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Running Head: Network Design Proposal
Network Design Proposal
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Physical Network Design
Network Topology
This paper seeks to present a detailed proposal for network design by analysing the
proposed network arrangement including the networking infrastructure. It includes herein the
analysis of the physical topology that aides the establishment of a network layout as per the
business needs of a company or organization such as University of Maryland. In such a
setting, data security for students and teachers must be achieved through the network
arrangement. The new network system must consider the possibility of departmental and nonnetwork infrastructural expansion such as laboratories and libraries. This therefore makes this
proposal very useful for the above mentioned University. (Stewart, 2008)
The diagram below is an illustration of the general network topological layout
containing a protected system connection within the college campus.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Business Needs
The Cisco Enterprise IT Business Specialist Association provides IT professionals
with innovative skills that help them improve their business output. The skills acquired
through the membership of the above association help in:
Assessment of all the viable technological alternatives within a business
Evaluation of all the possible avenues of meeting the business needs.
Courteous conduct towards business peers.
Acquisition of knowledge regarding IT arrangement's (ROI) and (TCO) (Eernet,
Proposed topology
The system documentation is generally concise at its establishment. This however
changes with time making the system more sophisticated. To maintain the briefness and
comprehension of the system documentation, it needs to be redesigned over time. Every
System Topology Map presents a unique floor arrangement. This means that any changes in
the floor arrangements must be accompanied by appropriate markings to indicate the
alterations. The changed layout must be organized and well presented. An as-assembled
outline provides the manual that helps in the determination of how a system was actually
created thereby aiding in any further alteration. The existing documentation reflects the asmanufactured floor arrangement and includes all system topology changes.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Justification for proposed network topology
The Cisco Services is a global organization comprised of over 9,500 workers
operating in more than 120 countries throughout 380 locations. It has a trusted public image
emanating from its best practices; industry-based technological developments and brilliance.
Cisco maintains various network emergency response vehicles (NERV)’s that are deployed
by the Cisco employees in case of natural disasters or public crises. Cisco Enterprise Services
helps the companies to seize the opportunities of tomorrow by providing amazing networks
and connections. (, 2016)
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Network Media
Network media refers to the over which electrical data signals travel from one site to
another within the campus or an organization. Network media basically refers to
communication channels among devices that share data within a network. Twisted pair
cables, coaxial cables, wireless and fibre-optic cables are the most widely applied network
media. All the above types of network media have unique characteristics useful in different
environments. Star topology is commonly used in offices and homes. (Cisco Systems, Inc.,
Business Needs
The desire to increase efficiency and productivity, improve on coordination,
streamline operations and minimize operational costs has led to the migartion from analogue
systems to what is now known as Green IT. The Green IT helps the organizations to work
more efficiently, optimize their infrastructure and achieve environmental sustainability. This
therefore further emphasizes the importance of investment in proper network infrastructure
that will optimize performance and avoid network break-downs.
The established network system must therefore meet the requirements and the scope
of media and system applications. All business applications require the utilization of
appropriate system hardware to achieve business efficiency. IT solutions and network
structure responds to the changes more quickly and improves the ways the businesses
manage, share and use knowledge in their business. System applications are designed to meet
the specific user needs and to improve productivity and to perform the business functions
accurately. (
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Proposed Network Media
The different-levelled diagram above uses the building square approach which utilizes
a quickly directed focus framework layer upon which distinctive free movement pieces are
joined. The course pieces incorporate 2 layers of switches namely; genuine assignment
centers which operate in the capacity of aggregators as well as wiring closet switches.
Justification of selected network media
All the systems that utilize the 3rd layer exchanging access within their pieces of
appropriation are advised that an inclusive direction convention requires actualization as
grounds Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). This helps in achieving more efficient merging,
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
effective recovery from interior failures, improved reasoning as well as adaptation to
configurations which utilize static direction or outlines that influence steering conventions.
Network Devices
Business Network Devices
Setting up a business network device infrastructure has become easier over the years
with the improvement of network technologies. The network allows sharing of a single
broadband internet connection over multiple PC users. Once a network system has been put
in place, business organizations must afterwards purpose to initiate security measures using
security programs and firewalls that limit access to authorized personnel only and protect
against cyber attackers. (, 2016)
Proposed Network Devices
The following are the devices that form the core of the current system plan.
Network Switches refer to networking components used to connect devices to a
computer network through packet switching to initiate and facilitate communication among
the computers and devices within the network. A network switch is a multiport network
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
bridge using hardware in the processing and forwarding of data. A common type is Ethernet
switches which channel data from multiple inputs port to a specific output port to deliver data
to the destination device.
Routers refer to devices that forward data packet between the components of
networks. They direct traffic on the internet. The most common routers are the office routers
which pass IP packets between computer and internet. (
Justification for the selected network devices
Owing to the fact that businesses have been radicalized technologically and further
advancements have been made in the quest for higher efficiency, the above mentioned
devices will aid this particular network to be at par with the rest of the world in terms
sophistication and modernity.
Network Security Devices
Business needs
Network security plan ensures that data access is limited to authorized users. The
sophistication of cyber attackers and hackers can only be challenged by a similar level of
sophistication in network security. Network security system with monitoring capabilities
gives IT organizations a powerful weapon for fighting cyber threats. Security layout requires
the incorporation of IT infrastructure describing how an organization secures its system’s
data resources. Security efficiency of a network requires the following specifications; User
authentication and suspicious incident reporting. (
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Recommended Network Security gadgets
A firewall is an essential framework that can block traffic based on IP protocols, IP
address or a port number. It protects a trusted network from corruption by suspicious
networks. It does so by limiting accessibility of the resources within a network to authorized
users. Any packet seeking to go through any firewall is first verified before being let through.
Fig. A firewall arrangement in the organization or campus
Justification of the above security devices
Secure topologies are more often established by putting up a firewall. A firewall
protects a system from intrusion by malwares. It works mainly on the initial 3 layers within
the OSI model. These layers include; data link, network as well physical layers. (Swathe, n.d)
Computer Systems
Business Necessities
A PC system can be defined as connected computers sharing central storage as well as
peripheral devices including scanners, routers, and printers. Each computer within the system
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
operates independently and maintains the capacity to communicate with all the components
of that particular system.
Proposed Computer Systems
The operating system installed on a computer affects the business particularly when
other computers are connected to the business network. PC frameworks are fundamental parts
of basically every affiliation. They make, present, and reinforce an affiliation's PC structures,
including neighborhood (LANs), wide zone frameworks (WANs), framework pieces,
intranets, and other data correspondence systems.
PC frameworks hardware and correspondence traditions have undergone evolution
over the years. The System Control Protocol evolved to the TCP/IP tradition stack in 1978. It
prevailed over the seven-layered Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) stack which was
proposed in 1977 by Worldwide Standard Organization (ISO), and which was ruled as too
complex by the Web Engineering Task Force and Organization of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers traditions stacks (Stewart, 2008)
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Fig: Components of new network layout
Justification of the selected components of the new layout
Paul Baron fronted a framework system that would facilitate the forwarding of
datagram between computers in a network from origin o destination. The package trading
perspective gives the quality of framework against framework center point disillusionments.
The independent coordination of datagram per center makes it possible for the datagram to
accomplish their goal even in the region of various center point frustrations.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Network Addresses Design
Subletting within the Network
Assessment of Business Needs
A subnet mask generally is used to determine the specific function of each gap within
an IP address. It may give off an impression of being unnecessary at first because the
underlying segments within an IP address from left to the right, for instance, 190.166.1
reliably recognize the framework, and the last digit constantly recognizes individual devices
within frameworks. Regardless, this is not of any consequence for various frameworks.
Hence the reason subnet cover is used to isolate the framework fragment of the address from
the host portion (Cisco, 2016)
Proposed Subletting
IP addressing and subletting are important elements of network systems. Subletting
allows business to prepare multiple sensible systems existing inside a solitary Class A, B, or
C system. Refusal to sublet implies that one only utilizes one system within the network
when there are multiple options for better efficiency.
Any data available on a PC system requires an exceptional ID, with each hub within
the system operating as an independent entity. Braking noteworthy systems into smaller subnetworks will be documented any such sub-network will have a unique ID. Any new
interface within the framework will have a unique IP address. Consideration the final aim of
subnetting a framework, one can increase the general distribution using bit rate of a host ID
fragment create a subnetwork ID.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Justification of the network address design
Through the extension of the cover, one will have utilized three bits from the initial
host segment in creating subnets. These bits can further create additional eight subnets. Each
subnet has the potential of possessing a maximum of 32 addresses using the remaining host
ID bits. (Stewart, 2008)
III. Network Services Design
Network Services
Business Necessities
Listed below are some of the factors that necessitate investment into network services by
business organizations. The list also includes advantages thereof of acquiring such services.
Data rates keep increasing
Protocols and applications keep evolving
System implementation and testing take too long
Provision of detailed instructions together with the resources needed in the creation
and management of online computer laboratories
Provides the guidelines regarding the development of fully functional Linux network
systems with open source materials
Provides an effective, cost-efficient replacement to the traditional proprietary-based
network systems.
Creation and maintenance of a fully operational enterprise network system is not
expensive undertaking. The primary objectives of a network are to satisfy customer needs
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
efficiently. It is important to understand the network’s architecture, topology and protocols.
Proposed Network Services
Mentioned below are the proposed customizations needed to develop a system design
One central location for Backups
Hardware, Network, wirelessly scalability
Disaster Recovery
Allows the IT expert to work remotely
Justification for supporting these network services
The success of automated businesses and the efficiency of business applications
heavily rely on the availability and reliability of networks. This therefore necessitates the
installation of measures that will guarantee the network’s availability, reliability and
Networking and communication costs are perennial concerns for organizations and
form one of the most important factors that necesitate the implementation of a new network
system design. In-house technical expertise could be better used to progress business projects
rather than manage network monitoring and availability issues. (
Network Security Measures
Business Necessities
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
In an increasingly sophisticated cyber attack-threatened environment, organizations
should secure their networks with equally sophisticated firewalls and other security measures.
With the increased growth of complex networks, network security has taken the centre stage
leading to further concerns regarding data privacy and security.
It is imperative therefore for business organizations to possess the knowledge on
securing their networks. The good thing is that there exist alternatives regarding the
implementation of functional security protection for networks.
Proposed Network Security Measures
System Security Software: Antimalware examples include such software as the Sophos
Endpoint Security Control and McAfee Protection. On the other hand application security
includes IBM Web Sphere Data Power and F5 networks Application Security Manager.
Digital identity verification can be done through Juniper networks Steel belted Radius Server.
Network Firewall: This refers to a program put in place for security purposes to protect
against external unauthorized intruders. A network firewall screens the system’s activities
and reports of any suspicious activity. It has an arrangement of guidelines connected to every
bundle. The guidelines serve as parcel clearance. Typically firewalls are installed in both
trusted and less trusted systems. In the event that an expansive system needs to be secured,
the firewall keeps running on a PC that is dormant. A firewall secures user in the system
against unapproved access.(Lewis).
Secured Wireless Network
To be able to successfully achieve network security, one must change all the preconfigured
default settings within network devices and wireless access points. Also, default passwords
must be changed and further data encryption must be done to lock out any potential hackers
and cyber criminals.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
Back-up or Reinforcement Solutions: System reinforcement requires a customer server
programming design. The reinforcement server lives on a brought-together server and the
reinforcement customers dwell on each framework to be supported. Advanced system
reinforcement frameworks oversee reinforcement media which are associated with the
reinforcement server through a network. Network reinforcement frameworks are considerably
more versatile and sensible than neighborhood reinforcement frameworks where tape drives
are connected to every PC framework.
Patching and Programming Maintenance: Another real security issue is to maintain the
programming through software such as Astea Alliance, MaintiMizer, Man Win, upkeep,
Fixed, Rosmiman IWMS and Net Dispatcher, etc.
Justification of the security protocols
The significance of secure networks can never be over emphasized. With an increase
in corporate cyber espionage and potential hackers, network security has become the most
important aspect of all automated business operations for protection of sensitive data.
Advantages of using network security software include the protection of customer data to
maintain confidentiality, protection against hackers who would steal vulnerable data if not
well encrypted and protection against arbitrary malicious malware that may cause system
breakdowns and data corruption.
Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
A. Swetha, Y. M. (n.d.). Network Security-Proposals. Network Security-Proposals.
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Running Head: The New Network Layout Proposal
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Kenneth D. Stewart III, A. A. (2008). Designing and Supporting Computer Networks.
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