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Buddhism Study Guide
Students will have a multiple choice test on Buddhism Tuesday, September 27, 2016.
1. ________________________________ and _________________________ are two
religions that branched off of Hinduism.
2. __________________________ was founded in India by Guru Nanak and is a mix
of Hinduism and Islam.
3. _________________________ became the first Buddha.
4. What are the Four Noble Truths?
5. According to legend, what would Siddhartha have become had he not encountered
suffering? ___________________________________________
6. Hinduism is to Moksha as Buddhism is to ____________________________.
7. _____________________ is the modern day hearth (origin) of Buddhism.
8. Buddha means ______________________________________________.
9. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are the _________________________ of Buddhism.
10.Define the following Three Jewels of Buddhism: Buddha-___________________,
Dharma- ______________________, and Sangha- _________________________.
11.To reach _______________________________ is the ultimate goal of a Buddhist.
12.______________ is the Buddhist belief there is not a permanent essence of the soul.
13. A ____________________________ is a compassionate being that avoids Nirvana
in order to bring others to Nirvana.
14. A __________________________ is a structure for Buddhists to go for meditation.
15.____________________________ means Buddhists live as monks and nuns in
monasteries separated from commoners.
16.For six years the founder of Buddhism practiced ______________________, which
is practice of deprivation and intense physical discipline.
17.Which school of Buddhism is known as the “Small Vehicle” and is the oldest
school of Buddhism?
18.Which school of Buddhism is known as the “Great Vehicle” and is Buddhism for
the masses? ______________________________________________________
19._________________________Buddhism is also known as Tibetan Buddhism,
which is a mixture of Theraveda and Mahayana Buddhism. It originated in the
Himalayan Mountains with the Dalai Lama as its leader, until the area was taken
over by the Chinese in the 1950s.
20.According to Buddhism _________________________ causes suffering so it must
be extinguished.
21.To reach Nirvana one must follow the ________________________________.
22. _________________________ is considered a bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism.
23. _________________ are created by Buddhists monks and represent the cycle of
life. Monks use colored sand to create the geometric shapes and when finished
gather the sand a ceremonial dispose of it in a body of water, such as a river.
24.Which symbol represents Buddhism? ____________________________________
25.Although Buddhism began in Northern India, why is it no longer dominant in that
region? ___________________________________________________________