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Planning Application No: 17/2015/16338
7 Day Notice: NO
Site Description
The property known as ‘Carleton Biggin’ is a detached grade II listed house
constructed of natural stone under a natural blue slate roof. It stands alone within
extensive grounds in an area of open countryside to the south of the village of
Listed Building Consent is sought to erect a freestanding stable block building
within the property curtilage approximately 15 metres to the south east of the main
house. This is to house a hay store at ground floor level with two stables and a tack
room over.
NB:- A parallel planning application has also been submitted in respect of this
proposal (17/2015/16337)
Planning History
17/2014/14325 - Conversion of existing stables to holiday use and construction of
detached garage and 2 no. stables and tack room to serve residential use of barn
and proposed new access road – Approved 16/04/14
17/2012/13118 and 17/2012/13119 – Planning permission and Listed building
consent for retention of garage, greenhouse, summerhouse and garden room all
within the curtilage – Approved 11/02/13 and 08/02/13 respectively
17/2015/16337 – Planning application for construction of stone built stable block
(parallel planning application) – Currently under consideration
Planning Policy Background
National Planning Policy Framework (2012) – Section 12.
Parish/Town Council Comments
Carleton-in-Craven Parish Council:- Have made no comments in respect of this
Listed building application.
Historic England:- Have made no comments on this application.
NYCC Heritage Services:- There are no known archaeological constraints to this
Summary of Principal Planning Issues
The design and scale of the development and its likely impact upon the character,
appearance and setting of the host listed building.
The design and scale of the development and its likely impact upon the character,
appearance and setting of the host listed building
The building is considered to be acceptable in design terms having regard to its
location within the curtilage of a Listed Building. It will incorporate a pitched roof and
is to be constructed using natural stone and natural stone slates, materials that will
match/suitably harmonise with those used in the construction of other buildings
within the property curtilage. Additionally it will incorporate painted or stained timber
windows and doors (vertically planked in the case of the latter) and stone window
and door surrounds.
The building will not be unduly large (measuring approximately 8.5 metres (length)
x 4.2 metres (width) x 4.9 metres (maximum height to ridge). Furthermore, whilst it
will essentially be a two storey structure this will only be apparent when it is viewed
from the rear (east) as differences in land levels mean that when viewed from the
front (west) it will appear as a single storey building. With this in mind it is
considered that the building will also be acceptable in scale terms.
Finally, it is contended that the building will not unduly harm the setting of the
adjoining listed building. It will be a freestanding structure standing approximately
15 metres from, and to the rear of, the main listed house. Furthermore, given its
proposed position within the property curtilage it will not be viewed against the
backdrop of the main house when viewed from any public vantage point.
It is contended that the proposed stable building will preserve the setting of the
adjoining listed building and as such will comply with the requirements of Section 12
of the National Planning Policy Framework.
That Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the following conditions.
The works hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years
from the date of this permission.
Reason:- To ensure compliance with section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings
and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, as amended.
The approved plans comprise the Location Plan, received by the Local Planning
Authority on 10th November 2015, and Drawing Number 02 Rev ‘B’, received on 4th
January 2016. The development shall be completed in accordance with the
approved plans except where conditions attached to this planning permission
indicate otherwise or where alternative details have been subsequently approved
following an application for a non-material amendment.
Reason: To specify the approval and for the avoidance of doubt.
The external walls and roof of the proposed building shall be constructed
respectively of randomly laid natural stone and natural stone slate.
Reason:- To preserve the character and setting of this listed building, in accordance
with the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
All new heads, cills, window and door surrounds shall be constructed of natural
ashlar stone.
Reason:- To preserve the character and setting of this listed building, in accordance
with the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The new window frames and doors shall be constructed of timber and painted or
stained brown to match the frames of the windows within the main house, unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The new doors shall be
constructed of vertically planked timber.
Reason:- To preserve the character and setting of this listed building, in accordance
with the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Statement of Positive Engagement: In dealing with this application Craven District Council has sought to approach the
decision making process in a positive way, in accordance with the requirements of
paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF. In particular the Council has requested
amendments to the scheme in order to address certain planning issues which have
arisen in relation to dealing with this application.