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Lagnado, J. R., Lyons,C. & Wickremasinghe, G. (1971) FEBSLett. 15,254-258
Matus, A. I., de Petris, S. & Raff, M. C. (1973) Nature (London)New Biol. 244,278-280
Weisenberg, R. C., Borisy, G. G. &Taylor,E. W. (1968)Biochemistry 7,4466-4479
Amine-Dependent Synthesis of Peptides and Peptido-Amines
in Nervous Tissue
Department of Neurochemistry, The University Psychiatric Clinic, Vinderen, Oslo, 3,
The addition of amines such as histamine, dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine)
and 5-hydroxytryptaminecauses a rapid decrease in the concentration of acetylaspartate
in brain tissue slices (Reichelt et al., 1971).After inhibition of monoamine oxidaseactivity
in homogenates of cortical tissue, the same amines can induce a non-ribosomal synthesis
of peptides which is dependent on ATP (Reichelt & Kvamme, 1973). The amines are
apparently incorporated into both peptido-amines and acetylaspartate peptides, and the
nature of the specific peptides formed is dependent on the type of amino acids present
(at a concentraction of 0 . 5 m ~ ) and
to a lesser extent, partially on the type of amine
added (Reichelt & Edminson, 1974). Putative neurotransmitters like y-aminobutyric
acid, taurine, glycine and glutamic acid are incorporated into these peptides.
Reichelt, K. L. & Edminson, P. D. (1974) FEBS Lett. in the press
Reichelt, K. L. & Kvamme, E. (1973)J. Neurochem. 21,849-859
Reichelt, K. L., Wedege, E. & Kvamme, E. (1971) J. Neurochem. 18,2129-2136
Investigations of the Self-potentiating Effect of LuteinizingHormone-Releasing Hormone on Rat Pituitaries in vitro
*Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, London S W7 4AZ, U.K. and
t Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Wellcome Research Laboratories,
Beckenham BR3 3BS, Kent, U.K.
It has been reported that when perifused anterior pituitary glands of di-oestrous female
rats were stimulated intermittently with luteinizing-hormone-releasinghormone
(Matsuo et al., 1971) a progressively increasing series of peaks of luteinizing-hormone
secretion resulted even when the secretion was allowed to return to baseline between
stimuli (Gilbert & Edwardson, 1974). Further studies using the same general procedure
have defined some properties of this phenomenon.
When the interval between stimuli(long of luteinizing-hormone-releasinghormone/ml
for 5min; flow rate 0.2ml/min) was 1h, potentiation occurred in the second and subsequent responses, but when the interval was 0.5h the first two or three responses were
similar in magnitude although there was a progressive increase in subsequent responses.
When the interval between stimuli was 1.5h little or no potentiation was observed. Continuous stimulation with luteinizing-hormone-releasinghormone (10ng/ml)produced an
initial rapid increase in luteinizing-hormone secretion during the first 20min followed by
a gradual further increase during the subsequent hour, after which the rate of secretion
remained constant. The acute response to a high concentration of K+ for 5min (1cKhnM
with adjustment of Na+ to maintain osmolarity) was similar to that to luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (10ng/ml) but repeated stimulation with this concentration of
K+ at intervals of 1h produced a series of equal responses.
Treatment of the glands with cycloheximide(5 or 250,ug/ml) for 1h before and during
a series of stimuli with luteinizing-hormone-releasing
hormone (lOng/ml) at intervals of