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Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 1: Measurement
Essential questions:
What is the SI unit for length, mass, and time?
When are zeros significant figures? When are zeros not significant figures?
When are calculations rounded-off based on least precision? When are calculations rounded-off based
on significant figures?
What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
Centripetal force
Centripetal acceleration
Specific heat
Unit 2: Motion
Essential questions:
How are scalars and vectors different? What quantities are scalars? What quantities are vectors?
What is the sum of two vectors?
What is the final velocity for an accelerating object as a function of time?
What is the displacement for an accelerating object?
What is the final velocity of an object independent of time?
Interpret a graph of displacement, velocity, or acceleration as a function of time.
How high does projectile go?
How far does a projectile go?
How much time does a projectile stay in the air?
What is the velocity of an object from the viewpoint of another moving object?
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Key vocabulary:
A boat goes 8 m/s due north against a current of 3 m/s due south. What is the resultant velocity of
the boat?
Identify each of the following as vectors or scalars:
a. mass of an object
b. volume of a liquid
c. number of petals on a rose
d. wind velocity
e. a cheetah’s maximum speed
f. time
g. force
h. momentum
A car travels 30 meters in 10 seconds. What is its average speed?
A sailboat goes 1.65 km/h. How far has the boat traveled in 0.70 h?
If a runner goes 500 meters with an average speed of 7.0 m/s. What was their time?
A plane accelerates at 20 m/s2 from rest and lifts off the runway after 7 s. How far did it travel down
the runway before lifting off?
Acceleration can be a change in
A runner starts from rest and after 3.0 s is running at 4 m/s. What is the runner’s average
A ball is released from rest and falls freely 8.0 m to the ground. What is the speed before impact?
or a change in
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Graph ABCD represents the motion of an object. Velocity is plotted against time.
For each segment in the graph, find the acceleration.
AB –
BC –
CD –
DE 11.
A rock is thrown straight upward with an initial velocity of 12.2 m/s from a location where the
acceleration due to gravity is -10 m/s2. How high up does it go?
Answer the questions that follow using the graph at the right.
a. What is the speed of the object at the 5.0 second point?
b. How far did the vehicle travel in the time interval shown?
c. What is the acceleration of the vehicle between t = 0 s to 10s?
d. Describe the velocity and acceleration of the vehicle.
Velocity is…
Acceleration is…
If a freely falling object were dropped from rest and equipped with
a speedometer, approximately what would the reading say after…
a. 1 s?
b. 2 s?
c. 3 s?
d. 4 s?
Answer the following questions about graphical analysis of motion:
a. How do you find the speed/velocity from a postion/displacement-time graph?
b. How do you find acceleration from a speed/velocity-time graph?
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
The graph below shows the motion of a cat. During which time interval does the cat have the
greatest positive velocity? How do you know? When is it at rest? How do you know?
Unit 3: Forces
Essential questions:
How do field forces differ from contact forces?
What is the SI unit for force?
What is Newton’s Second Law (in words)?
How is net force computed?
How is weight computed?
What is Newton’s First Law?
What is the net force and what is the acceleration during equilibrium?
What forces are shown in a free-body diagram?
What is Newton’s Third Law?
What is an action-reaction pair?
How are static friction and kinetic friction different?
What factors affect friction?
Key vocabulary:
net force
normal force
State each of Newton’s laws of motion and give an example of each.
First Law –
Second Law –
Third Law –
If an object has more mass it has more
Cart 1 has a mass of 1 kg. Cart 2 has a mass of 2 kg. They are pushed apart by a spring. The spring
exerts 2 N of force onto cart 1. How much force is exerted onto cart 2?
A small plane has a mass of 3000 kg and accelerates at 10 m/s2 down the runway. What is the
magnitude of the force acting on the plane?
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
What happens when the same force is applied to two objects of different masses?
If a non-zero net force is acting on an object, what is happening to the object?
How can you get a moving object to change direction?
Answer the questions that follow about the picture shown below at right.
a. What is the gravitational force acting on the car?
b. What is the frictional force acting on the car?
c. What is the applied force acting on the car?
d. What is the net horizontal force acting on the car?
e. What is the net vertical force acting on the car?
In what direction does friction act?
Describe the different types of friction. Which type required more force to overcome?
Unit 4: Gravitation
Essential questions:
What is Kepler’s first law of motion?
What is Kepler’s second law of motion?
As a planet orbits the sun, what velocity changes occur?
What is Kepler’s third law of motion?
How does the orbital period of planet far from the sun compare with a planet nearer the sun?
What is Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation (in words)?
How is the gravitational force between two objects computed?
Calculate the weight of an object that has a mass of 4.0 kg.
Unit 5: Rotational Motion
Essential questions:
How is torque computed?
Apply rotational equilibrium to determine how much torque is needed.
Key vocabulary:
lever arm distance
centripetal force
How can you increase the torque on an object without changing the force? Give an example.
How does the location on a merry-go- round affect your speed?
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 6: Momentum
Essential questions:
How is impulse computed?
How is linear momentum computed?
How are impulse and momentum related?
How are beginning and ending linear momentum related?
How is Angular momentum computed?
How are beginning and ending angular momentum related?
Key vocabulary terms:
1. An open train car rolls along a track while it is being filled with sand. There is negligible friction. As a
result of the accumulating sand, what happens to the speed of the train car? (Assume negligible friction and
the cart is just rolling along, not receiving any additional force to regulate its speed.)
2. A hockey player initially skating at a velocity of 5 m/s speeds up to 8 m/s. What happens to the momentum
of the hockey player?
3. Calculate the momentum of a 5 kg cart moving at 15 m/s.
4. Change in momentum is equal to what? What is this called?
5. If a non-zero net force is applied to an object, will the momentum of the object change? What else affects
how much the momentum will change?
6. Impulse is equal to the change in an object’s _________________ ?
7. Calculate the impulse when a soccer player kicks a ball with 20 N of force for .18 seconds.
8. A racquetball moving at 7 m/s hits the wall of the court and rebounds to the hitter at 7 m/s. What happened
to the size of the momentum of the racquetball?
9. A ball has a momentum of 5 kg m/s hits another ball at rest. What is the total momentum of the system after
the impact?
10. If an astronaut is stranded in outer space and wants to get back to their ship, what can they do?
11. If an astronaut tries to throw an object in out space that is more massive than the astronaut, describe the
motion of the two objects in relation to each other.
12. How do airbags reduce the force of impact in a collision?
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 7: Work, Energy and Power
Essential questions:
How is work computed?
How is power computed?
How is kinetic energy computed?
How is gravitational potential energy computed?
What are the SI units for work , power and energy.
What does the graph of potential energy plus kinetic energy generally look like?
What is the Work-Energy Theorem?
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
What is the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions?
Key vocabulary:
kinetic energy
elastic potential energy
gravitational potential
mechanical energy
The sum of the potential energies and the kinetic energy is called what?
What two things must occur in order for work to be done?
Calculate work done when pushing a shopping cart with a force of 5 N for 13 m.
Calculate kinetic energy of a 1.2 kg cart moving at 20.0 m/s.
Calculate the potential energy of a 3 kg object 2 meters above the ground.
Describe the relationship of the kinetic and potential energy at each point in the pendulum.
Physics Semester 1 Course Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 8: Thermal Physics
Essential questions:
What is the most important indicator of thermal energy?
At the temperature of a substance increases, what happens to the average kinetic energy of its
As the temperature of a substance increases, what happens to the average spacing of its molecules? (In
general, how is size related to temperature?)
What happens to water as it cools from 4OC to 0OC?
How does water’s behavior from 4OC to 0OC benefit plants and animals?
How much thermal energy (heat) is needed to change the temperature of a given mass by a given
Is Thermal Energy conserved in a particular situation?
What must happen for a substance to melt or vaporize? to condense or freeze?
What is the difference between a solid, a liquid, and a gas?
What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?
What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
In all natural processes, what happens to entropy?
What is the Ideal Gas Law?
Key vocabulary:
specific heat
Heat flow will occur between two objects in thermal contact under what condition and which way
does it flow?
What does the first law of thermodynamics state? What is another name for it?
In all natural processes, the entropy of the universe will do what?
Why does the temperature in the ocean not change very much from year to year?
What property of water allows lakes to keep from freezing over? How is this beneficial to life?
Explain why, when you jump into a pool just after the first strong cold front of winter, the water is
still very warm.
List the methods through which heat can be transferred and give an example of each.