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Name: ________________________
Date: ____________________
Social Studies
Class: ___________________
Ancient Mesopotamia Project
What you have to do
1. Title Page
Create a title page. Be sure to have your name, class, and
the date the project is due on there. You also need visuals
that represent ancient Mesopotamia.
2. It happened
first in
In this article are a number of “firsts” that Mesopotamians
achieved. Select two of these and draw or print a visual that
depicts each of the achievements. Describe how each could
have been used during this time. Your visual should have
labels, be colorful, and be accurate. Title this page “It
Happened First in Ancient Mesopotamia”.
3. Cuneiform
Read the story about the development of writing from
the British Museum.
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of
paper. Please put this heading “Cuneiform” at the top of
your page.
1. What time period did people start to record the amounts
of different crops?
2. Draw the symbol for barley.
3. What was usually next to the barley sign?
4. What is the Sumerian word for fig cakes?
5. Beside business and trade, what was cuneiform used for?
6. Cuneiform script was used to write what other languages?
7. Draw the sign for the ox c.600.
4. Code of
Create a page titled “The Code of Hammurabi”. On
the Code of Hammurabi page are the laws of Hammurabi as
translated from cuneiform. Select four laws and write them
out. After each law, explain in your own words what the law
means in today’s world. This should be in paragraph form.
5. Ziggurats
Read the article on Ziggurats. In paragraph form, address
the answers to the following questions:
1. What is a ziggurat?
2. Why were these structures built?
3. How were they built?
4. What did people do there on a daily basis?
5. What are some examples of famous ziggurats and where
are they located today?
6. Map
You will receive a map of ancient Mesopotamia and one that
is current. Label the major rivers, lakes, mountains, and
other major geographical places, including oceans and seas.
Using a colored pencil, outline and fill in the area that used
to be ancient Mesopotamia over the modern day map. Color
in the oceans and other water sources with blue. Make the
land area green.
Bonus: Once you have finished all the requirements listed above, you may select
another element of Mesopotamian culture to research and write about. Speak with your
teachers about your topic idea and research questions.