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Verbal Phrases
I’m taking grades on your notes….so…I guess…take that as you may
• A word that is from a verb and that acts
as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
• Candy looked tired yesterday
• Crying is lame
• A verbal that ends in ing and acts as a
• Inventing can be dangerous.
Gerund Phrase
• A gerund plus its modifiers and
• Writing Frankenstein must have given
Mary Shelly goose bumps.
Using Gerund
• As long as the gerund or gerund phrase is
not acting as a verb….it is a verbal.
Underline the gerund phrase.
Calling the monster Frankenstein is a mistake.
Predicate noun
Frankenstein’s error was creating
the monster.
Direct object
I like watching horror movies
object of a preposition
The monster was responsible for killing three
• Verb form that acts as an adjective
• There are two kinds of participles.
• Present Participle
– Always ends in ing
The eerily creaking door swung open.
• There are two kinds of participles.
• Past Participle
– Always (well almost always) ends in ed
The deserted building was old and decrepit.
Fallen bricks blocked the entry.
Participle Phrase
• A participial phrase consists of a
participle plus its modifiers and
• The entire phrase modifies a noun or
Participle Phrase
• They spied a shape lurking in the dark
• Frightened by the sight, they stopped
Participle Phrase
Prepositional Phrase?
• If a verb follows to it is a participle phrase.
• If a noun or pronoun follows to it is a
prepositional phrase
ING words
• What’s that scampering sound?
• It’s the scampering of rodents.
• Mice are scampering beneath the
• Identify the participle, gerund, and verb.
• A verb form that usually begins with
the word to and acts as a noun,
adjective , or adverb.
• Mars is a place some people want
to visit.
Infinitive Phrase
• An infinitive plus its modifiers and
• To believe in life on Mars was common
in the 1930s.
• Martians might use flying saucers to
invade Earth.
• I took time to read an old science
fiction book.
Participle Phrase
Prepositional Phrase?
1. Of all the planets, Mars is most similar to
2. It was easy to imagine creatures on
3. Would you like to travel to Mars?
4. I prefer to go to libraries for information.
Using Infinitive
Underline Infinitive Phrases and identify as nouns, adverbs, or adjectives.
• To colonize Mars is a real Possibility.
• Science fiction writers wrote about little
green Martians to scare readers.
Predicate noun
• My dream is to live on Mars
• Even some scientists believed Mars
to be inhabited. adjective
• Pg 171 – A 1-5
– Write down gerund phrase
– Underline gerund
• Pg 174- A 1-5
– Write participial phrase and underline
– Do Part B
• Pg 177-A 1-5
– Write down infinitive phrase
– underline infinitive.