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7years Class :Examination of Infectious Disease (A)
Multiple choice (0.5 point/ each)
1.Which state is the most common occurrence during the course of
A. To clear out of organism B. Carrier state C. Covert infection D. Latent
infection E. Overt infection
2.Which one is passive immunization?
A.Typhoid vaccine B. P.P.D. C..Measles vaccine D. Diphtheria
toxoid E.Tetanus antitoxin
3.Which virus belongs to DNA virus?
4.What are the basic features of infectious disease?
A. Infectivity,mode of transmission, immunity and epidemiologic features.
B. Infectivity,immunity epidemicity and seasonal.
C. Pathogen,immunity,infectivity and mode of transmission.
D. Pathogen,immunity,infectivity and epidemiologic features.
E. Infectivity,pathogen,immunity,epidemicity and susceptibility.
5.What is the principal measure to wipe out alimentary infectious
A. isolation of source of infection.
B. Treatment of source of infection.
C. Protection of susceptible population.
D. Cutting off the route of transmission.
E. Observatoin of contactor.
6.HBsAg can not be detected in the serum of
A. Patients with acute hepatitis B. B. Patients with chronic hepatitis B.
C. Carriers of HBV. D. Persons who have received hepatitis B vaccines.
E. Cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B virus.
7.Three factors of the infective process are:
A.Source of infection,route of transmission,population of susceptibility.
B.Dosage,pathogenicity and specific location of pathogen.
C.Pathogen,vector and host.
D.Pathogen,host and route of transmission.
E.Pathogen,host and environment.
Questions 8-11
8.r-globulin for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
9.The most significant antibody for the early diagnosis of infectious
diseases is:
10.Which can pass through the placenta?
11.Major agglutinin in serum is:
Questions 12-14
A.the first day
B.the second day C.the fourth day
D.the fifth day
E.the sixth day
12.When does the rash of chickenpox appear after onset of the
13.When does the rash of scarlet fever appear after onset of the disease?
14.When does the rash of typhus appear after onset of the disease?
15.Pathogens invade into the host and cause mild damage of the tissues. There
are no clinical manifestations or only atypical symptoms and signs.But there
are specific antibodies in the serum.This condition is called:
A. To clear out pathogens. B. Latent infecton
.C. Carrier state.
D. Covert infection. E. Overt infection.
16.Which is correct in the following items?
A.Most of chronic hepatitis in mild develop cirrhosis.
B.There is not chronic hepatitis A.
C.Hepatitis C can not develop cirrhosis.
D.Chronic active hepatitis is only caused by HBV.
E.Hepatocellular carcinoma is not related to HCV.
17.In acute fulminant hepatitis,the most significant clinical manifestation for
diagnosis is:
A.Progressive deep jaundice.
B.Rapid shrink of the liver.
C.The symptoms of C.N.S.
D.Hemorrhagic tendency.
E.Toxic intestinal tympanites.
18.The aim of using lactulose in fulminant hepatitis is:
A. To increase the nutrition of liver.
B. To supply the energy.
C. To reduce the absorption of ammonia.
D. To reduce the necrosis of liver cells.
E. To increase the regeneration of liver cells.
19.A 18 year female was found HBsAg positive in health check up 2 years ago,
but without symptoms and signs,and the liver functions were normal. In May
this year, she was admitted for fever, weakness, vomiting and jaundice of
sclera. ALT 1200U/L, TBil 167umol/L, anti-HAVIgM(+).Anti-HBc IgG(+)
HBsAg(+).HBVDNA(-),The diagnosis may be:
A. Acute hepatitis A(icteric type) and HBsAg chronic carrier.
B. Chronic hepatitis B(mild degree).
C. Chronic hepatitis B(morderate degree).
D. Acute hepatitis A and acute hepatitis B.
E. Acute hepatitis A and chronic hepatitis B(mild degree)..
20.The most common pathogen causing icteric hepatitis in children is:
21.The antibody protecting human body from hepatitis B is:
A.Anti-HBs .
B.Anti-HBcIgM. C.Anti-HBcIgG. D.Anti-DNA.
22.The patient with HBsAg(+) and HBeAg(+) has:
A. No infectivity.
B. Immunity. C. Inactive disease.
D. Active disease.
E. Infectivity.
23.The main route of transmission for hepatitis A is:
A. By injection and blood transfusion. B. By droplets in the air.
C. By saliva. D. By fecal-oral.
E. By vertical transmission.
24.The most sensitive serum enzyme for diagnosing viral hepatitis is:
A.AST. B.ALT. C..ALP. D. r-GT. E. LDH.
25.Human can not suffer from paragonimiasis by:
A. Ingesting crayfish curd. B. Eating raw crabs and crayfishes.
C. Drinking contaminated water.
D. Eating raw meat of wild boar. E. Eating raw shrimps.
26.The chronic carrier of typhoid fever is that:
A.The period of discharge of bacteria is no more than 1 month
B.The period of discharge of bacteria is no more than 2 months
C.The period of discharge of bacteria is no more than 3 months
D.The period of discharge of bacteria is more than 3 months
E.The period of discharge of bacteria is more than 6 months
27.What is the main factors that cause the sustained fever and toxic symptoms
in typhoid fever?
A.The typhoid bacilli multiply at local site and invade into blood constantly
B.The typhoid bacilli multiply largely in blood
C.The endotoxin released by typhoid bacilli acts upon the central of regulating
D.Delayed allergy
E.The endogenous pyrogen released by macromononuclear cells in site of lesion
A girl, 6 month old, high fever 3 days, the temperature 40 ℃, the typhoid bacilli
was positive in blood culture, widal test :“H” and “O”were negative.
28.What disease did the child suffer from?
A.The carrier of bacilli of typhoid fever
B.Ambulatory type of typhoid fever
C.The common type of typhoid fever
D.The bacteremia of typhoid bacillI
E.No infection of typhoid fever
29.What is the main complication of this disease?
A Toxic hepatitis
B. Toxic myocarditis C. Intestinal bleeding
D. Intestinal perforation
E. Bronchopneumonia
30.Which is the most significant manifestation of toxic bacillary dysentery?
A. Onset abruptly
B. Diarrhea
C. High fever, coma and convulsion
D. Shock in early time
E. Respiratory failure
31.Chronic bacillary dysentery relates to the following factors, except for:
A. The bacteria having a strong virulence
B. Treating without thorougly and not in time
C. Hypotrophy
D. Chronic cholecystitis
E. Intestinal parasitosis
Questions 32~34:
A.fever+abdominal pain +diarrhea+stool with pus and blood
B.fever+ abdominal pain +diarrhea+stool like jams
C.fever+ abdominal pain +diarrhea+watery stool fever+ abdominal pain +diarrhea+watery stool fever+no abdominal pain +diarrhea+watery stool
32.Ameba has:
33.Bacillary dysentery has:
34.Cholera has:
35.Since 1961,the pathogen of the 7th pandemic of cholera in the world is:
A. Classical biotype B. EL-Tor biotype C. O139 biotype
D. O137 biotype
E. O157 biotype
A female,22 years old,
was hospitalized because violent diarrhea and profuse
vomitting,no fever, no abdominal pain, the diarrhea is more than 10 times with a
large amount of watery stool.
36.The diagnosis may be :
A.Bacillary dysentery B.Poisoning of food C.Acute gastroenteritis
37.In order to make clinical diagnosis ,what is the first choice of the test?
A.Blood routine B. Stool routine C. Smear of stool D. Culture of stool
E. Culture of blood
38.According to <the prophylaxis and treatment laws of infectious disease of
P.R of China>,when should this disease be reported to epidemic prevention
station in town and in countryside:
A. 3 hours and 6 hours
B. 6 hours and 12 hours C.12 hours and 24 hours
D. 24 hours and 48 hours E. <3 hours
39.which is the most important treating method to this patient?
A. Injection of cirofloxacin
B. Injection of 0.9%N.S
C. Injection of 5%bicarbonas solution
D. Injection of humorous
E. Injection of dopamine
40.A patient, with intermittent fever for 20days,and parasitic protozoa were
found in blood thick smear,the most obvious sign in the patient may be:
A. Anemia B.Jaudice
C. Hepatomegaly
D. Splenomegaly
E. Heroes simplex on lips
41.the common radical treating plan of malaria is:
A. Chloroquine+Pyrimethamine B.Chloroquine+Primaquine
C.Quinine+ Pyrimethamine
D.Quinine+ Primaquine
E.Quinine+ Pyrimethamine
42.Which is the drug , most easily causing the Black-Water Fever in malaria?
43.The classical attacks of malaria appear in following patients except for:
A. The early period of tertian malaria B. Malignant malaria
C. Malaria of infant
D. Malaria from infusion of blood
E. The co-infection of different kinds of protozoa
44.Which change of blood picture is the most significant for the diagnosis of
typhoid fever?
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Leukocytosis+increased eosinophiles
C. Leukopenia+decreased eosinophiles
D. Lymphocytosis+ increased eosinophiles
E. Lymphocytosis+decreased eosinophiles
45.The course of chronic bacillary dysentery is beyond:
A.Two months B.Three months C.Six months D.One week E.One year
46.The first choice drug for treatment of typhoid fever is:
47.In bacillary dysentery,pathological changes are the most severe in:
A. Cecum B. Lower part of ileum C. Sigmoid and rectum
D. Ascending colon
E. Descending colon
48.What is the vector of transmission of malaria:
C.Anopheles minimus D.Anopheles Hyrcanus Sinensis
E.Culex Tritaenio-rhynchus
49.The examinations of cholera don’t include:
A. Direct observation of the stool B. Fecal smears C. Fecal culture
D. Urine test
E. Anti-bacterial agglutinin
50.In chronic carriers of typhoid fever ,the bacteria exist mainly in:
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Lymphnodes of the intestine
D. Gallbladder
51.The most cardinal reason of bleeding in febrile period of EHF is:
B.Heparin-like substance increasing
C.Thrombocytopenia and vascular injury
E.Coagulation factor decreasing
52. Which point is not true about poliomyelitis?
A. Polio is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses.
B. Most of cases are sporadic.
C. Most of patients with Polio may develop into paralysis.
D. This disease is often seen in children.
E. Polio is a preventable disease.
53.which treatment is not available in the treatment of preparalytic period of
patients with Polio?
A. Rest in bed and nursing. B. Oral vitamin B and vitamin C.
C. Muscular injection of ribavirin
D. Using hot moist pack to muscles.
E. Hydrocortisone may be used for severe patients.
54. The basic pathogenic change of EHF is:
A.Inflammation of small blood vessels and inflammatory cell infiltration around
blood vessels.
B.Extensive lesions of general small blood vessels.
C.Toxic damage of general capillaries.
D.Damage of endothelial cells of blood vessels and lymphatics.
E.Direct damage of endothelial cells of capillaries.
55.The main cause of early shock in EHF are :
A. Infection. B. Blood plasma-losing C. Hypervolemia
D. Hemorrhage E. Vomiting .
56. The patient had fever,lumbago,headache for three days. Pysical
examination: drunken face , petechiae in axillary folds, chemosis, urine
protein (+++), RBC 3-5/HP, WBC 4-6/HP,
diagnosis may be:
A. Typhoid fever B. Typhus C. Acute glumerulonephritis
D. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever E. Leptospirosis
57. What is correct liquid supplement for patients with EHF in transitional
stage of diuretic period :
A. 1500ml/day
B. 200ml/day
C. 500~700ml/day
D. Urine volume +500~700ml/day
E. Urine volume+1000ml/day
58. A patient, ten years old ,was admitted to hospital for fever ,lethargy,
headache for three days in 15, August. Physical examination: T 40℃, coma,
neck stiffness, knee reflexes were hyperactive , Babinski’s sign (+), CSF:
transparent, cell count 100 × 106/L, N 80%, L20%,protein:0.45g/L,
glucose3.8mmol/L ,chloride:125mmol/L. blood routine examination: WBC 15
×109/L, N 79%,L21%, which diagnosis most possibly be considered?
A.Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
B.Tuberculous meningitis
C.Toxic bacillary dysentery
D.Epidemic encephalitis B
E. Leptospirosis
59. The main source of infection of epidemic encephalitis B is:
A. Patients
B. Carriers
C. Swine
D. Mosquitoes
E. Rodents
60. The main vectors of transmission in encephalitis B is:
A. Culex tritaeniorhynchus B. Mites C.Anophelets aconitus
D. Anopheles hyrcanus sinensis
E. Anopheles minimus
61. The pathological injury regions of poliomyelitis are mainly in:
A. Nerve cells of brain
B. Respiratory center
C. Vasomotor center
D. Motor neurons in anterior horn of spinal cord
E. Motor neurons in posterior horn of spinal cord
62. The pathological diagnosis of EHF is mainly according to the item as follow,
but excluding:
A. Typical lesion of kidney
B. Hemorrhage in right cardiac atrium
C. Adenohypophysis lesion
D. Retroperitoneal gelatinous edema
E. Hemorrhage and necrosis of lungs
63. An male patient , 40 years old ,farmer was admitted for fever, headache,
fatigue for 4 days. Physical examination: T 37℃, P 120 times/min, Bp 75/60
mmHg, with drunken face and petechia in chest and back skin. Physical
examination of heart and lung were normal, abdominal tenderness (+).the
most important examinations for this patient at this time were:
A.Blood and urine routine examination
B.DIC routine examination
C.Blood culture
D.X-ray examination of abdomen
E.Smear and culture of bone barrow
64. the most possible diagnosis is:
A. Leptospirosis B. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever C. Septicemia
D. Leukemia
E. Thrombopenia purpura
65. The most suitable treatment is:
A. Atibiotics iv drop
B. Dexamethason iv drop C. Vaso-active drug iv drop
D. Supplement of blood volume
E. Heparin iv drop
66. The pathological lesion regions of epidemic encephalitis B are principally
A Cerebral cortex and spinal cord B. Spinal cord and oblongata medulla
C. Midbrain and thalamus
D. Cerebral cortex, midbrain and thalamus
E. Cerebral cortex, oblongata medulla and spinal cord
67. The most common cause for convulsion of epidemic encephalitis B is:
A. High fever
B. Hypoxia
C. Inflammation of cerebral parenchyma and brain edema
D. Sputum obstruction
E. Hyponatremic encephalopathy
68. Which item is false about pathologic changes of encephalitis B?
A Swelling and necrosis of endothelial cell of blood vessel in CNS
B Degeneration and necrosis of nerve cell
C Neurogliocyte hyperplasia and inflammatory cell infiltration
D Neuronophagia
E. soften focuses of spinal cord
69. The cardinal sources of infection for flood or rain type of leptospirosis are:
A. Pigs B. Dogs C. Patients D. Apodemus agrarius
E. Rattus norvegicus
70. The patients with leptospirosis excrete pathogen by:
A. Stool
B. Urine
C. Vomiting substance
D. Blood
E. Secretion of nose and pharynx
71. The leptospirosis is transmitted by mainly:
A. Air borne
B. Insect borne
C. Direct contact transmission
D. Food water borne
E. Indirect contact transmission
72. The main cause of death of patients with icterohemorrhagic type of
leptospirosis is:
A Acute liver function failure
B.Acute renal function failure
C.Massive bleeding of intestine
E.Central respiratory failure
A patient, 5 years old, was admitted to hospital for high fever, coma, convulsion for
2 days in 10 ,August. Physical examination: T 40 ℃ , P 90 times/min,
Bp135/105mmHg, deep coma, his breathing was irregular, and the size of his two
pupil was not same, neck stiffness (+), examinations of heart and lungs are normal,
Babinski’s sign (+), blood routine examination: WBC 15×109/L, N 85%, L 15%.
73.The most possible diagnosis is:
A Toxic bacillary dysentery,
B Epidemic encephalitis B
C Fulminant type of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
D Meningoencephalitis type of leptospirosis
E Brain type of malaria
74.For excluding toxic bacillary dysentery, the most simple and reliable
method is:
A. Stool culture
B. Examination of CSF
C. Stool routine examination
D. Test of specific IM antibody
E. Complement fixation test
75. Which item is false for disposal of the patient?
A.20% mannitol iv drop
B.To make spinal acupuncture at once for making correct diagnosis
C.Physical cooling and subhibernation
D.Lobelin iv
E.Dexamethason iv drop
76.Which is the envelope of HIV :
B.gp40 C.p24 D.p18 E.gp120 and gp41
77.Which belongs to the regulatory genes ?
A.gag.pol.env B.rev.vif.tat C.vif.vpv.vpr D.vpx.vif.vpr
78.HIV-2 infection is mainly located in:
A. Thailand
B. U.S.A C. West Africa D. Japan E. Europe
79.Which can activate HIV ?
A. TNF B. IL—2 C. LgG
D. NK 11 E. CD4+ Tlymphocyte
80.How many years may the asymptomatic infection last after the infection of
A.1year B.2~10years or more C.5~10years
D.2~5years E.1~20years
81.The most common pulmonary infection is caused by.
C. pneumocystis carinii
D. Mycobacteria.Avium
82.Which is used for pneumocystis carinii pneumnia.
A.pentamidine B.Bleomycin C.spiromycin D.clindamycin E.Gancyclovir
83.Which is used for cryptococcal meningitis
A.pentamidine B.fluconazole
D. clindamycin
84.Which can be the reservoirs of HIV
A.CD4+lymphocyte B.lymphocyte C.NK
E.CD8 lymphocyte
85.The specific sign of measles in the prodomal period is:
D.Koplik's spot
E.strawberrry tongue
86.Pigmentation may be seen after rashes fade in:
C.rubella D.Scarlet fever
E.typhoid fever
87.Desquamation can be seen in:
A. epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis B. scarlet fever C. rubella
D. Varicella
E. Herpes zoster
88.Leukopenia is ususlly seen in :
A.scarlet fever B.measles C.epidemic cerebropinal meningtis
D.Bacillary dysentery
E.Epidemic encephalitis B
89.The incubation period of SSPE is:
A.2~17 years
B.2~10 years C.1~2 years D.3 weeks
E.3~5 years
90.The complication of scarlet fever is caused by:
A.purulent lesion
B.toxic lesion C.allergic lesion
D.secondary infection E. Endotoxin
91.How many serotypes does erythrogenic toxin have:
A. 19
B. 80
C. 5
D. 10
E. 7
92.The course of antibiotics given for scarlet fever is:
A. 10~14 days B. one week C. two weeks
D.7~10 days
E. 3~5 days
93.Which can produce autolysin:
A. Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus
B Meningitis Neserria
C. streptococus mitis
D. staphylococcus aureus
E. E. Coli
94.The main pathological factor of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is:
A. hemolysin o.s. B. autolysin C. exotoxin
D. streptokinase
E. Endotoxin
95.Which is the first choice for epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis:
A. AZT B. chloromycin C. ofloxacin D. Penicillin E. SD
96.Which is the first choice for intracranial hypertension:
A. Dexamethasone B. Hydrocortisone C. 20% mannitol
D. Heparin
E. 654-2
97.What cause hairy leucoplakia:
A. M avium infection
B. candiasis
C. viral infection
D. toxoplasma infection
E. Kaposi sarcoma
98.The main site of lesion for bacillary dysentery is:
A sigmoid colon and rectum
B. Terminal ileum
C. Duodenum and jejiuaum
D. Whole intestine
E. Rectum
99.Which drug is the first choice for preventing malaria?
A Quinine B. Chloroquine C. Pyrimethamine D.Primaquine
E. Mefloquine
100.Which is type A infectious disease?
A.Smallpox B.Rabies C.Poliomyelitis D.Cholera E.Scarlet fever
Fill in blank (0.5point/each blank)
1.In bacillary dysentery, (1)
turns to chronic easily,
common in China.
is the more
2.HIV usually infect
, mainly infects
3.The cercaria of schistosoma japonica develops into adult worm in the
(6) .
4.The first choice of pathogenic treatment of leptospirosis is
common dose is (8) 、the first dose is
,for preventing
Simply Answer Question(3 point/each):
1.What is Koplik's spots and what are the clinical significances of it?
2.Please answer the clinical manifestation of pneumocystitis carinii pneumnia .
3.How many types are there for chronic stage of paragonimiasis?
4.Please simply answer the cardinal clinical manifestation and clinical types of
common type of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.
5.What is the covert infection and its significance?
Answer Question(5 point/each):
l. what are the basic features of infection disease ?
2.Please describe in detail the clinical manifestation about acute icteric hepatitis.
3.What is principle of the radical treatment of malaria? please to indicate the
4.What is the definite criterion and considering criterion of cholera?
5.please answer the cardinal clinical manifestation in crisis period of epidemic
encephalitis B.
6.please answer the therapical principle of oliguric period in HFRS.