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Ch. 14.3
Ms. De Los Rios 7th Grade
Essential Question:
How Do Living Things Affect One Another?
How Do Adaptations Help an Organism Survive?
What Are Competition and Predation?
What are Three Types of Symbiosis?
Interactions Among Living Things
Pgs. 490-499
Natural Selection- The process by which organisms that are best adapted to
their environment are most likely to survive and reproduce
Adaptation- An inherited behavior or physical characteristic that helps an
organism survive and reproduce in its environment
Niche- How an organism makes its living and interacts with the biotic and
abiotic factors in its habitat
Competition- The struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to
use the same limited resources in the same place, at the same time.
Parasite- The organism that benefits by living with, on, or in a host in a
parasitism interaction.
Host-An organism that a parasite lives with, in, or on, and provides a source of
energy or a suitable environment for the parasite to live.
Symbiosis- Any relationship in which two species live closely together and that
benefits at least one of the species.
Mutualism-A type of symbiosis in which both species benefit from living
Commensalism- A type of symbiosis between two species in which one
species benefits and the other species is neither helped or harmed.
Parasitism- A type of symbiosis in which one organism lives with, on or in a
host and harms it.
Predation-An interaction in which one organism kills another for food or
Predator-The organism that does the killing in a predation interaction.
Prey- An organism that is killed and eaten by another organism in a predation
My Planet Diary pg. 490
Predator Power
What predator can close its jaws the fastest? You might think it is a lion or a
shark, but you would be wrong. It is the trap-jaw ant that has the fastest
predatory strike in the animal kingdom. The trap-jaw ant closes its mouth
around its prey in 0.13 milliseconds at speeds of 35 to 64 meters per second!
The force created when its jaw snaps shut also helps the ant escape danger by
either jumping up to 8.3 centimeters high or 39.6 centimeters sideways.
1. How does the trap-jaw ant’s adaptation
help it avoid becoming the prey of another organism?
2. What are some adaptations that other
predators have to capture prey?
How Do Adaptations help an Organism Survive? Pg.
As day breaks, a sound comes from a nest tucked in a branch of a
saguro cactus. Two young red-tailed hawks are preparing to fly. Farther
down the stem, a tiny elf owl peeks out of its nest in a small hole. A
rattlesnake slithers around the base of the saguaro, looking for
breakfast. Spying a shrew, the snake strikes it with needlelike fangs.
The shrew dies instantly.
Natural Selection
Pg. 492
Individuals with characteristics that
Are best suited for their environment tend to
Survive and pass on these
Characteristics to their offspring
through a process called
natural selection.
The behaviors and characteristics that allow organisms to live
successfully in their environments are called adaptations.
Individuals with characteristics that are poorly suited for their
environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. Over time,
poorly suited characteristics may disappear from the species. If a
species cannot adapt to changes in its environment, the entire
species can disappear from Earth and become extinct.
Saguaro Community fig. 1 pg. 491
Circle two examples of
how organisms interact in
this scene. Describe each
Niche Pg. 492
An organism has a role, or niche, in its habitat. The organisms in
the saguaro community have adaptations that result in specific
roles. The role an organism has in its habitat is called its niche.
A niche includes the type of food the organism eats and how it
gets this food. A niche also includes when and how the organism
reproduces and the physical conditions that it needs to survive.
Each organism has unique characteristics that
affect the organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its
Apply it!
1. Identify- List two
abiotic factors in the
2. Interpret DiagramsDescribe the niche of
the squirrel in the
3. Make generalizationsWhat adaptations
might the squirrel
have that make it
able to live in this
Organisms occupy many niches in an
Assess Your Understanding pg. 492
1a. Define – Adaptations are the __________________ and
______________________ characteristics that allow organisms to
live successfully in their environments.
b. Explain - How are a snake’s sharp fangs an adaptation that
help it survive in the saguaro community?
I get it! Now I know that adaptations are
What is Competition? Pg. 493
Two major types of interactions among organisms are
competition and predation.
is the
struggle between organisms
to survive as they attempt
to occupy the same niche
and use the same limited
Organisms that share the same habitat often have adaptations
that reduce competition.
For example, three types of birds can each get food from different
parts of the same tree.
Predation pg. 494
Predation An interaction is which one
organism kills another for food.
The predator The species that hunts
and kills the prey.
The prey The species that is hunted or
-Predators have adaptations that
help them catch prey.
-Organisms have adaptations that
help them avoid becoming prey.
Predators can affect population size. If
there are too many predators in an area,
the number of prey will decrease. As a
result, there is less food for predators
and the predator population will go down
Niche and Competition Fig. 2 pg. 493
Each of these warbler species
occupies a very specific location in
its habitat. By feeding on insects in
different areas of the tree, the birds
avoid competing for food and are
able to live together.
1. Predict- What could happen
if these warbler species fed
in the same location on the
List- For what resources
do the tree and the grass
Predator Adaptations pg. 495
Predators have adaptations that help them catch and kill their prey. A cheetah
can run very fast for a short time, enabling it to catch its prey. Some predators,
such as owls and bats, have adaptations that enable them to hunt at night when
their prey are active.
Fig. 4 pg. 494
A jellyfish’s tentacles contain a poisonous substance that paralyzes tiny water
animals. The sundew is a plant that is covered with sticky bulbs on stalks.
When a fly lands on a bulb, it remains snared in the sticky goo while the plant
digests it.
Imagine an ideal predator
to prey on a porcupine.
Draw or describe your
predator and label its
Prey Adaptations pg. 495
Organisms have many adaptations that help them avoid becoming
False Coloring- Predators may be confused by a false eyespot
and attack the wrong end of the animal. This allows the animal to
get away safely.
Prey Adaptations – Warning Coloring
Many brightly colored animals are poisonous and their bright
colors warn predators not to eat them!
Animals often mimic the coloring, shape, and swimming style of
venomous animals to discourage predators.
Protective Covering
Some animals have a hard shell covering to prevent being eaten by
Some animals and insects, use coloring to help them blend into
their surroundings.
Predator-Prey Interactions
On Isle Royale, an island in Lake Superior, the populations of wolves (the
predator) and moose (the prey) rise and fall in cycles. Use the graph to answer the
Read Graphs- What variable Is plotted on
the x-axis? What two variables are plotted
on the y-axis?______________________
2. Interpret Data- How did the moose
Population change between 2002 and 2007
2007? What happened to the wolf population
from 2003 through 2006?________________
3. Draw conclusions- How might the change
in moose population have led to the change
in the wolf population? ___________________
4. Explain- What adaptations does a wolf have
that makes it a successful predator? _______
5. Predict- How might disease in the wolf
population one year affect the moose
population the next year?_________________
Assess Your Understanding pg. 496
2a. Review - Two main ways in which organisms interact are
___________________ and _____________________.
b. Describe – Give an example of competition. Explain your answer.
c. Apply concepts – Owls often prey on mice. What adaptations do you
think the mice have that help them avoid becoming prey?
I get it! Now I know that competition and predation
What Are The Three Types Of Symbiosis?pg. 497
The 3 main types of symbiotic relationships are
1. Mutualism
2. Commensalism
3. Parasitism
Mutualism is a relationship
in which both species benefit.
When an oxpecker eats ticks living
on the impala’s ear, both
organisms benefit.
Commensalism is a relationship in which one species benefits
and the other species is not affected, such as a bird’s nest in a
Parasitism is a relationship in which one organism benefits and the
other organism is harmed. The organism that benefits is called a
parasite. The organism that is harmed is called the host. Fish lice are
parasites that feed on the blood of a host fish.
Fig. 7 pg. 498
List the names of the parasites and the hosts.
Assess Your Understanding pg. 499
3a. Compare and contrast – Identify two types of interactions among
organisms and then compare and contrast them.
b. How do living things affect one another?
I get it! Now I know that the three types of symbiosis differ in