain
nutrients from food.” Fact: In order to obtain the full spectrum of vitamins and mineral, you
would have to eat about 5,000 calories a day.
So Do You Really Need to take a Supplement? Absolutely! It’s no longer a question! A whole
food supplement will fill a lot of holes that if left empty will hinder your body’s ability to burn
fat efficiently. Supplements compensate for important nutrients the average American diet often
lacks- this is particularly important when attempting to lose body fat. The balanced nutrition
provided by VGF+25 helps stabilize your body’s chemistry, raising your metabolism and
increasing your body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients – all without added calories!
Sensible supplementation promotes fat loss without losing muscle by supplying the essential
nutrients necessary to increase or maintain lean muscle tissue.
Visit PROGRADE NUTRITION to learn more about the best nutrition supplements on the
market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
The Result: Your body is more prepared to fight illnesses and has the raw materials necessary to
achieve a lean, fit physique.
In a perfect world, we would eat perfectly balanced meals that contain just the right amount of
each vitamin that we need for optimal health and well being without adding calories that lead to
weight gain. Whole food supplements serve as buffers in the event that your diet does not meet
your daily requirements. At the very least, a whole food nutrient complex such as Prograde’s
VGF+25 is insurance against unavoidable dietary shortcomings no matter how you eat.
The Nutrients you Need for Optimum Health and Fitness
Did you know there are 45 known essential nutrients (nutrients must come from outside sources)
13 kinds of vitamins, and at least 20 kinds of minerals that are required in specific amounts for
the body to function properly?
Macro and Micronutrients
(have calories)
(do not have calories)
Vitamins and minerals are simply catalysts that allow metabolic processes to take place.
Vitamins and minerals act on the macronutrients you take in – the proteins, carbs and fats in your
diet. So if you’re not taking in a balanced diet of proteins, carbs and fats, the vitamins and
minerals can’t do their job.
Enzymes are required for your body to function properly. Without enzymes you wouldn't be able
to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, or digest your food. You must have enzymes to help perform
these tasks. Each metabolic reaction is started, controlled, and terminated by enzymes. Without
enzymes, no metabolic activity will occur.
When you were young, you had an abundant supply of enzymes. You felt great. Your energy
level seemed never ending. You had "enzymes to burn" which kept you running at tip top
efficiency. Over the years as you eat overcooked and processed foods, you are using up your
natural supply of digestive enzymes. So, as you age, digestion becomes more difficult for your
body. The reason we are running out of enzymes is a LIFESTYLE PROBLEM. Our poor dietary
habits, fast food obsessions, and excessive intake of fat and sugars, all require excessive amounts
of enzymes to digest our foods.
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the "building blocks" of the body that make up proteins. Protein substances
make up the muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, and hair. Growth, repair and maintenance of
all cells are dependent upon them. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our
body weight. A deficiency in even one of the 20 standard amino acids will severely compromise
your health.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)
Essential meaning your body can't live without them. These are the “good” fats needed for a
healthy heart, a healthy nervous system, and especially a healthy brain (the human brain is
around 80% fat). Protein alone does not build muscle. EFA’s are the starting point - or the mortar
and brick - for manufacturing all other fatty acids and hormones necessary to build strong lean
muscle while increasing stamina required for building lean muscle. EFA’s also help to decrease
inflammation and pain; reduced muscle soreness after strenuous workouts and shortened
recovery time. Specifically Prograde EFA Icons main ingredient Krill Oil has been shown
through research to reduce cholesterol, decrease pain and stiffness.
This is another no-brainer based on all the research showing positive benefits when consuming
an EFA supplement.
Phytonutrients “Antioxidants”
Antioxidants are cell protectors. They protect cells from the damage caused by unstable
molecules known as free radicals; the devils that roam around your blood stream, causing
damage to cell walls. Free radicals also accelerate the aging process. Also, over a long time
period, such damage can become irreversible and lead to diseases like cancer. Antioxidants
interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals
otherwise might cause.
Why is this important to you? Resistance Training increases oxygen intake from 10 to 20 times
over the resting state. This greatly increases the generation of free radicals. Antioxidants play the
housekeeper's role, "mopping up" free radicals before they get a chance to do harm in your body.
Now it is important that you consume many of the super foods below, but we can’t all live in an
ideal world and this is where supplementation plays a vital role in supplying the antioxidant
nutrients we need. Prograde Longevity was developed for this very reason. It combines six of
the most powerful antioxidant nutrients to fight off free radicals and to prevent disease. Here is
Visit PROGRADE NUTRITION to learn more about the best nutrition supplements on the
market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Super Foods
Mother Nature’s perfect foods are the best sources of essential nutrients, antioxidants, major
contributors of fiber; fight disease and help you feel satisfied on fewer calories. Even if you were
to choose supplements over whole foods, you just cannot make up for the thousands of
phytochemicals found in fresh produce. If you concentrate on eating foods that have a lot of
nutrients and phytochemicals, you're setting yourself up for a leaner body and healthier life.
1. FRUITS - Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are very high in antioxidants. Blueberries
release phytochemicals that speed up the communication between brain cells and help them
make dopamine, a key chemical linked to reward and pleasure. Apples are also high in
antioxidants and plant nutrients, reducing the risk of some cancers, diabetes, asthma and heart
2. VEGETABLES - Broccoli is high on every food expert's list. Along with other cruciferous
vegetables, such as kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli contains cancerfighting compounds called indoles and glycosinolates. Tomatoes are high in lycopene which may
help prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer. Dark, leafy green vegetables have a pigment
called carotenoids that enhance the body's immune response. The pigment protects skin cells
against dangerous ultraviolet rays. These foods are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants. Their antiinflammatory powers also help block pain.
3. FISH - Salmon, mackerel and bluefish (cold water fish) - contain high levels of omega-3 fatty
acids. The brain needs these substances to maintain many complex functions. The body requires
these specific fatty acids to take care of the heart and protect against stroke.
FYI: Benefits of Omega-3’s Helps your body store less fat. In addition, the fat you do store is
more readily and easily converted into energy and burned during activity. Increases size of your
cells' fuel-burning furnaces so your metabolic rate rises and you burn more calories every minute
of every day. Omega-3’s also help your body produce testosterone, the hormone responsible for
building new muscle = promotes muscle recovery. If you are not big on fish, consider
supplementing these essential nutrients with Prograde’s EFA Icon.
4. WHOLE GRAINS - There are many whole grains available - couscous, quinoa, bulgur wheat
and wheat berries - that provide healthy stores of vitamin B and tons of fiber. (AVOID
PROCESSED – enriched means manufacturers remove the fiber and minerals and just keep the
“starch” of the grain which acts similarly to sugar when digested. This is NOT good for fat loss).
FYI: Benefits of Fiber
~Keeps you regular - prevents constipation by moving bodily waste through the digestive tract
faster, so harmful substances don't have as much contact with the intestinal walls
~Traps carbohydrates to slow their digestion and absorption. Stabilizes blood sugar – keeps
insulin levels stable – eliminates cravings and prevents body from going into fat storage mode
~Lowers Cholesterol – reducing risk of heart disease - fiber binds to dietary cholesterol, helping
Visit PROGRADE NUTRITION to learn more about the best nutrition supplements on the
market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
the body to eliminate it. This reduces blood cholesterol levels, which, in turn, reduces cholesterol
deposits on arterial walls that
~Reduces risk of obesity - fiber-rich foods are more filling than other foods--so people tend to
eat less. Because insoluble fiber is indigestible and passes through the body virtually intact, it
provides few calories.
The typical American eats only about 11 grams of fiber a day- you need 25 to 30 grams of fiber a
day for optimal health.
5. NUTS - Almonds and walnuts contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties. High in fiber,
protein and antioxidants, nuts may reduce the risk of diabetes and may prevent certain cancers.
Also, the healthy fats in nuts prevent the accumulation of bad fats in the artery walls. Walnuts
and flaxseeds (seeds that have a nutty flavor) contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the
heart and brain.
6. OLIVE OIL - Extra-virgin olive oil is a wonderful source of good fat (monounsaturated) and
powerful plant nutrients. The oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and decreases
bad forms of cholesterol while boosting good cholesterol.
7. BEANS AND LENTILS - High in protein and fiber, beans and lentils contain potent levels of
antioxidants. The nutrients in these foods help burn body fat and stabilize blood sugar.
8. YOGURT - Yogurt is a rich source of protein, vitamin A, calcium and PROBIOTICS (good
bacteria that keeps gastrointestinal tract in BALANCE). Since 80% of your body’s immune
system is located in your intestinal tract, probiotics can be part of your first line of defense
against adverse effects of stress, illness and aging. Calcium forces fat out of cells and into the
bloodstream, where it's more quickly oxidized, or burnt off. If your body doesn't get enough
calcium, fat cells retain the fat and can grow steadily. Many women don't get enough: Only 14
percent of women ages 20 to 50 get the minimum Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of
1,000 mg of calcium, and only 4 percent of women over 50 meet the 1,200-mg goal.
9. GREEN TEA - This beverage is touted for its anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects, and its
benefits keep expanding. It's good for the heart and immune system, improves blood flow, is
high in antioxidants that fight inflammation, has mood-elevating properties and prevents the
absorption of fat. Drink 2 to 3 servings of fresh brewed tea a day.
10. WATER - you can survive for 6 weeks without food – you wouldn’t last a week without
water! Water helps the body metabolize fat! Studies have shown that a decrease in water
intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water can actually reduce fat
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market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Here’s why: The kidneys can’t function properly without enough water. When they don’t work
to capacity, some of their load is dumped onto the liver. One of the livers primary functions is to
metabolize (burn) stored fat into usable energy for the body. But, if the liver has to do some of
the kidneys’ work, it can’t operate at full throttle. As a result, it metabolizes less fat and thus
more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops to a grinding halt.
Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention. When the body gets less
water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop. Water is stored
in extra cellular spaces (outside the cells). This shows up as swollen feet, legs, and hands. The
best way to overcome water retention is to give the body what it needs – plenty of water. Only
then will stored water be released. Excess salt can also be the cause of water retention.
Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid
of due to all that metabolized fat that must be shed. Again, adequate water helps flush out the
Water can help relieve constipation. When the body gets too little water, it siphons what it
needs from internal sources. The colon is one primary source. Result? Constipation. But when a
person drinks enough water, normal bowel function usually returns.
How much water is enough? Average - drink 8 eight-ounce glasses a day (appx. 2 quarts).
However, the overweight individual needs one additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess
weight. Water should preferably be cold. It is absorbed into the system more quickly than warm
water. Limit fluid intake after 7pm. Otherwise, you will find yourself going to the bathroom
throughout the evening.
No matter WHAT your GOAL is – Your results are dependent upon how well you are
taking care of your body.
Mother Nature’s foods are the foundation of a healthy diet.
It is recommend that you consume at least 7 to 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day
3 Problems….
Sadly only 10 percent of us are able to follow this advice.
It difficult to eat this many servings of fruit and vegetables on a consistent basis.
What if you are a picky eater?
Challenge: How to do this while eating less in order to promote fat loss?
FACT: You just don’t get enough of the essential vitamins and minerals you need for optimum
health through diet alone. You would have to eat 5,000 calories a day, that’s about 20 pounds of
Visit PROGRADE NUTRITION to learn more about the best nutrition supplements on the
market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.
Because we are most likely not consuming the necessary dosage of nutrients that our bodies need
to stay healthy, we need to take some form of nutrient supplement. However, traditional vitamin
supplements do not provide us with natural fruit and vegetable extracts, essential fatty acids or
Prograde’s VGF+25 Whole Food Nutrient Complex, EFA Icon and Prograde Longevity
are the simplest ways to ensure your nutrient levels are at optimal levels 24 hours a day.
The Bottom Line: Your body cannot burn fat in a malnourish state. A complete Whole Food
Nutrient Complex provides your body with the materials necessary to promote a positive,
physical change
Get maximum benefits from your nutrition.
Experience the amazing benefits for yourself!
Get Your Prograde Products Now!
Visit PROGRADE NUTRITION to learn more about the best nutrition supplements on the
market to optimize health, performance, and body composition.