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Solar System
•Why do you think that Earth
is the only planet that
sustains life?
• Why do you think that Earth is the only
planet that sustains life?
1) Right atmosphere
2) Water
3) Right temperature
4) Air (Oxygen)
My Very Excellent Mother Just Sold Us Notebooks.
• Create a saying to remember the names of the planets.
• Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus
Neptune Pluto
• Ex. My very eccentric mother just sent us nine pigs.
What is a planet?
• A large body that
does not give off
Planets Must Be Able
1. Orbit a sun
2. Have enough mass
for it to form its own
gravity and for it to
shape into a sphere.
3. Massive enough to
form its own orbit
• Solar System: Our Sun and the planets that move around
it, including asteroids, meteors, and comets
• Galaxy: A system of millions or billions of stars, together
with gas and dust, held together by gravity
• Satellite: A man-made object placed in orbit around the
earth, the moon, or another planet in order to collect
information or for communication. The moon is Earth’s only
natural satellite
• Planet: a large, round object in space (such as the earth)
that travels around a star (such as the sun)
• Atmosphere: A mass of gases that surround a planet or a
• Gravity: Movement to or toward someone or
• Comet: An object made up of glass and dust that
develops a long, bright tail when it passes near the
• Meteor: A piece of rock or metal that burns and
glows brightly in the sky as it falls from outer space
into Earth's atmosphere
• Asteroid: Any of the small rocky objects found
especially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
The Solar System consists of the:
•Primarily empty space
• The sun is the major
source of heat and
light for the solar
• Everything in the
solar system is under
the direct influence
of the Sun’s
gravitational pull.
• Planets are the
largest objects in
the solar system
(other than the sun)
and due to the Sun’s
gravitational pull,
they revolve around
the sun with known
• Appears to be a huge ball
of iron covered by a thin
layer of rock
• Has no atmosphere, so
there is no wind or weather
• There is no water or air on
the surface, but could
possibly be underneath the
• Atmosphere is mainly
carbon dioxide
• Size and gravitational force
similar to Earth
• Has no liquid water
• Is the hottest planet due
heat from the light being
trapped in it's atmosphere
• Surface has craters and
active volcanoes
• The Earth formed in just
the right place with just
the right ingredients for
life to flourish.
• Our planet has:
• Liquid water
• Breathable atmosphere
• Suitable amount of
sunshine to sustain life
• Right temperature
• Air (oxygen)
• The earth is orbited by one moon, many artificial satellites, and
• Atmosphere is a layer of air, made up of many layers and
gases that surround the Earth’s surface keeping humans safe
from the sun’s radiation.
• The "red planet" because it's
covered with rust-like dust
• Has violent dust storms and
contains the largest volcano in
the solar system
• Thin atmosphere that is mostly
carbon dioxide, it is thin so it
does not trap heat. It is a very
cold planet
• Has a weak gravitational pull
• The largest planet
• Has thick, colorful clouds of deadly,
poisonous gases surrounding it. The quick
spinning of the planet whips up the
atmosphere, creating the bands around the
• Has many storms on the surface, most
notably the big red spot which is the largest
hurricane in our Solar System
• Jupiter has many moons circling around it.
Four of these moons are bigger than Pluto
• The second largest planet in our
solar system and is another gas
• Has a small rocky core covered with
liquid gas
• Has many moons surrounding it
• The rings are made up of millions of
ice crystals, some as big as houses
and others as small as specks of
• Very light as it is made up of more
hydrogen than helium so it is less
• Uranus takes 84 Earth years to
go around the sun, this means
that each of its poles is in
daylight for 42 years and in
darkness for the next 42
• The atmosphere is mostly
hydrogen but also contains
large amounts of a gas called
methane. Methane absorbs red
light and scatters blue light so
a blue-green methane haze
hides the interior of the planet
from view.
• Suffers the most violent storms
in the solar system
• A large, water planet with a
blue hydrogen-methane
atmosphere and faint rings
• Covered with thin clouds
• Storms have been spotted
swirling around its surface
and freezing winds that
blow about ten times faster
than hurricanes on Earth
make it the windiest planet
• I'm the planet that
everyone calls “Red,” But
really my soil is rustcolored instead. Look up
and you may spot me in
the sky, I'm the orangecolored dot, way up
• What planet am I?
• Mars
• With over 63 moons, you
might say I have a lot.
Look with a telescope to
see my big, red spot. The
spot is a wind storm,
swirling around.
High in the night sky is
where I can be found.
• What planet am I?
• Jupiter
• I'm blue and green and
a little brown. I'm a small
planet with life all
around. They call me the
third rock from the sun. I
don't have many moons just one.
• What planet am I?
• Earth
• No matter how hard you
look, you'll never find me,
Unless you have a
telescope to help you see. I
was once called a planet,
but not any more.
Now I'm just a “Dwarf
Planet,” but too important
to ignore.
• What planet am I?
• Pluto
• Look very close to the
sun and you'll spot,
A tiny, cratered planet
that's very hot .
I have no moons but I
orbit the sun very fast .
Can you guess my name
at last?
• What planet am I?
• Mercury
• I'm yellow and cloudy
and super hot. Look low
in the sky, I'm easy to
spot. People call me the
“Evening Star” From
planet Earth, I'm not very
• What planet am I?
• Venus
• Named for the Roman
god of the Sea, Look
past Saturn and Uranus
for me.
I had a black spot that
was a huge storm. Now
it's all gone, but I'll still
never be warm.
• What planet am I?
• Neptune
• I'm a giant gas planet
out in space, There are
bands or stripes all over
my face. When it comes
to size, I'm number two,
I have bright rings.
That's an easy clue.
• What planet am I?
• Saturn
• A gas planet that's off in the distance, Only
recently they found my rings in existence. I'm blue
and cold and far away,
People say I'm funny because I spin sideways.
• What planet am I?
• Uranus
• Asteroids are small, airless
rocky worlds revolving
around the sun that are too
small to be called planets.
• In total, the mass of all the
asteroids is less than that of
Earth's moon. But despite
their size, asteroids can be
dangerous. Many have hit
Earth in the past, and more
will crash into our planet in
the future. That's one reason
scientists study asteroids and
are eager to learn more
about their numbers, orbits
and physical characteristics.
• The vast majority of asteroids in
the solar system are found in a
region of the solar system out
beyond Mars. They form the
Asteroid Belt.
• The Asteroid Belt is located in an
area of space between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
• Asteroid Belt objects are made
of rock and stone. Some are
solid objects, while others are
orbiting “rubble piles”.
• The Asteroid Belt contains
billions and billions of asteroids.
• Gravitational influences can
move asteroids out of the Belt
• There was a theory once that
if you combined all the
asteroids they would make
up the missing “Fifth” rocky
planet. Planetary scientists
estimate that if you could put
all that material together
that exists there today, it
would make a tiny world
smaller than Earth’s moon.
• A meteoroid is a small rock
or particle of debris in our
solar system.
• They range in size from dust
to around 10 meters in
diameter (larger objects are
usually referred to as
• A meteoroid that burns up as
it passes through the Earth’s
atmosphere is known as a
• A meteoroid that survives
falling through the Earth’s
atmosphere and colliding
with the Earth’s surface is
known as a meteorite.
• Comets are big chunks of
ice, rock and gas.
• They are dirty snowballs
of leftovers from the
beginning of our solar
• Comets orbit the Sun like
planets. Most comets orbit
way out beyond the orbit
of Pluto. It can take a
comet hundreds or even
millions of years to go
once around the Sun.
• When close enough to the
Sun they display a visible
coma (a fuzzy outline or
atmosphere due to solar
radiation) and sometimes a
• We will be making a booklet today. The cover should say
“Planet Booklet”and your name. Each page represents a
different planet (including pluto).
• This project is your test for this unit so it will be put in as
a classwork and test grade!
• Cover Page with your
• Sun
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
Solar System – back
page (capture our
• Distance from sun
• Period of rotation
(including if it is
prograde or
• Period of revolution
• What atmosphere is
• Diameter
• Surface temperature
• Interesting fact
• How many moons the
planet has
• What it is known for (ex.
Earth is the only planet to
sustain life)
• Spacecraft visited? If so,
which one?
• Any other important facts
• http://tea`
• You are visiting a planet of your choice. Write postcard to
someone of your choice. Describe the weather, the view,
the gravity, and anything else you may want to include.
Google “nasa city” and click on the first link
Complete the spinoff challenge by clicking on different
objects. In the last 5 minutes of class I will come by and see
how many you have found. Also, I would like a paragraph
response on what you have learned.
Write a letter from a space station orbiting Earth. You
should describe the station, your mission, and your dayto-day life.