Download September 19th

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This week we will
continue to work
on some review
words from Grade
One. These are the
words we will be
practicing this
Upcoming events
Mon. Sept. 19th –Return Spelling books
Wed. Sept. 21st – Library – return library books
Fri. Sept. 23rd – Spelling Check-Up, Picture Day, Field
Trip forms due
1. play
2. by
3. just
4. name
5. went
6. can
7. very
8. about
Tues. Sept 27th – Chip Day - $1.50
Thurs. Sept. 29th – Terry Fox Run
What a great start we are having in room 2G!
Students are working very hard and are getting closer
to earning their first classroom reward! We had our first
library exchange last week which means that students
need to return their library books by Wednesday this
week. Students will be getting bags to transfer and
protect their library books to and from school as soon
as the order comes in.
We continue to work hard on our Daily 5 program.
Last week students learned 5 different word stations
they will be working on each week and showed great
stamina while practicing them. This week we will
review the Listen to Reading station and practice
building our stamina in that area.
Last week, students learned how to build, extend and
predict elements of increasing patterns. We have
been working hard on patterns this month and will
continue to build and extend repeating and
increasing patterns with 2 or more attributes.
The past couple week students have been learning
about magnets and what type of objects are
magnetic and non magnetic. This week we will
continue to learn about magnets and how the North
and South poles of magnets attract and repel.
Each week we will be focusing on
specific word families to help
students identify them in their
reading and assist them when
spelling. This week we will be
focusing on the word families
“ing”, “in”, and “ink”. You can
practice these at home when
reading with your child, playing
detective and finding them within
words, or by thinking of words
with those word families in them.
Contact Information: Jillian Gulseth (780-998-7771)
[email protected]