* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Stone Age people used bow and arrows to hunt deers and wooly mammoths .Also they would kill fish by througing a harpoon then they get the fish. Cave Painting now show us that people in the Stone Age used bow and arrows to hunt and kill animals . Hand axe was used to scrape animals skin so they can were them. Stone Age people first lived in dark, gloomy caves however in the new Stone Age people started to build and live in round, small huts . Also they wore jewellery out of animal bones! Henges wore mostly found in England. Stonehenge was built over 5,ooo years ago. The Bronze Age was from 2,500 to 800 BC . In the Bronze Age they didn’t need to kill animals in a farm. They started mining . Did you know that they using 10% tin and 90% copper? The bronze age homes were round houses with a fire in the center to cook food and for keeping warm. They made their houses out of sticks , animal muck and stones The Iron age started at 800BC 43AD . If you were a child in the Iron age, you would probably have lived in a round , small house , similar to bronze age home