Download The red planet is called Mars The sun is our closest star. Laika was

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The red planet is called Mars
The sun is our closest star.
Laika was the first dog in space.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Yuri Gagarin was the first man on the moon .
Valentine Tereshkova is the first woman on the moon.
The Milky Way has a lot of stars.
1965 Alexei Lenovo is the first person to walk on the
The moon is our nearest neighbour.
1986 Russian Mir space station was launched.
By Ayesha
The sun is our nearest star.
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon
in 1969.
Venus is the second planet from the sun.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun
and the third largest.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.
Saturn is known as the ringed planet.
Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space.
Mars is fourth planet from the sun.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
By Alana Flood.
The first man to walk on the moon was
Neil Armstrong in 1969 July 21st.
The sun is our nearest star.
Mars is known as the red planet.
In 1590 the first star was discovered.
Scientists do not count Pluto as a planet.
Saturn is also known as the ringed planet.
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar
Uranus is four times the size of Earth.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
All life on Earth depends on the sun.
By Charlie Boyle.
Space contains lots of things like meteors and
Mars is known as the “ The Red Planet “.
Venus is covered with blankets of gas.
Saturn is actually made of gas!
Pluto is a dwarf planet because it is so small.
Blue, light and dark blue are the hottest stars
while red, orange and yellow are the coldest.
Laika the dog was the first animal in space.
Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in
Russia and America had a race to space!
By Charlotte Clinton Murray!
In 1590,the first star was discovered.
The largest volcano in Our Solar System is
Olympus Mons.
In 1840,the first photograph of the moon was taken.
In 1877,the two moons of Mar`s was discovered .
In 1957,the first sateillite was launched .
In 1930,Ploto was discovered.
Planet Earth is a solid sphere surrounded by gases.
In 1958,the USA launches its first satellite into
A Russian astronaunt is called a cosmonant
In 1976,viking1 and 2 land on the Red Planet, Mars.
By Máire
Space Facts
Mars is known as the red planet
The sun is our nearest star
Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in space
Laika was the first living creature sent in to space
There is no gravity in space
It takes 24 hours for the earth to spin once
A Russian astronaut is called a cosmonaut
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space
Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space
By Milly GN