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Module 632
Lecture 9 JCS
Control of
Muscle Contraction
MODULE - 632
Lecture 8
Muscle Contraction
Lecture outcomes:
At the end of this lecture a student will be aware how :
1) most muscles are activated (sometimes inhibited) by neural
2) single impulses produce a twitch; multiple impulses a tetanus
3) impulses reach the motor end plate, a modified synapse
5) this causes the muscle action potential to spread along the
6) propagation through the sarcolemma, into the T-tubules and
the SR causes release of calcium into the sarcoplasm
7) in skeletal muscle this binds to the troponin complex and
activates muscles
smooth muscle is regulated.
insect flight muscle are activated by calcium and stretch
10) molluscan muscles are regulated by Ca2+ binding to myosin
Muscle regulation (1) Vertebrate striated muscle
Vetebrate skeletal muscle (skeletal and cardiac) is
activated (regulated) by neuronal signals.
In addition there may be modulation by hormones etc.
A single axon activates many fibres
Innervation types
Not all muscle fibres are “all or none” – but most are!
a) single motor unit with one (or
sometimes two) endplate: all-ornothing electrical response. Vert. fast
twitch fibres.
b) multi-terminal innervation:
usually graded electrical responses
like synaptic potentials, variable in
magnitude. Vert. ‘slow’ fibres (most
amphibian fibres); many invert.
Number of fibres/axon varies:
‘Fast’ muscles - 1000-2000
‘Slow’ muscles 180-200
c) polyneuronal innervation.
Several nerves to one muscle:
different response from the different
nerves, - fast, slow and inhibitory.
note: excit. and inhib. control; fish,
many invert. (jump).
Twitch and tetanus – depend upon pattern of nerve impulses
Unfused tetanus
Time – sec.
3-D section of a skeletal muscle cell
The dihydropyridineryanodine receptor complex
Regulation: Control by nerves (striated muscle)
• Summary:
– Neuromuscular junction
Muscle plasma membrane depolarises
Propagates down ‘T’ tubules
Trhough di-hyropyridine receptor  ryanodine receptor
into sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) at centre of fibre
Calcium release from SR - induces calcium release
Ca++ binds to Troponin C – which moves Troponin I –
pushes tropomyosin – reveals actin binding sites –
myosin can bind and cycle, producing contraction.
7-actin repeat structure (14 - F-actin helix is double) in thin
Structure repeats (half-turn) every 36.5nm
Relaxed state (muscle not contracting):
• TnI is bound to actin; holds TM over actomysin binding sites
• TnC has no Ca2+ bound to its regulatory sites.
• Tropomyosin lies across myosin binding site on F-actin.
• Calcium binds to TnC, causing a conformational change in
• Changes binding relationship of TnC and TnI relieving the
binding of TnI to actin.
• Tn-TM complex now free to move across the actin surface
• Movement, co-ordinately through TM ‘opens’ up a large
number (>7) of actins to the binding of myosin.complex
• Muscle contracts
In the absence of
Ca2+ the C-terminus
of TnI binds to actin,
holding the Tm-Tn
complex over the
myosin binding site
on actin.
When Ca2+ binds to
TnC, the C-terminus
of TnI binds to TnC,
Tm-Tn complex
moves across the
actin surface, and
the myosin can bind
from Berchtold et al.,
Three state model of thin filament regulation - Geeves
Smooth muscle regulation (1):
Occurs through phosphorylation:
• Calcium released into smooth muscle cells
binds to calmodulin (homologous structure to
• This binds to and activates myosin light chain
kinase (MLCK)
This phosphorylates the RLC leading to:
• Activation of myosin ATPase (changes kinetics
of the product – ADP + Pi – release steps)
• Increases assembly of thick filaments (see next
Smooth muscle regulation (2):
Remember smooth muscle has a rather poor
Smooth muscle myosin monomers change
solubility depending on its phosphorylation state.
In some smooth muscles this is a method of
regulation of contraction:
Dephosphorylated sm-myosin monomer has a
tendency to fold up (10s) and exist in a soluble
long-lived, inactive M.ADP state;
On phosphorylation it becomes extended (6s)
and assembles into thick filaments
Smooth muscle regulation (3):
Activation is achieved by increases in cytosolic calcium:
Usually caused by neural signals but often coupled to:
• Hormones binding to the -receptors
• Hormones and other external factors binding to  receptors, increasing cAMP levels
• cAMP reduces MLCK activity, reduces muscle
• Different smooth muscles may react differently to the
same stimulus due to presence of different receptors:
• e.g. adrenalin – contraction of blood vessels to gut, but
dilation of coronary arteries (for flight and fight)
• caldesmon – Ca2+-binding, may function like Troponin.
Insect flight and Molluscan catch + adductor
Pecten maximus
Insect flight muscles
Catch muscle
Adductor muscle
Regulation of molluscan muscle: (adductor)
Washed molluscan muscle (e.g. scallop) contains little troponin
The myofibrils retain calcium sensitive activation
Remove regulatory LC - Ca2+ sensitivity is lost.
Myosin contains two Ca-binding sites, both essential for regulation.
Neither RLC or de-sensitised myosin have a high affinity or specific Cabinding site.
Where does Ca2+ bind to activate?
Recent crystallographic studies shows that it binds between the ELC
and RLC; when both present the site is created.
Regulation of molluscan muscle: (catch)
Muscle completes contraction but maintains force. One explanation is
that Pi is released but not ADP. Myosin remains in a force-producing
state – but requiring no energy – until slight release of tension, allows
ADP to dissociate and the crossbridge to bind ATP and detach).
Catch muscle
Rayment et al.,
MHC: (N to C terminal) Green – 27K domain; red – 50K domain (upper
and lower); blue 20K domain and lever;
ELC – yellow; RLC pink
Drosophila indirect flight muscles
(dorso-longitudinal muscles)
Insect indirect
flight muscles
Indirect because
not attached to the
wings; they move
the wings by
distorting the
Dorso- longitudinal
muscles -DLM
Muscles -DVM
Tergal depressor
of trochanter TDT
Flight muscle – oscillatory and asynchronous
• Two muscle groups
- DVM dorso-ventral muscles
- DLM dorso-longitudinal muscles
• Requires Ca2+ activation – but nerve impulses are not in
synchrony with the wingbeat/muscle contractions.
• Motor is started by the fly jumping – second leg
(mesothoracic) – TDT (tergal depressor of the trochanter)
• muscles contract, with a delay, after being stretched (strainactivation) by the thorax being deformed by the opposing
muscle set
• delay in strain activation (with stiffness of the cuticle and
the drag on the wings – viscosity) determine the wing beat
Where does strain activation
come from?
2 models:
Geometry of the filament lattice (Wray)
Crosslinks between thick and thin filaments.
Model 1:
Insect flight muscle has a very regular structure
compred to any other.
The spacing of the myosin heads and the actin
repeat are the same 38.5nm (note F-actin
repeat is normally 36.5nm).
Thus myosin heads and their binding sites have the
same spacing along the two sets of filaments
Insect flight muscle 
Image shows a thick filament rolled out flat (O = positions of myosin heads;
 = actin monomers that myosin heads can reach and bind to)
In the unstretched muscles the
‘offset’ prevents myosin heads
binding actin; applied stretch brings
them into register and they can bind.
Model 2: That insect flight muscle-specific polypeptide extensions to
tropomyosin/troponins allow then to contact the thick filaments and
‘detect’ the relative movement of the two sets of filaments – no
evidence at all!
Vertebrate heart muscle is both calcium and stretch-activated (the
Starling effect) – believed this may be a direct effect of stretch on the
myosin in actomyosin crossbridge – strain affects myosin kinetics.