Download Powertec Genesis Start-up Procedure

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PRB Electronics, Inc.
2108 Fairburn Road, Suite E
Hillcrest Business Center
Douglasville, GA 30135-1079
Powertec Genesis Series
Start-up Procedure
Non Regenerative, Speed Regulated
Rev iii, Jan 2007
(770) 949-9426 ph, (770) 577-1164 fax
Start-up Procedure
The following procedure is intended as a guide to assist qualified technical
engineers with the start-up of the Powertec Genesis Series Drive. Dangerous
voltages are present any time power is applied to the motor control and can exist
even after power is removed. All possible steps should be made to minimize danger
to all personnel while performing the start-up procedure.
The technicians’ test equipment must be of suitable working order and verified for
proper operation and calibration.
Caution: this procedure is a rule of thumb only. Different machine dynamics may
alter this procedure. Never activate the control until all personnel are in a safe
area and the machine is uncoupled from the load. Time and patience are your
friend here, attempting to rush this procedure will frustrate you and likely cause
damage to the drive and/or motor and machine.
Before applying power:
Check motor and feedback connections for proper termination.
Disconnect motor from load if possible.
Turn current limit pot on the speed controller board fully counter-clockwise. Turn
speed reference potentiometer fully counter-clockwise or make sure speed reference
signal from speed pot, PLC, Digimax, controller, etc. is at zero volts.
2. Apply power to control:
 Allow buss to saturate (buss caps come up to full buss voltage – this will be around
325Vdc for 230 volt line and 650Vdc for 460 volt line).
 At this time, the buss LED will turn green on the Current Control board and you will
hear the precharge contactor pull in. You should also have a green PWR LED, and
one or two of the HS1, HS2 & HS3 LED’s. If all three HS(x) LED’s are lit or none are
lit do not proceed. Call PRB Electronics, Inc. or Powertec for assistance.
 Apply a start command to the drive, but do not give a speed reference. (It may be
necessary to disconnect the speed reference from the control to assure zero volts).
 Turn the motor shaft by hand while observing the HS(x) LED’s for changing state.
You should observe the three LED’s change state from HS1 to HS2 to HS3
emulating the rotation of the motor shaft. It is possible that the reverse will be
indicated depending on rotational direction of the motor shaft.
3. Rotational tests
 Initiate a stop command, turn off power and restore any circuits removed for the
above tests.
 Reapply power and again allow buss to saturate. Attach a clamp on style ammeter
around one of the motor lead wires. Initiate a start command and verify run and
enable LED’s are lit.
 Apply a speed reference signal of about 10%. This will normally be around 1Vdc on
the reference. You should see the current limit LED on the Speed Controller board
light up.
 Slowly increase the current limit potentiometer on the Speed Controller board in a
clockwise direction. Do not turn past about 25 degrees at this time. The motor
should begin rotation at 5 to 10 degrees of angle (this will be indicated by the HS(x)
LED’s on the Current Control board) and the current limit light will begin to dim and
go out as you increase to about 10 degrees or so. If you reach 25 degrees
movement on the current limit pot or the motor does not begin to rotate, STOP,
return the current limit pot to full counter clockwise and call for service assistance.
 Monitor the motor current to verify a very low amount. Typically, you will see no more
than 4 to 8 amps, even on large motors.
 If everything appears as described, set the speed reference to zero volts, initiate a
stop command, return the current limit pot to full counter clockwise and restore motor
shaft connection to the load.
4. Load tests
 Reapply power to the system and verify buss saturation as before in Para. 2. Initiate
a start command and apply minimal speed reference of about 10% (1Vdc). Slowly
increase the current limit pot while observing motor current and shaft rotation. Motor
current will be significantly higher and the current limit LED will stay on longer due to
the increased load, however, one should expect both to stabilize fairly quickly.
If motor load is in line with expectations and the current limit light is extinguished
within 25 to 40% of clockwise rotation of the current limit pot, the speed reference
can be increased slowly to a higher percentage.
Increase the current limit pot to around 90% of clockwise rotation and put the system
into production.
If at any time the above tests produce un-described or unexpected results, do not
continue until a reasonable explanation can be determined. You generally get only one
chance to make a mistake!
Problems? Call PRB Electronics, Inc and one of our engineers will assist you
with the procedure!