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Athens Speech Outline
Shan Antony
COMM. 101, MWF 3
6 October 2014
Specific Purpose: After my speech, my audience will know some of the important things
concerning the religion, historical figures, and contributions of Athens, Greece.
Organizational Pattern: Topical
Intended Audience: COMM 101 Class
Attention Getting Device: To whom do we owe credit for giving the world some of
the biggest traditions and ideals cherished by humanity such as the marathon,
democracy, and love? Perhaps it would be easier if I mentioned that this same group
also introduced philosophy, geometry, and the Olympic Games! That’s right, Athens,
Orientation Phase:
A. Point: Athens, Greece is one of the most historically rich and unique cities in the
world and yet, like so many amazing things, not many people know much about
it. However, with more exploration we see what a marvelous and important place
Athens is.
B. Adaptation: Now, I’m willing to bet that a majority of people here caught at least
a glimpse of the last Olympic Games in London. I am even more willing to bet
that a majority of you know, or have at least heard of, the hero Hercules. Now I
know for a fact that all of you have seen a triangle before! If that’s true, than all of
you have experienced some of wonders Athens brought into existence.
C. Credibility: Researchers at Princeton University mentioned Athens Greece as
being not only one of the first democracies in the world, but also being “more
powerful, stable, and well-recorded” than any other city in history!
D. Enumerated Preview: This research will illustrate the importance of Athens
through three of its pioneered traditions – the Athenian religious background,
important historical figures, and their pioneered system of politics and
Transition: One of the greatest parts of Athenian culture, and probably the most well-known is
their distinct religious beliefs.
Greek mythology comes from ancient days of Greece when God’s were still believed
to fight over and rule individual cities.
A. Since Greek mythology is no longer really being practiced, the story of Greek
mythology has a beginning, middle, and end. (Harpon)
1. The first part of its story comes from the naming of Athens.
a. The city of Athens, according to Greek mythology, comes from a
story that has been told as long as the city has been around – it is
believed that the people chose between Athena and Poseidon.
b. Athena won, and with her designated power, make Athens a great
and powerful city.
2. Over the years, the Greeks have built up many stories, which they use to
either teach lessons, or provide explanations for the way the world
a. Since there was never any explanation for why the sun rises or the
sea brings in fish, the people of Athens turned to supernatural
beings for explanations.
b. Parents used the stories of the Gods they had created to teach their
children many stories about life.
3. Greek mythology was a religion that came to an end as newer religions
began to sweep the nation.
a. As the nations of Islam, Judaism, and Catholicism began to rise
and populations shifted, the conversion of faiths as small and
contained as Greek mythology was rapid.
b. Although the religion that ancient Athenians used to follow isn’t
recognized as a religion anymore, it is still regarded as some of the
greatest stories ever written.
B. Although the faith became all but extinct, the stories that accompanied Greek
mythology became a sensation in different cultures and remain spectacular today.
1. Mythological figures certainly exist in modern Western culture and only
appear to be growing.
2. Greek mythological gods pioneered the idea of supernatural powers and
inspired the world to create the newer “super-heroes” we have today.
Transition: As fast and as welcomed Greek mythology was and is to western culture, there
is another tradition of Greece that has infiltrated western borders even faster – the Greek
system of government and politics.
Athens was the foundation of the democratic form of government and its practices lie
as the blueprints by which our own democracy is made. (Ganter)
A. Origins of Athenian Government.
1. The people of Athens were given a choice in Greek mythology to pick
for themselves a rules. They found this system, where everyone had a
vote, pleasing and fair so the systemized it.
a. The Athenians were forced to choose between Athena, the goddess
of peace and victory, or Poseidon strength and prosperity.
Although it was very unorganized, this decision relied on the very
basics of democracy.
b. Greeks had areas in which there would be a council called to
represent the people. With this, each voice would not need to be
heard but simply represented.
2. Although Athenian government was a good start, there were
many flaws that were built off of it for modern democracy.
a. The Athenians couldn’t decide how they felt about having
one king or ruler.
b. They also could not decide how the people should be
represented with the given population and territories
B. Athenian democracy, although certainly not perfect, was highly developed
and laid the foundation for several countries around the world today.
Transition: Although, Greek gods and politics are important parts of the past and todays
culture, Athens still has one more great contribution to its own history and the world
“Without the great philosophers of the world, we, as a population, would not
find God.” (Crown)
A. There are so many great scientists and philosophers that originated in
Greece and their contributions are not small. The first would be Aristotle.
1. The man who made sense of senseless. A great philosopher
known for his thought provoking questions.
2. Aristotle was most well-known from breaking down the
knowledge down into branches as opposed to thinking of it as
one whole subject.
B. Socrates – the man credited for western philosophy
1. Socrates represents much of Athens as one of the greatest
philosophers of all time.
2. Socrates was known for being the first great philosopher on
Transition: However, these philosophers only represent a small portion of the total
brilliance Athens brought to the world.
Summary: Athens, Greece is a city that cannot be forgotten because it brings
to us some of the most important things in the world today including its
influence on politics, storytelling, and philosophy.
Concluding Device: Athens the city that ascends to the heavens. Although
many of its historical values that it is so well known for cannot be observed
today, its legacy will reign on forever as one of the greatest cities to ever exist.
Harpon, Jacob. "Socrates Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 01
Oct. 2014.
Ganter, Crause"Greek Mythology :: Greek Gods :: Greek Goddesses :: Greek Myths."
Greek Mythology :: Greek Gods :: Greek Goddesses :: Greek Myths. N.p., Mar.-Apr.
2011. Web. 03 Oct. 2014.
Crown, Rutherd A. "Government and Politics." - About Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct.
Williams, Lewis. "HISTORY OF ATHENS." HISTORY OF ATHENS. N.p., n.d. Web.
30 Sept. 2014.