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Grammar and punctuation: Things you should know
You should be able to identify:
 Noun
The dog quickly ate the bouncy ball.
 Verb
The dog quickly ate the bouncy ball.
 Adjective
The dog quickly ate the bouncy ball.
 Adverb
The dog quickly ate the bouncy ball.
 Pronoun
He ran towards it.
 Possessive Pronoun ( Mine, his, hers, ours etc)
 Preposition
He ran towards it.
 Conjunction
He ran towards it and pushed the button.
 Article
(a, an or the) an apple the dog a ball
You should be able to
 Statement
 Question
 Command
different types of sentences:
I like lemonade.
Do you like lemonade?
Drink the lemonade!
You should be able to different parts of a complex sentence:
 Clause
While he slept, the stars twinkled.
( part of a sentence containing a verb)
(main and subordinate clauses)
 Phrase
The stars twinkled in the dark night sky.
( part of a sentence that does not contain a
 Connective
While he slept, the stars twinkled.
The stars twinkled while he slept.
( linking word)
You should be able to use standard English:
 Tense should agree e.g. Today I can read and write.
Yesterday I caught a train.
 Subject and verb should agree
e.g.I was doing maths (not I were doing maths)
 Know about double negatives
e.g. You can’t not go home = You must go home.
 Know when to use I and me correctly.
e.g. Mrs West and I went to school.
You can come with me.
 Know how to use apostrophes for contractions
e.g. can’t
shouldn’t would’ve
 Know how to use apostrophes for possession
 Know how to use the active and passive voice
You should be able to identify:
 Antonyms (words meaning the opposite to each other e.g.
good & bad)
 Synonyms(words meaning the same as each other e.g.
pretty & beautiful)
 Word families ( big, bigger, biggest )
 Prefixes ( ungreatful)
 Suffixes ( ungreatful)
 Singular and plural nouns ( boy & boys, family & families)
You should be able to use:
 Capital letters in all places where they are used
 Full stops
 Question marks
 Exclamation marks
 Commas in a list
 Commas to mark clauses and phrases
 Commas/brackets or dashes for parenthesis
 Inverted commas ( speech marks)
 Apostrophes for possession (The cat’s whiskers.)
 Apostrophes for contraction (can’t, wouldn’t etc)
 Brackets
 Ellipses
 Colons