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Science Test: Body organization and structure
Chapter 1:
 A group of cells that work together is a tissue. Tissues form organs. Organs
that work together form organ systems.
There are 4 kinds of tissue in the human body.
There are 11 major organ systems in the human body.
Organs work together to help the body maintain homeostasis.
Chapter 2
The skeletal system includes bones, cartilage and the connective tissue that
connects the bones.
Bones protect the body, store minerals, allow movement, and make blood
Joints are places where 2 or more bones meet.
Skeletal system injuries include fractures, dislocations, and sprains. Skeletal
system diseases include osteoporosis and arthritis.
Chapter 3
The 3 kinds of muscle tissue are smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle.
Skeletal muscles work in pairs. Skeletal muscles contract to move bones.
Resistance exercise improves muscle strength. Aerobic exercise improves
heart strength and muscle endurance.
Strains are injuries that affect muscles and tendons. Tendinitis affects
Chapter 4
Skin keeps water in the body, keeps foreign particles out of the body, lets
people feel things around them, regulates temperature, and removes wastes.
The 2 layers of skin are the epidermis and the dermis.
Hair grows from hair follicles. Nail grows from nail roots.
Skin may develop skin cancer. Acne may develop if skin produces too much
1. Place the names for all the bones indicated by the arrows.
1. Skull
2. Mandible
3. Clavicle
4. Sternum
5. Humerus
6. Ribs
7. Vertebrate
8. Pelvis
9. Radius
10. Ulna
11. Carpal
12. Metacarpal
13. Phalange
14. Femur
15. Patella
16. Tibia
17. Fibula
18. Tarsal
19. Metatarsal
20. Phalange
2. Memorize the muscles:
1. Write in your own words, the definition for the term skeletal system.
The organ system whose primary function is to support and protect the body
and allow the body to move.
2. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis.
3. The organ that includes skin, hair, and nails is the intergumentary system.
4. A simple machine that lets you move things: lever.
5. Most bones start out as a flexible tissue called cartilage.
6. Bones contain a soft tissue called marrow.
7. Joints held together by ligaments.
8. Skin color is determined by a chemical called melanin.
9. Dead cells in the epidermis are filled with a protein called keratin.
10. The dermis has many fibers made of a protein called collagen.
Comprehension questions
1. Name and describe 4 kinds of tissue:
 Epithelial tissue - covers and protects underlying tissue.
 Nervous tissue - sends electrical signals through the body.
 Muscle tissue – is made of cells that contract and relax to produce
 Connective tissue – joints, supports, protects, insulates, nourishes, and
cushions organs.
2. Name the 11 organ systems:
 Skeletal
 Nervous
 Muscular
 Digestive
 Cardiovascular
 Endocrine
 Respiratory
 Intergumentary
 Lymphatic
 Urinary
 Reproductive
3. Name 4 functions of bones:
 Protection
 Storage
 Movement
 Blood cell formation
4. Name 3 joints:
 Gliding joint
 Ball-and-socket joint
 Hinge joint
5. List 3 injuries and 2 diseases that affect the skeletal system:
 Fractured or broken bone
 Osteoporosis
 Dislocated joint
 Arthritis
 Sprain
6. Name and describe 3 kinds of muscle:
 Smooth muscle - moves food through the digestive system
 Skeletal muscle – enables bones to move
 Cardiac muscle – pumps blood around the body
7. Name and describe 2 types of exercise:
 Resistance exercise improves muscle strength.
 Aerobic exercise improves heart strength and muscle endurance.
8. Describe 2 muscular system injuries:
 Strains are injuries that affect muscles and tendons.
 Tendinitis affects tendons.
9. List 4 functions of skin:
 Skin keeps water in the body, keeps foreign particles out of the body.
 People feel things around them
 Regulates temperature
 Removes wastes
10. Describe the 2 layers of skin:
 Epidermis is the surface layer of cells on a plant or an animal and is made
of epithelial tissue or dead cells with keratin.
 The thicker layer that is beneath the epidermis.
11. Describe 2 kinds of damage that can affect skin:
 Skin may develop skin cancer.
 Acne may develop if skin produces too much oil.
12. How do muscles move bones?
They are connected by tendons.
13. How do bones grow?
As people grow, most of the cartilage that they start out with is replaced with
14. Describe how muscles work in pairs
One muscle, the flexor, bends part of the body. Another muscle, the
extensor, straightens part of the body.
15. Describe how nails grow
A nail grows from living cells in the nail root at the base of the nail. As new
cells form, the nail grows longer.
16. Describe how a cut heals
1. A blood clot forms over a cut to stop bleeding and to keep bacteria from
entering the wound. Bacteria-fighting cells then come to the area to kill
2. Damaged cells are replaced through cell division. Eventually, all that is left
on the surface is a scar.
17. The dermis contain:
Blood vessels sweat glands, nerve fibers hair follicles, muscle fibers and oil
Critical thinking questions
1. Compare your elbows and fingertips in terms of the texture and sensitivity of
the skin on these parts of your body why might the skin on these body parts
2. Imagine that you are building a robot. Your robot will have a skeleton similar
to a human skeleton. If the robot needs to be able to move a limb in all
directions, what kind of joint would be needed?
3. Human bones ore dense and often filled with marrow. But many bones of
birds are hollow. Why might birds have hollow bones?
4. Why might some muscles fail to work properly if a bone is broken?