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*The population of Buddhist worldwide numbers about
*The history of Buddhism in the United States can be traced back to
the Chinese laborers who came to the United States to work on the
railroads in the 1820.
*As of 1993 there were over 1000 Buddhist centers including temples
and monasteries in the United States, including multimillion dollar
facilities in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.
*This includes all of the three major forms, and many subsets of Buddhism. All these groups however can trace their origin back to an individual by the name of
Siddhartha Gautama.
*To understand Buddhism, we have to understand the roots its basic its roots, which stem from
Hinduism. Siddhartha was raised a Hindu, and many of the beliefs of Buddhism are common to
*The word Buddha means “Enlightened One”. The boy, Siddhartha Gautama was the son of King
Suddhodana Gautama, the raja or chief of the Shakya clan, a family of the Kshatriya (Warrior/
nobility) caste. He was born around 563 to 400 B.C.
*The journey started with two things in mind
 To understand human suffering
 To liberate people from mythology and idolatry
*The collection of Buddha’s beliefs is known as dhama, and they
deal with one objective, how to escape samsara. Samsara is the
rebirth cycle, or the concept of reincarnation. Once you escape
samsara, you achieve nirvana, which represents heaven to the
Buddhist, but means escape, deliverance from pain and sorrow a
state of bliss. The dharma instructs the Buddhist how to progress
to nirvana.
*The journey is achieved by following the Buddha’s Four Nobel Truths, called Pativedhanana,
which means “The wisdom of realization” These four “truths” center around:
1. the universality of suffering;
2. the origin of suffering;
3. the overcoming of suffering; and
4. the way leading to the suppression of suffering.
*The concept of Nirvana originated in Hinduism and is similar to the Buddhist concept, meaning
to Blow Out, extinguishing the flame. Conflict in understanding this term has led to divergent
views of Buddha and Buddhism. Some Buddhist worship Buddha as a divine being other Buddhist view him as an ordinary man. Tibetan Buddhist, see the Dali Lama as the reincarnated
Buddha, who was not annihilated into Nirvana but choose to come back and help those still
*This view of Nirvana contrasts with the Brahman Hindu view that teaches that Nirvana means
to be united with the Universal Soul. The Buddha believed according to some, that the souls
elements along with individual identity are extinguished at Nirvana.
*The only way of reaching nirvana in this present life is by becoming a Buddhist monk.
*This means leaving family, friends and joining a Buddhist monastery, which Buddha started for
those seeking nirvana. Therefore a person who is not a monk must be reincarnated until they become
a monk.
*The oldest Buddhist tradition, excludes women from reaching nirvana from this life, she must
be reborn a male, who then becomes a monk. This includes Buddhist nuns also who must die
and be reborn as male monks.
*Reincarnation in the west is always an upgrade which is perverting the teachings of Buddha. For
Buddha it was something that you would never look forward too. It was a trap, a curse, it is this
Karma that drive us to a rebirth into suffering, of birth and life and death, again and again.
Which you should do everything you can to break free from. Reincarnation was a prison not a
way to freedom.
*Karma is directly related to Samsara or (rebirth), Karma determines the circumstances in to
which someone will be reborn. Buddha’s teaching differed from the Hindu concept in that he
taught rather than the soul being reborn, only “Karmic matter” was reborn. Thus at rebirth these
elements are rearranged rather then the whole soul being reborn as an identity into a new body.
*Isaiah and Buddha were saying the same things “Why create gods and be enslaved to them?”
You carve out eyes but they can’t see, you carve them ears but they can’t hear you. You make
them temples but they cannot save you. Isaiah 44:9-20
*Both deal with the reality of human pain and suffering.
*Both deal with how to handle the pain and suffering in life
*Both have a sense that something is missing inside of us and the truth comes from outside of
*Both have the idea of sanctuary – a place where you can go and escape the pain and hardship of
life. There is a desperate search for peace. - Jesus brings peace—John 14:27
*Jesus was very aware of the power of attachment. And how what we loved would shape who we
Tells the rich young ruler to sell all his stuff and follow. Matthew 19:16-30
Told others to hate their mother and father and follow. Luke 14:26
Jesus said you can’t serve two master, can’t love God and money. Matthew 6:24
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but loose his soul.?” Mark 8:36
*So Buddha teaches us the end of suffering is the elimination of desire . . moving towards absolute emptiness. The end of suffering is the end of self.
*Jesus teaches us that we were created by God for pleasure. His desire for us would be that our
‘joy would be full.” John 15:11. The end of suffering comes through the birth of joy. That it is
not the elimination of desire that will deliver us from suffering but the redirection of our desires.
*Jesus tells us to love God with everything, our heart, soul and strength. Love our neighbor as
yourself. Which is a refocusing our passion.
*Buddha says eliminate all your desires . . Jesus says transfer your desires. Its not the end of
passion but the redirection of passion. From loving the world to loving God.
*Buddha teaches that there is the endless existence until that issue of Karma is dealt with and you
can move to nothingness. The ‘freedom” of Buddhism is that you cease to exist as a unique
being. The bible tells us that you are a unique soul—Created for a purpose – Ephesians 2:10
*Understand the difference between Western Buddhist and Asian Buddhists. Most Asian Buddhist are from a Buddhist culture, Buddhism is not only a theology for them, but part of their
culture and link to their community. To leave Buddhism for Christianity, for Asian Buddhists
may mean leaving their cultural identity.
*Reaching Western Buddhist, most have taken bits and pieces of Buddhism, which are most appealing to them.
*A suggested procedure to reaching Buddhist could be the following.
Start by trying to find out just how familiar the person is with Buddhism, not all Buddhists
know what Buddhism is.
Try to build a relationship of mutual understanding sharing beliefs and communicating ideas.
Third try to establish the Buddhist view of Nirvana, the ultimate destination. Buddhist have
varying views of the final destination.
Fourth, point to philosophical errors and shortcomings of Buddhism as compared to Christianity.