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Name __________________________________________ Period ________ Date ________________
Chapter 3 Review Packet & Study Guide - “Ancient Mesopotamia”
Vocabulary: You will need to know all of the vocabulary words from this chapter, how the words
are used to help explain concepts and key ideas in this chapter.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Answer the questions by filling in the spaces with the missing information.
1. ______________ What kind of climate did Mesopotamia have?
2. ______________ The most important structure in a Sumerian city was the --3. ______________ Sumerians were among the first people to make tools of --4. ______________ What was the wedge-shaped writing used by the Sumerians called?
5. ______________ Term used for when there is an advanced form of culture.
6. ______________ A period when not enough rain and snow fall is called a ---7. ______________ This is the geographical term for where a river starts --8. ______________ This is the geographical term for where the river ends / empties --Linking terms: Explain why the words in each pair below are connected with each other.
9. flood plain and silt-
10. Sumer and civilization
11. ziggurat and polytheism
12. pictograph and cuneiform
Name __________________________________________ Period ________ Date ________________
Use the Chapter 3 Learning Target sheet and the chapter lessons to help you answer the questions.
Geography and Mesopotamia (Pages 82-87)
13. How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers both help and hurt farmers?
14. Why was irrigation so important to agriculture in Mesopotamia?
The First Civilization (Pages 88-97)
15. How did advances in agriculture contribute to the rise of cities?
16. What role did the temple play in Sumerian society?
17. Explain the religious beliefs of the people in ancient Mesopotamia.
Life in Sumer (Pages 98-105)
18. What roles did women and slaves have in Sumerian religion?
19. What are the characteristics of Sumerian cuneiform writing?
BIG ideas --- taken from the learning targets for this chapter (look back at LT sheet for graphic
organizer or look on page 106 in textbook)
20. Explain the inventions that impacted the daily lives of the people in ancient Mesopotamia.
21. Sumer was considered the first civilization in ancient Mesopotamia. Explain the traits of a
civilization and how they impacted the people of Sumer.