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Arabic Parts of Speech
GLCES/Benchmarks//Michigan Content Standards/Rationale
Identify basic differences and similarities in grammatical structures between one’s own
language and the target
Objectives :
Identify parts of speech in Arabic sentence
Write Arabic sentences placing parts of speech in the right order
Materials Needed :
Smart board,
Lined papers
Arabic Reading Handout
Teacher Procedure/Development
The class will start by introducing the parts of speech in Arabic.
The order of speech in Arabic is different than the English. The Arabic sentence will start with a verb
compared to the English which it starts with a subject.
Methods and Procedures
1. The teacher will write an Arabic sentence on the smart board, then students have to copy it
and go over teach word with the teacher.
2. The teacher will introduce more than one example until students be able to pronounce each
word in Arabic Language and know the English translation.
3. Student will be divided into groups of three, they will be given handouts with Arabic sentences
to read and identify: the verb, the subject, the object, etc...
4. Students will work individual to write sentences about a given word (each sentence will
include subject and verb in the correct order)
Accommodations/ Adaptations
Students who need more time to work on the activity will be given extended time to complete as well
as the teacher will work with these students to complete the activity.
Individual guided practice
Group work
Check for Understanding
Go around the room to check if students are working correctly.
Closure Students will have to finish what is not done for homework.
Check for homework if it is done correctly, give a small quiz to test their learning.
Teacher reflection
Parts of speech in Arabic Language are:
1- ism ( noun ) ‫ اسم‬name of a person or animal or anything has a name.
2- fe'al ( verb ) ‫ فعل‬a verb in past or present or future.
3- harrf ( compound letters ) ‫ حرف‬example ( ‫ قد‬- ‫ في‬- ‫ عن‬- ‫ الى‬- ‫ ) من‬as ( to of - from - but ).
‫ مثال‬:
‫جملة باللغة العربية على أقسام الكالم‬
An Arabic sentence ( Jumllah ) as an example on Parts of Speech:
‫ ذهب محمد الى السوق‬means Mohamad went to the market.
If we want to identify and recognize the types of words in this sentence,we
will divide them as ( nouns ) ( verbs ) ( horrof). Horrof or Ahruff means
letters and this word horrof is a plural form of harrf like feetof foot.
1- nouns are ( ‫ ) محمد‬Mohamad is a name of a person
and ( ‫ السوق‬means the market ) market is a name of a place.We have 2
names in this sentence ( mohamad and market ) and the is an article = ‫ال‬
2- verbs are ‫ = ذهب‬went ( we have only one verb here which is went )
3- horrof (letters) are ‫ = إلى‬to ( we have only one letter here which is to
= ‫) الى‬. In Arabic we call words like ( to, of, from, in, and, but, if ) horrof
and they are conjunctions used to connect nouns , verbs and words
together to make phrases or complete sentences .
Verbs in Arabic Language devided to 3 types:
1- Fe"al Madei means ( Past Verb ) as kataba ‫ كتب‬for a male person ( he
wrote ) or katabat ‫ كتبت‬for a female person ( she wrote ) and
as laeba ‫ لعب‬for a male or laebat ‫ لعبت‬for a female means ( he/she played ).
2- Fe'al Muddare' or Hadder means ( Present Verb ) as yaktub ‫ يكتب‬for a
male person ( he writes ) ortaktub ‫ تكتب‬for a female person ( she
writes ) and as yala'b ‫ يلعب‬for a male person or tala'b ‫ تلعب‬for a female
person means ( he/she plays ).
3- Fe"al Ammr ( Command Verb ) as oktub ‫ أكتب‬for a male person
and oktubei ‫ أكتبي‬for a female means write and as illabb ‫العب‬/
illabei ‫ العبي‬means ( play ).