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Name: __________________________________________________
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Interactive Physiology-Digestive System-Digestion and Absorption
Use interactive physiology and textbook p 927-933 to complete the following. Blue folder is helpful.
text page 884; use your own words!!
Mechanical digestion
Chemical digestion:
Page 3: Food is broken down mechanically and chemically
1. Where does mechanical digestion occur?
2. List the major nutrients (macronutrients) and briefly describe a primary dietary source of each.
3. Match the following with their monomers by placing the number next to the matching
Sucrose __________
1) Many glucose monomers
Maltose __________
2) glucose + fructose
Starch ___________
3) glucose + galactose
Lactose __________
4) glucose + glucose
4. What are the breakdown products (monomers) of proteins?_____________ ____________
5. The breakdown products of triglycerides include one __________________________ and two
_________ __________
6. Briefly compare and contrast the different mechanisms required for absorption of polar versus
non-polar nutrients.
Page 4: Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth
7. What is the name of the salivary enzyme that breaks down plant starch and glycogen?
_________________________ What is its optimum pH?_____________
8. List the breakdown products of plant starch and glycogen in the mouth.
9. Label the following diagram using these terms: starch, limit dextrin, maltose, maltriose,
10. What happens to salivary amylase in the stomach?_________________________________
Page 5: Protein digestion begins in the stomach
11. What is the name of the gastric protease? _____________________ what is its optimum
12. Pepsin breaks a peptide bond between ________________ and _____________________
13. What happens to the gastric protease, pepsin, when it reaches the small intestine?
Page 6: Most digestion and absorption occur in the small intestine
14. Where do most of the digestive enzymes that function in the duodenum originate?
15. Describe the function of cellulose in the diet.
16. Why are vegetables and fruits important components of the diet?
17. Describe the transcellular transport mechanism of water absorption in the small intestine.
18. The active transport of sodium is necessary for water absorption in the small intestine.
19. Most water and salt are absorbed in the colon. TRUE
Page 7: Carbohydrates are digested and absorbed in the small intestine
 Pancreatic amylase (optimal pH ~7) continues the digestion of carbohydrates in the small
intestine (duodenum)
20. Label the following diagram with these terms: starch, amylase, limit dextrin, maltriose, maltose,
lactose, sucrose, microvilli (aka brush border), apical, basal, simple columnar epithelial cells
21. What enzymes complete digestion of carbohydrates in the duodenum? What carbohydrates
do they break down?
__________________________: _______________________________________________
__________________________ : ______________________________________________
__________________________: _______________________________________________
__________________________: _______________________________________________
22. Label the following diagram with these terms: Na+/glucose co-transporter, dextrinase, lactase,
sucrase, glucoamylase, fructose specific tansporter
Describe what this diagram represents and where it is located. _____________________________
23. Describe the function of brush border enzymes in the duodenum.
24. Compare and contrast the mechanisms for intestinal absorption of glucose and fructose. Be
sure to describe both how they enter and exit the luminal epithelial cells.
25. Label the following diagram with these terms: luminal side, basolateral side, facilitated
diffusion transporter, capillary
Page 8: Protein is digested and absorbed in the small intestine
26. List the three major pancreatic proteases. What is the optimum pH for these enzymes?_____
27. How are pancreatic proteases activated?
28. What are the breakdown products of each pancreatic protease?
29. List the two main protein-digesting (proteolytic) brush border enzymes and briefly describe
the function of each.
30. How do many amino acids enter the luminal side of the intestinal epithelium?
31. Compare and contrast the mechanisms by which hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids
exit the basolateral side of the intestinal epithelial cells.
Page 9: Fat is digested and absorbed in the small intestine
Describe the two mechanisms that increase lipid surface are for digestion in the duodenum.
33. Label the following diagram with these terms: Lipase, fat droplet, bile salts
34. label the following diagram with these terms: micelle, chylomicron, lacteal, capillary
35. What is the name of the enzyme that breaks down neutral fats in the duodenum and what are
the breakdown products of this digestion?
36. What are micelles?
37. How do neutral fat breakdown products enter the luminal side of the intestinal epithelial cells?
38. What happens to the breakdown products of neutral fats once inside the luminal cells?
39. How do neutral fat breakdown products exit the luminal epithelial cells?
40. How are fat breakdown products transported away from the small intestine?
Page10: Salt, water and bacterial products are absorbed in the large intestine
41. Describe the symbiotic relationship between colic bacteria and humans.
42. What is the absorptive function of the colon?
43. The colon epithelium produces substantial amounts of digestive enzymes.
44. Colic bacteria produce substantial quantities of __________________ ___ as a byproduct
of their metabolism.