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Master students (Bio-) Medical Engineering, Applied Physics, etc.
Dr. Georgi Nalbantov, MAASTRO CLINIC – Maastricht University Medical Centre+
April 2011
Project proposal for Master thesis [approx. 9-12 months]
Project proposal: Advanced data mining in lung cancer images: the concept of virtual patients
The objective is to improve treatment planning and outcome evaluation in radiotherapy for nonsmall cell lung cancer by performing advanced analysis on CT, PET and dose images of different
patients fused onto one reference (atlas) patient. This approach should ultimately allow us to
improve personalized treatment by creating location-based input features, called defornomics
features. We developed and tested a non-rigid automatic segmentation software (Orban de Xivry-J
et al.). In a pilot phase we tried the deformation pipeline on the 2 patients. It computes the
deformation in both ways (from reference to patient A and from patient A to reference), so that
one gets the deformed patient A on the reference, and the deformed reference contours on the
target patient A. It is also possible to ”summarize” 100 patient in one “virtual” patient or two fuse
two groups with different outcomes (e.g. complications yes or no) in two patients and look for
differences. We propose to further test this solution for the following applications. Several
subprojects are available.
A. Normal lung:
- Dose in lung two groups: with or without RILT (radiation induced lung toxicity) (e.g. in place to have 100 CT pre:
80 without RILT, 20 with RILT: you have two images: dose distribution in virtual patient without RILT and dose
dose distribution with RILT
- Image (CTPET) before and after for each patient fused (in place to have 200 CT pre and post you have 100
combined prepost)
- image (CTPET) before and after for patient with or without RILT fused (in place to have 200 CT pre and post
you have 2 combined prepost one with one without RILT)
- same as above combining delta SUV and dose
B/ Esophagus:
Same as above: normal esophagus in place of normal lung, esophagitis grade 2 and more in place of RILT
C/ Heart:
Same as above: normal heart with substructures in place of normal lung, RILT as criteria.
- Delineate the substructures of the heart is extremely time consuming. Therefore we could generate an automatic
delineation of the substructure of the heart on a large dataset of patients and see whether irradiation of the
ventricles has an impact of RILT and survival (our hypothesis).
D/ Tumour:
Tumour progression/digression tracing and evaluation of the impact on survival and tumor relapse.
- Georgi Nalbantov;
- Andre Dekker;
T: 088 44 55 508; E: [email protected]
T: 088 44 55 824; E: [email protected]
Overall supervision / Organizational matters:
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Frank Verhaegen;
T: 088 44 55 792; E: [email protected]
General information
General information about MSc projects at Maastro Clinic can be obtained from prof. Verhaegen
([email protected]).