Download Unit Mystery: Do bones and muscles grow back stronger after injury

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Unit Mystery: Do bones and
muscles grow back stronger
after injury? Or do you lose it
when you don’t use it?
The painful pros and cons of healing
Unit Mystery:
• The muscular and skeletal systems work hand
in hand, so it should be no surprise that what
effects one, effects the other.
• But what happens to bone and muscle placed
on rest (like in a cast) for a LONG time? Do you
really lose it if you don’t use it? Or does it
repair stronger than before?
• The answer is not so simple: We will explore
several unit objectives to answer these
question at the END of the unit. Keep an eye
out for evidence (and clues) in the following
Do People who do bone
stretching heal stronger than
• You need to know the names of bones and
muscles so that you can site them in examples
• You need to know the parts of a long bone
involved in healing and growth
• You need to know the stages of bone
repair/healing and types of fractures
• You need to know the functions of the skeletal
and muscular systems
• You need to know Wolfe’s law
• You need to know about causes of atrophy in
muscle and how muscles are built
Evidence/Clue 1- Bone Stretching
• Bone stretching video
Clue 1:Parts of a long bone
Spongy bonecompresses, light
– Stores Calcium
Clue 2: Bone growth
•From cartilage to
bone= ossification
•Ends for teens at the
•Bones remodel
constantly as adults
but don’t change
Clue 3:Bone repair
Clue 4: Wolfe’s law
• Long bones are thickest
where they are most
likely to break.
• This remodeling also
occurs due to changes
in muscle building or
Clue 5: Fascia
• Muscles are wrapped in multiple layers
of fascia or connective tissue
• Helps bundle muscle cells and muscle
groups together
• Provides strength and stability
• Is constantly added to and torn down
each day
• Some fascia tears or melts as we move &
gets rebuilt when we don’t
• If injured, sometimes the body adds
more fascia
• This is compounded because we
immobilize injured parts
Clue 5: Atrophy and
• Atrophy: Poor muscle development
as a result of disease or lack of use,
muscle wasting.
• Contracture: Abnormal shortening
of muscle fibers, tendons, or fascia
making it difficult to stretch a
muscle. (typical of bed rest)
• Adhesion: Scar tissue (from Sx or
injury) forming in fascia
surrounding muscle, making it
difficult to stretch.
• Hypertophy: Increase muscle bulk
as a result of use (work out).
Myofascial Release
• Heat and pressure devises
used to part some of the
fascia & increase mobility
• Requires repeat
• Rollers, combs, massage
Can you solve the mystery?
• Use information from EACH clue to:
– Describe the bone stretching procedure (steps and
– Discuss the potential recovery outcomes (will they
have bones that heal stronger, why or why not)?
– Would their muscle be effected? IF so how?
– When an athlete breaks a bone or tears a muscle,
will it come back stronger? Why/why not?