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• A healthy diet should include :
• In a healthy diet is a balanced representation of three main
components: carbohydrates , fat and proteins , with more than
half of the energy intake should be paid carbohydrates , less
than one-third fat and about 15 % protein.
• 35% complex carbohydrates
• 25% fruits and vegetables
• 20% fats
• 15-18% protein
• 2-5% sugar
• Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables rich in starches (potatoes
) , rice,pasta,grain products like bread and biscuits. Carbohydrates
provide the body with the necessary energy , especially during physical
exertion. In the digestion of carbohydrates arises sugar called glucose,
which is necessary for the functioning of the brain and muscles.
• There are two basic categories of carbohydrates - simple and complex
• Simple carbohydrates can be found in fruits, milk and sugar and usually
have a sweet taste.
• Complex carbohydrates are found in basic foods that are last years
increasingly consumed - in cereals and cereal products , legumes and
foods rich in starch.
Proteins and fats
• Proteins are contained in meat, fish , eggs , cheese, milk
products, legumes and cereals. Our body is used in the
construction of bones , muscles , blood, to transfer information
and to protect the body from disease.
• Fat is found in oil, butter, cream and fatty meats . A certain
amount of fat to be included in our diet , because they are a
storehouse of energy and allow the absorption of some vitamins.
Food pyramid
• The most healthy food
• meat
• fish
• milk products
• eggs
• fruits
• vegetables
• pastry