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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
DBA Easy Control for Oracle
User’s Guide
v 6.0
Copyright 2015 Alexey Brysov, Last Updated on 2017/05/09
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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
SYSTEM OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 5
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................... 7
INSTALLATION............................................................................................... 17
DATABASE REGISTRATION .......................................................................... 24
START/STOP MONITORING ......................................................................... 26
MONITORING OPTIONS .............................................................................. 26
REFRESH OPTIONS .................................................................................... 27
PRODUCT OPTIONS ................................................................................... 28
CREATING OF THE SYSTEM ACCOUNTS ............................................................ 28
SETTING OF THE SYSTEM ACCESS .................................................................. 29
SQL SCRIPT SUBSYSTEM ................................................................................ 30
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 17
INSTALLATION OF THE REPOSITORY .............................................................. 17
INSTALLATION OF THE CLIENT WORKSTATION................................................. 20
INSTALLATION OF UPDATES ........................................................................ 21
LICENSE KEY ENTRY .................................................................................. 21
MOVE REPOSITORY TO ANOTHER PLACE .......................................................... 22
CHANGE OF REPOSITORY PASSWORD ............................................................. 23
SYSTEM UNINSTALLING .............................................................................. 23
GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................... 24
PROCESSES DIAGRAM .................................................................................. 7
REPOSITORY JOBS ...................................................................................... 7
SQL METRIC SUBSYSTEM ........................................................................... 10
OS METRIC SUBSYSTEM ............................................................................. 11
SQL SCRIPT SUBSYSTEM ............................................................................ 12
SQL SCHEDULER SERVICE .......................................................................... 13
MONITORING OPTIONS .............................................................................. 14
CREATE SQL SCRIPT SCHEDULE ................................................................... 31
MOVE SEGMENTS ...................................................................................... 33
ALTER SEGMENT’S STORAGE PARAMETERS ....................................................... 35
ALTER SYSTEM PARAMETERS ........................................................................ 36
CREATE/ALTER USER ................................................................................. 36
GRANT AND REVOKE SYSTEM AND OBJECT PRIVILEGES ....................................... 38
AUDIT/NOAUDIT OBJECTS AND SYSTEM PRIVILEGES ......................................... 39
ADD NEW PARTITIONS ............................................................................... 40
EXCHANGE PARTITIONS.............................................................................. 43
DROP PARTITIONS OF TABLES ...................................................................... 44
CREATE TABLESPACE.................................................................................. 45
ADD DATAFILE TO TABLESPACE .................................................................... 47
RESIZE DATAFILE...................................................................................... 48
CHANGE TABLESPACE STATUS ...................................................................... 48
CREATE USER STATEMENTS.......................................................................... 49
ENABLE / DISABLE JOB.............................................................................. 50
COPY SQL SCRIPT TO ANOTHER DATABASE ..................................................... 51
SQL METRICS SUBSYSTEM ............................................................................. 52
SQL METRIC PROPERTIES DIALOG ................................................................ 52
VIEW METRIC’S RESULT.............................................................................. 53
SQL METRIC TEMPLATES ............................................................................ 54
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ADD SQL METRIC TO DATABASE ................................................................... 55
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................... 55
OS METRICS SUBSYSTEM ............................................................................... 57
OS METRIC PROPERTIES DIALOG.................................................................. 58
VIEW METRIC’S RESULT ............................................................................. 59
OS METRIC TEMPLATES .............................................................................. 60
ADD OS METRIC TO DATABASE .................................................................... 60
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................... 61
SQL EDITOR ................................................................................................... 62
PROCEDURE EDITOR ...................................................................................... 64
10. SEGMENTS GROWTH ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 66
11. REPOSITORY SEARCH .................................................................................... 67
12. VIEWS AND DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................... 68
DATABASE INFORMATION VIEWS .................................................................. 68
Database details................................................................................................................ 68
Database’s size history ................................................................................................. 69
Size of databases .............................................................................................................. 70
Warnings from monitoring processes .................................................................. 71
Database audit options ................................................................................................. 73
Journal of actions/incidents ...................................................................................... 74
Description of database sessions ........................................................................... 75
Catalog of documents .................................................................................................... 76
Databases’ hosts ............................................................................................................... 77
12.1.10 DDL script tab-view......................................................................................................... 78
USERS’ RELATED INFORMATION VIEWS .......................................................... 79
Description of database users .................................................................................. 79
User’s detail view ............................................................................................................. 80
Size of users’ schemas .................................................................................................. 81
Users’ objects view ......................................................................................................... 83
Object’s DDL view ............................................................................................................ 84
Partitioned segments ..................................................................................................... 85
Tablespaces used by user objects .......................................................................... 86
Tablespace used by objects on chart view ........................................................ 87
TABLESPACE INFORMATION VIEWS ............................................................... 88
Tablespace details view ................................................................................................ 88
Tablespace’s free space detail .................................................................................. 89
Tablespace usage by segments................................................................................ 90
Tablespace segments on chart view ..................................................................... 91
Tablespace usage by users ......................................................................................... 92
Tablespace users on chart view ............................................................................... 93
MONITORING WITH METRICS ....................................................................... 94
Metric for monitoring alert log errors .................................................................. 94
Metric for monitoring archived logs area ........................................................... 95
Metric for monitoring UNDO usage ........................................................................ 96
Metric for monitoring TEMP usage ......................................................................... 97
HISTORY INFORMATION VIEWS .................................................................... 98
History of changes of initialization parameters ............................................. 98
History of system privileges granted to user/role ....................................... 99
History of object privileges granted to user/role ....................................... 100
History of size of the user segment ..................................................................... 101
History of size of user segment on chart view.............................................. 102
History of database jobs and its descriptions ............................................... 103
Database size history ................................................................................................... 104
Database size history on chart view ................................................................... 105
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Tablespace usage history .......................................................................................... 106
Tablespace usage history on chart view .......................................................... 107
User schema size history ........................................................................................... 108
User schema size history on chart view ........................................................... 109
13. APPENDIXES ................................................................................................ 110
EXTERNAL MONITORING SYSTEM INTERFACE ................................................. 110
ACCESS CODE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 111
SYSTEM PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION ............................................................ 113
SAMPLE SCRIPTS FOR CREATE MASK DESCRIPTION .......................................... 114
SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR ADD FILE SIZE DESCRIPTION .......................................... 115
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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
1. System overview
DBA Easy Control for Oracle is the system to automate operations of Oracle DBMS
administrators. The product is positioned as the tool intended to build working environment
at Oracle database administration.
The system consolidates a lot of information that Oracle database administrator uses in
his/her everyday work. Besides database technical data (users, tablespaces etc.), the
information includes events related to database operation, technical and service documents,
parameters change history, granted privileges history data, statistics and other information.
All these systems are bound that profitably simplifies the administrator’s work and allows
receiving the required information more quickly.
The system allows IT personnel to perform periodic jobs on databases making no high
demands for SQL syntax competence. Such jobs are user creation and modification, access
granting, tablespace creation and enhancement, partitioned objects scheduled maintenance
execution on databases. The system allows executing jobs without direct providing
privileged accounts.
On the application level, in the system the user accesses are partitioned for the given data
and database active actions execution. The user actions journal is maintained in the system.
Access partitioning allows delivering the system interface to IT staff to perform specific
actions on database administration, providing no privileged accounts.
To execute the resource planning tasks the system supports statistics storage of database
sizes, database read-write and read-only partitions that allows performing an early forecast
of database size grow and preparing required resources in time.
The system stores initialization parameters change history, warnings history, database
users history data and granted object and system privileges. The access history is of
particular importance for the company security services related to data access check.
The interface with external systems of monitoring is implemented to enhance warning
functions to identify possible problems in database operation. The product provides the
opportunity to display warnings from the external monitoring systems and organize the
working process synchronized between administrators to solve arising issues. The internal
monitoring functions are also realized in the system.
The critical component of the application is the SQL Script subsystem that allows
automating database periodic operations. The operations include data archiving (migration
into tablespaces for the purpose of data closing for change), partitions adding/deleting in
partitioned tables, tablespaces creating and adding files to existing tablespaces, object and
system privileges granting, users creating/modifying. At privileges granting and users
creating, binding to the reason document is performed that systematizes the process of
data access granting.
The SQL Script subsystem has the scheduler that allows performing resource-intensive
operations offline in the automatic mode at hours of minimal load. The feature to execute
jobs concurrently, in some cases, reduces downtime and accelerates operation execution.
To insure security, data capture and database operation execution are performed using the
account with minimum-required set of object and system privileges. Passwords required for
granting object and system privileges as well as executing a number of administrative tasks
are stored in the encrypted form in the system. The account that executes statistics capture
is created using the embedded installation wizard.
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The system has built-in features for sending mail messages on different events. Such
events include system warnings and Metric subsystems messages. Subscriber mail lists can
The back-end designed in the form of Oracle database is at the same time the application
for statistics capture and data offline storage that allows, at storage deployment on a
separate Oracle instance, receiving the needed information about the exploited database
even when it is not available due to different reasons.
The data capture interval and number of simultaneously operating processes intended to
capture data from different database are adjustable that provides the opportunity to control
the application database server load.
The SQL Script and Metric subsystems realizes functional to execute actions over databases.
The subsystem is designed in the form of Windows service.
The client-end designed in the form of Win32 GUI is the interface for the system data
storage that provides information in the form convenient for the administrator work.
The system has the embedded SQL-Editor and Procedure Editor to create stored units,
execute SQL, expressions and scripts.
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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
2. System architecture
2.1.Processes diagram
2.2.Repository jobs
Repository jobs collect metadata from monitored database by Oracle job’s scheduler.
Also these jobs aggregate collected information and generate part of system warnings.
For collect information on every scheduled time repository jobs create the private
database link to monitored database and gather information through these link using the
dinamyc SQL database engine. So no any system agent required on the monitored
For every database you can specify what exactly you want to monitor and analyze.
Available options for store metadata and its history:
Version, Host and Archivelog Mode
Collect data from V$INSTANCE, V$DATABASE,
Collect data from DBA_USERS,
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Collect data from DBA_TABLESPACES
Collect data from V$DATAFILE, V$TEMPFILE,
Free space
Collect data from DBA_FREE_SPACE
Collect data from DBA_SEGMENTS
Collect data from DBA_OBJECTS
Collect data from DBA_INDEXES,
Initialization parameters
Collect data from V$PARAMETER
(Sub)Partitioned segments
Collect data from DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS,
Statement audit options
Collect data from DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS
Privileges audit options
Collect data from DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS
Objects audit options
Collect data from DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS
Objects privileges
Collect data from DBA_TAB_PRIVS
System privileges
Collect data from DBA_SYS_PRIVS
Role privileges
Collect data from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS
Collect data from DBA_ROLES
Collect data from V$SESSION
Collect data from DBA_JOBS,
Tables details
Collect data from DBA_TABLES,
Triggers parameters
Collect data from DBA_TRIGGERS,
Constraints details
Collect data from DBA_CONSTRAINTS,
Sequences parameters
Collect data from DBA_SEQUENCES
Synonyms details
Collect data from DBA_SYNONYMS
Database links parameters
Collect data from DBA_DB_LINKS
Views details
Collect data from DBA_VIEWS, DBA_OBJECTS
Objects dependencies
Collect data from DBA_DEPENDENCIES
Types details
Collect data from DBA_TYPES, DBA_SOURCES
Materialized Views
Collect data from DBA_MVIEWS,
Clusters details
Collect data from DBA_CLUSTERS,
Profiles details
Collect data from DBA_PROFILES
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Next options available for analyze metadata by repository jobs:
Calculate Aggregate Users Schema
Aggregate data from DBA_USERS,
Check Grant Duration Period
Analyze data from repository and
Check User Settings (temporary
and default tablespace settings)
Analyze data from DBA_USERS,
Check Tablespaces Threshold
Analyze data from repository and
Check Partitions Threshold
Analyze data from repository and
Search Segments that Approaches
to MAX Extent
Analyze data from DBA_SEGMENTS,
Search Fault to Extent Segments
Analyze data from DBA_SEGMENTS,
Send Alert Mail
Send mail about warning and trouble option
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2.3.SQL Metric subsystem
The subsystem of SQL metrics collection is used to perform periodic requests to the
database, analyze the results and generate warnings.
Metrics are used to set custom parameters for database monitoring. To create a metric
you must specify the SQL-statement, setup execution schedule and parameters of the
user account to connect to the database.
The results of the requests are stored in the system repository and can be displayed by
selection of the corresponding metric description in the Database Browser. The
maximum number of fields in the request is 64, maximum fields length is 4000 symbols
and the number of extracted lines is not limited. A header with the names of the
requested fields is saved with each measurement.
With each of the request fields various condition tests can be associated. When the
conditions are met, a mail letter with the warning is being formed and sent by the list,
specified in the database properties dialog. One must take into account that warning is
formed for each line of the request satisfying the test conditions.
Also available special report properties which allow to receive mail letter with selected
results on every metric execution and use individual mail address list for it.
You can configure the metric to execute specified os script when some warning’s
conditions are met.
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2.4.OS Metric subsystem
OS Metric subsystem execute operating system command (script) on hosts where the
monitored database was installed. Commonly you can execute command on any hosts
independently of databases, but you have to link metric’s definition with one of the
registered database. It defines only the relations of warnings to databases. None of
Oracle software or any agents need on monitored host for this feature.
OS Metric subsystem can handle with the Windows operating system and any UNIX
hosts through SSH2 connection with authentication by username/password or pair of
public/private key. In last case DSA/RSA authentication algorithms are supported.
The results of the os command executing are stored in the system repository and can be
displayed by selection of the corresponding script description in the Database Browser.
With each of the request fields various condition tests can be associated. When the
conditions are met, a mail letter with the warning is being formed and sent by the list,
specified in the database properties dialog. One must take into account that warning is
formed for each line of the request satisfying the test conditions.
You can configure the metric to execute another os script when some warning’s
conditions are met.
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2.5.SQL Script subsystem
The SQL Script subsystem is designed for automation of periodic jobs on the databases.
In addition the subsystem of SQL Script allows performing operations granting no
privileges at the database level.
SQL Script consists of the definition, which includes launch and execution parameters;
also it includes the list of SQL-statements which are executed in this script.
At execution of the operations the list of SQL-statements is automatically formed. After
that the SQL-statements are executed by scheduler (application server) according to
The subsystem allows automating the following operations:
Move segments (tables, indexes, partitions, subpartitions) to other tablespaces
(operation MOVE and REBUILD).
Add new partitions to the tables, partitioned by intervals and dates (operation SPLIT
Exchange partitions and subpartitions of the partitioned tables with tables.
(operation EXCHANGE).
Drop partitions of partitioned tables (operation DROP PARTITION).
Truncate table or partitions of partitioned tables (operation TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE
Create tablespaces (CREATE TABLESPACE).
Add datafiles to the tablespaces (ADD DATAFILE).
Resize files of tablespaces (RESIZE DATAFILE).
Enable/Disable/Remove Oracle jobs (DBMS_JOB, DBMS_SCHEDULER).
Change the status of tablespaces (conversion to READ-ONLY and READ-WRITE
Create and change properties of database users (CREATE/ALTER USER).
Create database roles (CREATE ROLE).
Grant and revoke lists of system and object privileges and roles of database users
Set Audit and Noaudit object and system privileges options (AUDIT/NOAUDIT).
Change storage parameters for database segments (ALTER <> STORAGE clause).
Change system parameters (ALTER SYSTEM SET <> clause).
To execute any custom user SQL-statements.
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2.6.SQL Scheduler Service
The SQL Scheduler Service is scheduler which starts server modules for executing SQL
and OS metrics and SQL scripts. The SQL Scheduler Service is windows based module.
The best practice is place the SQL Scheduler Service on a separate workstation due to
large resource consumption in case of large count of SQL and OS metrics or persistent
amount of SQL Scripts. A special system requirement exists for the workstation where
the SQL Scheduler Service is installed.
TNS name resolution and network access required for every monitored database from
the workstation where the SQL Scheduler Service is installed.
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2.7.Monitoring options
Monitoring option
Common checks
Alarm’s conditions
Unusable indexes > 0
Unusable index partitions > 0
Unusable index subpartitions > 0
Datafiles need recovery > 0
Count of datafiles/db_files >
Invalid objects
Unusable indexes
Unusable index
Unusable index
Datafiles need
Max datafiles
Alert Log monitoring*
ORA-00600 (internal error)
ORA-07445 (internal error)
ORA-01555 (snapshot too old)
ORA-12012 (error on auto
execute of job)
ORA-01578 (data block
CPU Load**
CPU load > 80% of CPU count
Concurrency ratio > 90%
Commit ratio > 90%
- Sessions Limit Usage > 90%.
- Processes Limit Usage > 90%
Rollback ratio > 20% of all
Event Waits**
User I/O
System I/O
Sessions Activity
CPU Count
CPU Load
Active Sessions
Sessions Limit
Processes Limit
- Commits/sec
- Rollbacks/sec
- Transactions/sec
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Rollback ratio
- User Calls/sec
- Executions/sec
- Parses/sec
- Hard Parses/sec
- Hard Parses ratio
- Logons/sec
- Recursive calls
Hard Parse ratio > 50% of all
I/O Statistics
- Logical reads
- Physical reads
- Physical writes
- Buffer cache hit
Buffer cache hit ratio < 50%
TEMP Usage
TEMP Usage > 80%
UNDO Usage > 95%
UNDO Usage
UNDO size
UNDO used
UNDO free and
UNDO usage
Jobs Delay
Jobs not started during 10min
after scheduled time
Archived Logs Area*
Individual threshold depend on
frequency of backup procedure
Standby delay more than 10
archived logs
Standby Delay*
Count of
archived logs in
every destination
Count of
archived logs in
recovery file
current log
archived log
applied log
log gap
Free space in
Default threshold 90%
Individual threshold for big
tablespaces (Mb)
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Segment can’t extend
Segment can’t extend
Not free extent
with right size in
Max extents for
segment reached
Configurations checks
Users have
proper DEFAULT
Users have
Free partitions in
partitioned tables
Individual thresholds
Grant Expired (marked
to revoke)
Individual notifications
SYSTEM Privilege
OBJECT Privilege
Host run queue
Individual threshold
OS Metric
Used space in archive
Used space > 75%
OS Metric
Used space for dump
Used space > 85%
OS Metric
Used space in Oracle
home area
Used space > 85%
OS Metric
tnsping check
Listener replay more than 500ms
OS Metric
* For database versions 9.x and higher
** For database versions 10.x and higher
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3. Installation
3.1. System requirements
Repository Server requirements
Oracle Database version 10.2.0.x. or later with JAVA Server installed
1000 MHz or higher processor*
5 GB of free hard disk space
Application workstation requirements(execution of metrics and scripts)
Microsoft Windows 2003/XP/Vista
1000 MHz or higher processor*
500 MB RAM*
2 GB of free hard disk space
Oracle Client version 9.2.0.x or later
.Net Framework 2.0 or later
Client workstation requirements
Microsoft Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista
300 MHz or higher processor
256 MB RAM
20 MB of free hard disk space
Oracle Client version 9.2.0.x or later
Monitored database requirements
Oracle Database version from 8i to 11g on any platform
* Recommended value that depends of system architecture
3.2. Installation of the repository
Install Oracle DB version 10.2.0.x. or later with JAVA option
Required initialization parameters:
job_queue_processes > 0 (optimal value is specified during the operations)
Create tablespace for schema objects. At the installation stage the minimum size is
50 Mb. Tablespace required size is specified in the course of the system exploiting.
Adjust monitored database name resolution (TNS) on database server.
Install Oracle client version not lower than 9.2.x on the client’s working point from
where installation is performed.
Adjust repository database name resolution (TNS) on the client’s working point from
where installation is performed.
Install the program on the client’s machine using installer.
At first run the system will offer either to create a new repository or connect to the
existing one. Choose to install a new one.
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Further follow installation wizard instructions:
Specify the DBA account
Specify tablespaces and repository username/password.
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Run the procedure for creation of the schema and objects (Install button).
Press OK on the following question if you want to install the SQL Scheduler Service
on the workstation from which you have installed repository. Press Cancel if you
plan to install the SQL Scheduler Service on another workstation.
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Use File menu options for installing the SQL Scheduler Service to any workstation
Install SQL Scheduler Service
Start SQL Scheduler
The corresponding warning will be generated if there are any errors in the installation
process. After installation completion you can view the log file (View Log button).
Installation script create_eng.sql can be found in the create folder of the working
The system registration dialogue will be offered after the successful installation and
choosing Close button. At first log on, you will be asked for username and password
for the system administrator.
At next log on, you will be offered the system registration dialogue at once.
Parameters required for connection to the repository are storing locally in an
encrypted form in the setup.inf settings file. This file can be used to set up other
client workstations (for more information see the workstation installation
Optionally you can select File->Settings menu item to open global properties
dialogue and adjust system parameters.
Repository installation process also installs all required client place modules and
3.3. Installation of the client workstation
Install Oracle client version 9.2.x or later on the client’s workstation.
Setup repository database name resolution (TNS) on the client’s workstation.
Install the program on the client’s machine using installer.
At first run the system will offer either to create a new repository or connect to the
existing one. Choose to connect to the existing repository.
The specified parameters are demanded one time at first connection and are locally
stored in an encrypted form.
Alternatively, the setup.inf file that was created at the back-end installation stage
(repository) can be copied into the working directory.
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Log on to the system with your account (for our example as admin).
3.4. Installation of updates
Installation of updates is performed similar to a main program installation. Always
system checks need for update of the repository after installing new version of program
and it offer to do it.
Repository updating also can be performed by select File->Create/Update repository
The menu File->Create/Update repository is available after the registration dialogue
is canceled or when all active windows are closed.
3.5. License key entry
License key entry is performed during evaluation period from start screen or from Help>License policy menu. Menu available for users who have EDIT_LICENSE system
With this dialog you can switch between evaluate and free version of product. The Free
version offers unrestricted functionality for the unlimited period but supports only one
database from one client place (license 1DB/1U).
You can switch on free mode during evaluation period only when one database was
registered in repository (exept Demo-database). It is recommended to save old
license key for backward capability.
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3.6. Move repository to another place
You can easy move repository from one database to another using exp/imp
(expdb/impdb) utility. After that you can connect to the new repository using connect
to the existing repository option. The option also available after the registration dialogue
is canceled or when all active windows are closed.
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3.7. Change of repository password
To call the system password change dialogue, choose System->Change repository
password menu item.
The password change procedure is executed in the following way:
Generate a new setup.inf file.
Propagate the setup.inf file to the system users (to another workstations).
Change the password in the repository database. The password is changed
manually by ALTER USER <> INDENTIFIED BY <> clause.
3.8. System uninstalling
To remove the repository from your database use DROP USER <DEC_REP>
CASCADE statement.
To remove program from your workstation use uninstaller. This also will stop
and remove the DBA Execution Service from your workstations.
To remove the DBA Execution Service from you workstation without uninstalling
application use File menu options:
Stop SQL Scheduler Service
UnInstall SQL Scheduler Service
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4. Getting started
Database registration
At first logon or when repository has no registered database system supplies Database
Registration Wizard. To call dialog of database registration at another time, choose the
menu item Database->Register database.
At next step select monitoring options for this database:
Data collecting interval means the interval for gathering of metadata information.
Process of data collecting can proceed from a minute about one hour and depends on
size of monitored database and count of database objects.
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At next step you must specify the DBA account for this database, choose tablespaces
and create the DBA Easy Control user in the monitored database. Repository jobs will
collect metadata information using this account. Some objects will be created in this
schema for store temporary results of monitoring.
Run the user creation procedure (Install button).
There will be corresponding message when creation will end.
The SQL script create_user_obj.sql in the create folder of the working directory executes
during creation monitoring account. Script creates objects in monitoring schema to store
temporary data of some SQL metrics. Monitoring account default privileges can be
altered in System settings dialog (Monitoring account tab-page).
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There is the SQL script create_rep_user.sql for creating the DBA Easy Control schema in
the monitored database. It can be found in the create folder of the working directory.
You should use it if you can’t connect to monitored database with SYSDBA provileges
due to remote_login_passwordfile=none or other reason.
Close this message and select Close button in the schema creation wizard. The system
will show dialog for the start of the database monitoring. Select OK if you want to start
the monitoring processes right now.
After registration of a database the periodic processes of collection of the information
about this database should be started. Presence and a working status of the automatic
process of information collection is displayed by corresponding icons in the right part of
the main window of the application.
Alternatively you can use items in the menu Database->Refresh to collect information
only on the interested areas. Partial information collection requires less time than
collection of full information and can be done when automatic collection is not
performed. Simultaneous (automatic and manual) collection of the information is not
supported, and the appropriate warning is generated.
Being removed, the description of the database moves to the archive. Access to the
archive data can be done by the menu View->Show history
Start/Stop monitoring
The stop and start of automatic processes can be done from the menu Database->
Start database monitor and Database-> Stop database monitor or from the
context menu of the chosen database.
Monitoring options
The monitoring options can be modified in the Monitoring options tab-page of the
database properties dialog.
This tab-page shows monitoring options and supply information about database data
collecting elapsed time at every step and last update time for every monitored scope.
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Refresh options
The refresh options can be modified in the Refresh options tab-page of the database
properties dialog.
This tab-page shows database account for gathering information about database and for
monitoring and supply information about refresh interval. Also you can set next time for
monitoring job schedule.
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If some specific data was not been collected during 2*(refresh interval) corresponding
views will be grey. It is means that view information is too old.
Product options
You can view the database product options in the Product options tab-page of the
database properties dialog.
This tab-page shows database product options for information purpose only. For
activating or deactivating some of these options use Oracle database installer or re-link
database executable as recommended in Note 888934.1 on My Oracle Support portal.
Creating of the system accounts
To create the users of the system choose the menu item File->Administrators->Add
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Setting of the system access
To assign the access privileges for the user chose the menu
Administrators->System privileges and then assign the privileges.
Depending on a set of access privileges various options of the system menu become
activated and corresponding nodes of the tree become visible.
You can select appropriate options for every system users.
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5. SQL Script subsystem
The SQL Script subsystem is designed for automation of periodic jobs on the databases.
In addition the subsystem of SQL Scripts allows performing operations having no
privileges at the database level.
SQL Script consists of the definition, which includes launch and execution parameters;
also it includes the list of SQL statements which are executed in this script.
At execution of the operations the list of SQL statements is automatically formed. After
that the SQL-statements are executed by scheduler (application server) according to
The script definition and its statements can be viewed though SQL Script tree node of
the Database Browser:
The operations are performed from the menu Edit, SQL Script or from the context
menu. All operations on the databases are performed asynchronously using the SQL
Scheduler Service.
Actions of users of the system on planning and running of SQL Scripts are logged.
At the execution of SQL Script, the time of begin and the time of end of each operation
is saved in the system.
The menu of the system allows stopping the running statement and the whole SQL
For operations such as move of segments the dynamics of the segments size change is
saved for future estimation of segment compression ratio.
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To work with the subsystem there are the following types of system privileges:
System privilege name
Create/Alter Oracle Users
SQL Script Deleting
Grant/Revoke System/Object Privileges
SQL Script Planning
Run the same SQL Script several times
Make SQL Script Custom Scripts
Edit SQL Script’s statements
5.1.Create SQL Script schedule
The work with the subsystem begins with creation of the SQL Script description,
which specifies the work description, work parameters, and run window.
The SQL Script definition dialog is activated from the menu item SQL Script->New
SQL Script for the specific database or from the context menu, related with the SQL
Script node of the database. Past time is set by default for the run window (time is
taken from the repository server) to prevent an unplanned start.
The field Description specifies a formal description of running actions. By default it’s
filled depending on the running operation context.
By default SQL Script is run under the user, defined in the database property dialog and
used for collecting of statistic data.
To perform the script under another user (for example under the object owner) it’s
necessary to set a required option in the Execute as unit and set password for the
corresponding user at the user’s property dialog.
If the SQL Script executed under the user, specified in the database property dialog, it’s
necessary for the user to have all privileges required for the action (for example:
CREATE TABLESPACE is used to create tablespace and ALTER TABLESPACE is used
to add a file). By default these privileges are granted at the creation of the service
scheme using the service scheme creation wizard.
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The option Parallel statement execution indicates the need of the parallel statement
execution of the SQL Script. If this option is chosen, the script is performed in two steps.
The first step is the simultaneous execution of all operations like ALTER TABLE. The
second step is the execution of all other operations (for example, ALTER INDEX ).The
advantage of this option is the considerable reduction of total execution time when there
are many expressions of the same type (for example simultaneous rebuilding of several
partitions of indexes after the more of table partition)
If the parallel statement execution option is chosen, it’s necessary to estimate the server
possibilities for the work with the specified load.
The choosing of option Compile invalidated objects allows automatically compiles
objects, invalidated by the performed operation. Operations are performed under user
specified at the database property dialog. To perform these operations additional
privileges are required to the specified user (ALTER ANY PROCEDURE, ALTER ANY
TRIGGER). By default these privileges are granted at the creation of the service scheme
using the service scheme creation wizard.
Stop execution on error allows stopping script execution when any error occurs in one of
statements or threads.
Start time window specifies the run period of the script. The window allows performing
the planned work at suitable time (for example, at the time of minimum workload). If
the database server is stopped (by some reasons), the system will try to connect to the
database during the defined interval and at successful connection will execute the SQL
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5.2.Move segments
The move of segments into other tablespaces is performed for the following types of
Oracle objects:
To activate the move dialog choose the menu item Edit->Move/Rebuild or choose
it from the shortcut menu after the choosing of the segment list, which are to be
moved. The segments may be chosen from the nodes which provide this information
(user’s segments or the segments of the tablespace).
Parameter’s name
Parameter’s description
SQL Script
Use default move option
Rebuild indexes
SQL Script for move operation
The tablespace for the move
The use of the default properties
Execution in the NOLOGGING mode
Creation of statements for rebuilding
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A new SQL Script can be created from this dialog by pressing the button near the Script
description field. After the creation of SQL Script the list is updated and by default it’s
offered to put the generated SQL statements into the new SQL Script.
You can choose the tablespace for the move from the list. The alternative is the
definition of the archival tablespace mask in the tablespace property dialog and choosing
the option DEFAULT. In this case at the creation of SQL-statements there will be an
automatic definition of the tablespace for the move.
The list of tablespaces in READ-WRITE status satisfying the specified mask and having
sufficient space according segment size will be examined at the automatic
determination. In the choosing of the option of DEFAULT and the absence of the
required space for the move the corresponding warning will be given and the SQLstatements will not be formed.
The system can specify some default move parameters for the partitioned segments
default parameters it’s necessary to choose the option Use default move option. The
selection of the default options is performed at the property dialog of partition segments
accessible through the Database Browser tree node of the user’s partitioned segments.
The system keeps information about the indexes of tables, therefore at the move of
tables (and also partitions and subpartitions) if the option for rebuilding indexes is
selected, SQL statements will be formed for the rebuilding of invalidated objects by the
rebuilding indexes (or their partitions). If there are global indexes on the partitioned
table, the option of the global indexes rebuilding will be added in the SQL-statements.
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The option Online performs the rebuilding in the ONLINE mode (without exclusive
locking (blocking) of the table and without possibility of users’ work). To perform the
move of the indexes (REBUILD), it’s necessary to choose the index (or the
partition/subpartition of the index) and choose the move option from the menu item
Edit->Move/Rebuild or from the context menu.
To perform the operation of the segments move by the user, specified in the property
dialog of the database, it’s necessary to grant him additional system privileges:
By default these privileges are granted at the creation of the service scheme with the
using of service scheme creation wizard.
5.3.Alter segment’s storage parameters
The option allows changing storage parameters for the selected segment. You can select
a segment through Segments or Objects node of the Database Browser.
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5.4.Alter system parameters
This option allows changing system parameters through the DBA Easy Control interface.
Generated SQL statement saves in the repository as other SQL Script statements and
available for history viewing and executing.
5.5.Create/alter user
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of user creating/altering, choose the user
and select Edit->Create user (Alter user) menu items or Create user (Alter user)
items of the shortcut menu.
When executing SQL Script as a user specified in the database properties dialogue, the
specified user must have CREATE USER and ALTER USER system privileges.
This privilege is granted by default when creating service schema using Service Schema
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The user should also have required privileges to assign roles and grant system
The SQL_SCRIPT_EDIT_USER system access is required to insure the operation.
When using the dialogue, SQL expressions will be generated depending on what field is
filled in.
The system has feature to automatically generate a random password. When generating
the password automatically, its length is as configured in System settings.
When generating SQL text of an expression, the system will have an attempt to
generate a hash value for the password by temporary creating the specified user in the
repository database. In case of a failure (for example, such user already exists), a
corresponding warning will be generated and displayed. Further, for security reasons,
the user password will be present in encrypted form in the SQL expression.
When creating a user, the system stores the user description and its password. When
creating a user, you can additionally specify the document as a basis for this operation.
When SQL script is performed the user will be automatically bound to this document.
When altering a user, document information and user description fields are ignored and
not available.
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Alter user dialog shows doesn’t show current user roles, privileges and tablespace
quotas. For this purpose use corresponding tree nodes of Database Browser.
5.6.Grant and revoke system and object privileges
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of system privileges granting and
revoking, choose the list of required privileges in SYSTEM PRIVILEGES node and select
Privileges->Grant/Revoke menu item or Grant/Revoke item of the shortcut menu.
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of object privileges granting and
revoking, choose the list of required objects in the specific user objects (OBJECTS) node
and select Privileges->Grant/Revoke menu item or Grant/Revoke item of the
shortcut menu.
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of roles granting and revoking, choose the
list of required roles and select Privileges->Grant/Revoke menu item or
Grant/Revoke item of the shortcut menu.
The SQL_SCRIPT_GRANT_PRIVS system access is required to insure the
The owner of the operation is the object user-owner whose password should be entered
into the system. When executing SQL script as a user specified in the database
properties dialogue, the specified user must have privileges required to assign roles or
grant to object and system privileges.
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Having called the dialogue, choose SQL Script where generated SQL expressions must
be positioned to. User selection for the purpose of privilege granting is implemented by
setting appropriate options.
When generating SQL expressions, you can specify the document as a basis for this
operation. When SQL script is performed the granted privilege will be automatically
bound to the specified document.
Privilege options are available depending on a type of the privilege that is granted. In
case the operation is invalid the corresponding warning will be generated and displayed.
5.7.Audit/Noaudit objects and system privileges
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of audit object privileges, choose the list
of required objects in the specific user objects (OBJECTS) node and select Edit->Audit
objects menu item or Audit objects item of the shortcut menu.
Easy way to switch audit off is to select corresponding audit options in Database Browser
Audit tree node and to select Audit Objects in the context menu.
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5.8.Add new partitions
The addition of new partitions in the partitioned tables is performed by generation of
SQL statements like SPLIT or ADD. The split and addition of the partitions in the
system is implemented by intervals and dates.
The default splitting options defined in the property dialog of the partitioned object are
To generate SQL statements first choose a partition required for splitting in the
segments of tablespace or in the partitions of the specific user’s tables node. Then
choose the menu item Edit->Split/Add Partition or the item Split/Add Partition
from the context menu.
Description of the dialog fields
Parameter’s name
Parameter’s description
SQL Script
Table Tablespace 1
Table Tablespace 2
Index Tablespace 1
Index Tablespace 2
Split count
Split step
Rebuild indexes
SQL script for the operation
Tablespace for the first partition of the table
Tablespace for the second partition of the table
Tablespace for the fist partitions of indexes
Tablespace for the second partitions of indexes
The number of sequential operations SPLIT
The step of splitting*
Parallelism level of operations
Operation performance with the parameter NOLOGGING
Automatic rebuild of indexes
* Splitting step (for the tables partitioned according to the numerical interval).
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By default the partitions of the table partitioned according to the numerical interval are
named in the format
P_< Upper partition limit > for example P_20000.
The splitting interval may be specified beforehand in the properties of the partitioned
table. In this case the interval definition in the partitions adding dialog is not needed.
Partitions of the tables partitioned by the date are named according to specified mask of
the partition name. The mask of the name in this case defines the splitting intervals.
The description of masks and intervals are saved in the internal tables of the system. To
determine the partition names and the splitting intervals the search in intervals
definition list is performed according to the partition name, which goes before the
partition being splitted. Respectively, for the operation to be executable the description
of the mask should exist in the system and interval should be specified for the partition
which goes in the table before the partition being split.
The system supports the following types of partition names (masks):
№ Mask type
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partition per day
partition per month
partition per month
partition per month
partitions per month
partition per month
partition per 3 months
partition in 4 months
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partition per 6 months
partitions per month
partition per year
partitions per month
The list of intervals and masks descriptions is filled at the installation of the system. The
example of SQL statements for masks and intervals creation is located in the file
create_mask.sql in the create directory. System administrators can extend as needed
the existing list with modification and applying the most appropriate mask creation SQL
Dialog for add partition looks exactly as dialog for split partition except second
tablespace clauses.
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5.9.Exchange partitions
Partitions exchange (operation EXCHANGE) is performed for the withdrawal of data
from the partitioned tables for some operation (for example, archiving or rebuilding of
The SQL-statements generation dialog is activated by choosing the required partitions in
the segments of the tablespace node or by choosing partitions of tables of the specific
user and choosing the menu item Edit->Exchange Partition or from the context
At the operation there is an opportunity to automatically create an empty table with
fields similar to the partitioned table and to make the exchange with it. Also it’s possible
to create indexes on this table by analogy with the partitioned table and to make the
exchange together with the indexes.
The name of new table is <TABLE NAME>_<PARTITION NAME>
The name of new index is <INDEX NAME>_<PARTITION NAME>.
The length of the generated name is reduced to 30 symbols to satisfy the requirements
to the object names.
For the preliminary creation of the table and indexes when the performing of SQL Script
under the user specified in the database properties (default user) it’s necessary to grant
the following privileges for the user:
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By default these privileges (except SELECT ANY TABLE) are granted at creation of the
service scheme using of service scheme creation wizard.
Field’s name
Field’s description
SQL Script
SQL Script for the operation
Create table
Create an empty table beforehand
Create index on new table
Create the indexes on the table beforehand
Rebuild indexes on partitioned table Rebuild the indexes after EXCHANGE
Including indexes
Perform the EXCHANGE including the indexes
Perform the validation check during the EXCHANGE
Empty tables and indexes are created in the user tablespace by default.
In the presence of a global index on the partitioned table SQL-statement is generated
for global index data update.
Drop partitions of tables
To generate SQL statements for the partition deletion it’s necessary to choose required
partitions from the tablespace segments node or the tables partitions of the specified
user and then to choose the menu item Edit->Drop Partition or the context menu
item Drop Partition.
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A warning question will be asked and then the dialog for choosing of the SQL Script
where generated SQL statements should be placed will be offered.
Create tablespace
To generate SQL-statements for creation of tablespaces choose the menu item Edit>Create new tablespace in database context or the item Create new tablespace
from the context menu of the tablespaces node. When executing the SQL Script as the
user specified in the database property dialog the specified user should have the system
By default this privilege is granted at the creation of the service scheme with the using
of service scheme creation wizard.
Field’s name
Field’s description
Tablespace name
SQL Script
The Name of Tablespace
SQL Script for an operation
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File name
File path
Size (Kb)
Uniform size (Mb)
name of the file
path to the file
size of the data file
management type for allocation of the extents
size of extents for the local spaces
The name of the tablespace may be specified manually or using of the naming wizard.
For the wizard’s work it’s necessary to choose one of the predefined masks of the
archival tablespaces (the masks are specified in the property dialog of the tablespace)
and to press the button located near the list. Running the wizard, the system will count
the number of tablespaces, satisfying the specified mask and will offer the name
combined by the mask and the index number instead of the percent symbol.
For example: For given mask STAFF_ARC_% and the presence of 3 tablespaces,
satisfying the mask, the name STAFF_ARC_04 will be generated.
The file name and path to it may be specified manually or with the naming wizard. At
the use of the wizard the file name, satisfying the tablespace name in the lower case,
will be offered.
The size of data file is chosen from the list. The list is used for the integration of works
on creation of file in the database and on the disk array. If RAW- files are being used,
the size on the array should be larger than the file in the database on the defined value,
including the file header. Usually the difference is one or two blocks of the database. In
case of insufficient size at file addition the error will occur.
For correct adding of RAW-files the standard size named FULL is accepted as having
16691250k on database and 16693300k on file system. All sizes are calculated as
fraction of FULL size of the database and of file system.
There are following accepted file sizes in the system:
Size name
1/256 FULL
65 200k
1/128 FULL
130 400k
1/64 FULL
260 800k
1/32 FULL
521 600k
1/16 FULL
1 043 200k
1/8 FULL
2 086 400k
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1/4 FULL
4 172 810k
3/8 FULL
6 259 200k
1/2 FULL
8 345 625k
3/4 FULL
12 518 430k
16 691 250k
3/2 FULL
25 036 875k
33 382 592k
List of sizes is located in table BS_FILE_SIZE and can be expanded as needed by
system administrator.
You can specify any other size in Kb for tablespace datafile in Create Tablespace
Add datafile to tablespace
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of datafile adding, choose Edit->Add
datafile to tablespace menu item in tablespace context or Add datafile to
tablespace item of the shortcut menu.
When executing SQL Script as a user specified in the database properties dialogue, the
specified user must have ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege.
This privilege is granted by default when creating service schema using Service Schema
Field’s name
Field’s description
Tablespace name
SQL Script
File name
File path
Size (Kb)
Tablespace name
SQL Script for an operation
File name
File path
Datafile size
You can specify the file name manually or use the name proposed by the system. When
generating the system name, calculation of tablespace datafiles number is performed
and the name generated on the basis of the existing datafiles is proposed.
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An alternative way to prompt the file name for the system is explicitly specify the file
mask in the tablespace properties dialogue. In this case, the system will calculate the
number of tablespace files and propose the name consisting of the mask and number
index instead of the percent symbol.
For example: If having staff_% as a specified mask and three files in the tablespace
the name staff_04 will be generated.
When creating SQL Script to add datafiles and tablespaces, the specified files are added
into the system repository having PENDING ADD status. After actual addition of the files
and database information updating, the datafiles and tablespaces change their status
into the real one.
To delete datafiles and tablespaces added by mistake, choose Edit->Delete pending
->Delete pending file / tablespace menu item or similar items of the shortcut menu.
Resize datafile
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of datafile resizing, choose the datafile
in the FILES node (or in corresponding lower-level nodes) and select Edit->Resize
datafile menu item or Resize datafile item of the shortcut menu.
When executing SQL Script as a user specified in the database properties dialogue,
the specified user must have ALTER DATABASE system privilege.
This privilege is granted by default when creating service schema using Service
Schema Wizard.
Field’s name
Field’s description
SQL Script
File name
File path
Size (Kb)
SQL Script for an operation
File name
File path
Datafile size
Change tablespace status
To generate SQL expressions for the purpose of tablespace status changing, choose the
tablespace and select Edit->Make tablespace Read-Write (Read-Only) menu item
or Change status to Read-Write (Read-Only) item of the shortcut menu.
When executing SQL Script as a user specified in the database properties dialogue, the
specified user must have ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege.
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This privilege is granted by default when creating service schema using Service Schema
After the menu choice, SQL Script choice dialogue where generated SQL expressions
should be positioned to will be offered.
The generated SQL Script can be executed at once or scheduled for the period free of
users’ activity that will allow avoiding errors associated with the situation when the file
that is being moved is busy with a user process (the last notice concerns very much the
move operation in READ-ONLY mode).
Create user statements
To create a user SQL statement, choose SQL Script->New Statement menu item in
the context of the selected SQL Script or New Statement item of the shortcut menu.
The SQL_SCRIPT_CREATE_CUSTOM system access is required to insure the
SQL expression will be executed as the user specified in the SQL Script properties
The statements, which require output variables bounding (define), are not supported.
Their execution will fail.
Field’s name
Field’s description
Statement text
Log text
Statement sequence number
Repeat unlit successfully completed
SQL expression
The result of SQL expression execution
Statement sequence number
Repeat until a successful result*
* 16 successive attempts will be undertaken to execute the statement.
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Statement sequence number – the statement sequence number in SQL Script. It can be
manually filled in or automatically generated (the statement is added at the end of the
SQL expressions list of the script).
The Statement text field can contain the list of SQL expressions or PL/SQL blocks.
Overall length of the field is limited by 4000 characters.
The statement automatically complemented with semicolon (;).
To execute the list of statements (PL/SQL blocks), the text should be arranged in the
form of script (with end characters “;” or “/”).
Enable / Disable job
Select job(s) in the list of jobs and select Set job broken/ Clear broken flag context
menu option. System engine generate SQL Script statements like this:
user# varchar2(30);
select user into user# from dual;
if user# = 'SYS' then execute immediate 'begin dbms_ijob.broken(5904594,true); end;';
else execute immediate 'begin dbms_job.broken(5904594,true); end;'; end if;
user# varchar2(30);
select user into user# from dual;
if user# = 'SYS' then execute immediate 'begin dbms_ijob.broken(5923143,false);
else execute immediate 'begin dbms_job.broken(5923143,false); end;'; end if;
You can execute this script as owner of job or as any user which has privileges on
dbms_ijob and dbms_scheduler package.
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Copy SQL Script to another database
You can copy any SQL Script to another database node. For this purpose select the SQL
Script and choose the Copy SQL Script to menu option:
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SQL Metrics subsystem
The SQL Metrics subsystem is used to perform periodic requests to the database,
analyze the results and generate warnings.
Metrics subsystem requires the SQL Scheduler Service
Metrics collects only when the database is at monitoring.
Metrics are used to set custom parameters for database monitoring. To create a sql
metric, specify the SQL-statement, configure execution schedule and parameters of the
user account to connect to the database. User’s password must be specified in the user’s
properties dialog.
The results of the requests are stored in the system repository and can be displayed by
selection of the corresponding description in the Database Browser. The maximum
number of fields in the request is 64, the number of extracted lines is not limited. A
header with the description of request fields is saved with each measurement. The
header is displayed by default only for multiline requests.
With each of the request fields various condition tests can be associated. When the
conditions are met, a mail letter with the warning is being formed and sent by the list,
specified in the database properties dialog. One must take into account that warning is
formed for each line of the request satisfying the test conditions.
The metrics can be in available and not available state. To change a metric from one
state to another use the context menu or metric setup dialog.
The log-files of the metrics collection process are located in the
<set up folder>\log and have a filenames like sql_metric_<metric number>
The system has a default set of metrics for database performance assessment and
bottlenecks detection.
All metrics is executing by “DBA Easy Control SQL Scheduler” service which commonly
installed during installation procedure. Properties of this service are configured in
“Settings” dialog on “SQL Scheduler” tab-page. Service communicates with repository
and start SQL Metric Execution Server (runmtr.exe) by internal scheduler.
You can use metric engine as report server and receive mail report after every execution
of metric independently of warning conditions. In this case you have to check “Send
Report on every metric execution” option and configure mail address for this report.
SQL Metric properties dialog
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Description of dialog fields
Field’s name
Field’s description
SQL Text
Schedule Block
Execute Option
Warning Option
Store Days
SQL Metric’s description
SQL statement
Schedule of metrics collection
The user account to make SQL query
Parameters of the fields in monitoring requests
Send report feature
Retain period for results of the request in days
Default Add this metric to all new databases by
View metric result
You can view metric results by select corresponding metric description in the Database
Browser tree view:
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SQL Metric templates
The System provides the set predefined metric templates and add it for every new
monitored database. You can create your own templates and configure which of templates
is default when you add the new database for monitoring.
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Add SQL Metric to database
If you want to add existing metric to the database (from template or other databases)
select SQL Metric->New SQL Metric from template menu option.
If SQL metric not executed
 Look
path>\log\sql_metrics.log and <Install path>\log\sql_metric_<id>.log
Check that SQL Scheduler Service is installed and started
Check Settings tab SQL Scheduler, execute metric option must be checked.
Try to execute SQL metric immediate by select the Execute option
 Try to start SQL Metric Execution Server by manually starting runmtr.exe
execution module and identify error interactively.
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Exam network logs for network problem
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OS Metrics subsystem
OS Metric execution subsystem execute operating system scripts on hosts where the
monitored database was installed. Commonly you can execute metric (os command) on
any hosts independently of databases, but you have to link metric’s definition with one
of the registered database. It defines only the relations of warnings to databases. None
of Oracle software or any agents need on monitored host for this feature.
The results of the OS Metric executing are stored in the system repository and can be
displayed by selection of the corresponding metric description in the Database Browser.
OS Metrics subsystem requires the SQL Scheduler Service
OS Metrics executes only when the database is at monitoring.
OS Metrics execution subsystem can handle with the Windows operating system and any
UNIX hosts through SSH2 connection with authentication by username/password or pair
of public/private key. In last case DSA/RSA authentication algorithms are supported.
First you have to configure host authentication parameters in Host description dialogue.
DBA Easy Control make host auto discovery when you add database for monitoring.
Another way is make it through Add host menu. Enter host name, its type (Windows/
Unix SSH/ Unix SSH with public/private key) and authentication parameters. For
authentication by pair of private/public key your private key must exists in <Install
path>\sshkeys directory on computer where the SQL Scheduler Service is installed.
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All commands are executed by SQL Scheduler Service which commonly installed during
installation procedure. Properties of this service are configured in Settings dialog on SQL
Scheduler Service tab-page. Service communicates with repository and start OS Metric
Execution Server by internal scheduler.
Execution algorithm is different for Windows system and Unix hosts. When service
execute OS command on Windows system it first copy internal execution service
executable module to monitored host network directory \\remote\Admin$. After that
through some system calls this service is installing and starting. Remote service name is
DBA Easy Control Remote Execution Service (dbrsvc.exe). This service creates three
named pipes – one command pipe and two pipes for track remote stdout and stderr
command streams. After that the local OS Metric Execution Server connect to those
named pipes and handle remote OS command output or errors. During work of service
any incoming requests for OS command executing is handling by the same instance of
Remote Execution Service. After all OS command queues is processed the remote
service is stopping and deleting.
Due to this execution algorithm Windows user configured in host description must have
administrative rights or have right to connect to remote \\remote\Admin$ directory, can
create named pipes and create/start/stop service. All passwords saved in repository (in
encrypted mode), but you can execute script without username/password with System
account that is in local Administrator group.
The simplest way to execute OS command on Windows is create vbs-script and execute
it with command cscript /nologo c:\<script name>
There is example of OS commands in installation directory “scripts” for check file system
on Windows workstation (get_free_space.vbs)
In case of executing OS command through SSH local service connects to remote host
and handles ssh streams. During connection service can set TERM variable and always
set PS1 environment parameter to handle host response. In OS metric properties
dialogue you can configure scheduler parameters and parameters for warning. Type of
terminal can be configured in “Host description” dialog.
All metric’s output received through stdout and stderr stream saved and analyzed by the
Execution Service engine. During system errors or if any of warning conditions is true
the System generate warning and place it in the warning tree node. Also if system
configured to send notification by mail in database properties dialog administrator
receive corresponding mail notification.
OS Metric properties dialog
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Field’s name
Field’s description
Command text
Script file
Host where a metric works
The database where the metric place warnings
OS Command text for executing
Description of the OS metric
The Script file (optional). File saved only in repository for
backup purpose and never coping on monitored host
View metric’s output
You can view output in OS Metric node when you select the metric in the tree part of
view. If output has more than one row you can to expand rows by click on plus icon or
use context menu options.
Example of singe-lines scripts result on graph:
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OS Metric templates
You can create OS Metric template by select New OS Metric option in the Script
template node and use New OS Metric from template option for add metric to the
database. By default all OS Metrics disabled after creating. It’s because usually you want
to make change in template to customize OS command for host/database before
Add OS Metric to database
If you want to add metric from template use “Select OS Metric” dialogue.
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If command not executed on Windows host.
Check account’s administrative rights on monitored host
Set administrative rights for local “DBA Easy Control SQL Scheduler” service account
Try manually mount \\remote\Admin$ directory
If command not executed on Unix
Check user’s account logon name/password in host dialog.
- If metric engine save strange rows as output set appropriate terminal for host (vt100
for example).
- If command not work at Unix host with public/private key authentication check that
the public key string exists in the authorized key file on the remote host and the private
key exists in <Install path>\sshkeys directory.
Common issues
Exam network logs for network problem
- Look
path>\log\os_metrics.log and <Install path>\log\os_metric_<id>.log
Check that the SQL Scheduler Service is installed and started
Check Settings tab “SQL Scheduler”, execute OS Metric option must be checked.
Try execute the OS Metric immediate by select the Execute option
- Try to start the OS Metric Execution Server by manually starting runsct.exe
execution module.
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DBA Easy Control provides colored syntax SQL Editor that allows you to write any SQL
statement and make database queries. It supported single and multiple execution mode and
possibility to save results in the export file (Excel formatted or comma separated). You don’t
need Excel been installed to make export.
The Editor can save history of executed SQL statement in the external file. This can be
configured on SQL Editor tab-page of System Settings dialog.
You can easy connect to the monitored database by selecting the user in the Database
Browser tree node and selecting SQL Editor Menu option or using Ctrl-E hot key. System
connects to the database without offering the connecting dialog if password for this user is
saved in the repository. SQL_EDITOR_PWD access must be assigned for System user
For execute a single SQL statements use F9 hot key or corresponding toolbar item.
For execute a series of SQL statements use F8 hot key or corresponding toolbar item.
For view explain plan for SQL statement use F6 hot key or corresponding toolbar item. You
can configure another explain plan table for this operation. This can be configured on the
SQL Editor tab of the System Settings dialog.
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Procedure Editor
DBA Easy Control provides the colored syntax Procedure Editor that allows you to write
some SQL stored units and view the code of existing ones.
With Procedure Editor you can view and develop
Package Bodies
Type bodies
On creating new storage unit system provide template code for it. This templates can be
found and modified in create folder of the installation directory.
For opening a storage unit or creating a new one you should use toolbar options.
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You can quickly open a stored object code from the Database Browser window by choosing
the object in corresponding tree node and selecting Open Procedure Editor menu option or
using Ctrl-Q hot key.
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Segments growth analysis
DBA Easy Control provides possibility to analyze statistics of database segment’s growth. Its
option available if your database configured to gather and store metadata from
This option allows you to identify objects growth rate and more carefully plan storage
resource consumption.
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Repository search
Repository search option provides possibility to find any specified object among the
monitored databases. You should specify search options and select the Search button.
Current search status is displayed by corresponding symbols and icons.
The greatest benefit is the search engine use additional description fields, for example user
description, while searching specified user all around monitored databases. Search in history
data also supported.
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Views and descriptions
Database information views
Database details
The view provides general information about databases. Information about database host,
size, character set, sizes and archivelog mode updated automatically. Use dialog of
database properties to edit other information.
The refresh elapsed time means the time of the one database refresh cycle. This time
depends of size of your database, count of objects and monitoring properties.
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Database’s size history
The view provides information about database’s growth tendency.
You can select any interval for displaying by select appropriative rows in the Database
sizes node of the Database Browser view.
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Size of databases
The dialog provides a diagram of sizes of your databases.
You can select any database for displaying by select databases in database node of the
Database Browser view. The view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
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Warnings from monitoring processes
The view provides information about all warning registered in the system.
Warnings can come from repository jobs, metrics, scripts and from the external interface.
Warnings from repository jobs:
Check User Settings (temporary and
default tablespace settings)
Analyze data from DBA_USERS,
Check Tablespaces Threshold
Analyze data from repository and
Check Partitions Threshold
Analyze data from repository and
Search Segments that Approaches to
MAX Extent
Analyze data from DBA_SEGMENTS,
Search Fault to Extent Segments
Analyze data from DBA_SEGMENTS,
You can switch on/off these databases monitoring settings in the database properties dialog.
Warnings options for SQL and OS metrics configured in corresponding dialogs.
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At the tree view you see only warning types (distinct from all received warnings). If it
appears new warning you'll see its type in bold font together with count of warnings of this
So, some warning types will be viewable until a warning of this type exists in the repository
archive, time period for storing defined in system parameters settings (Warning store period
You can select some warning (or select all) and close it (move to archive) if it’s "too old" for
you. You can view closed warnings by switch to the View history mode.
Also you can use warning filter to hide some type of warnings:
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Database audit options
The view provides information about audit settings of the monitored database. The system
not stores information about audit trail records.
You can view the history of audit settings by switch on the View History mode.
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Journal of actions/incidents
The Journal dialog and corresponding node of the Database Browser provides information
about various events and incidents in your systems. The best practice is to store system log
for daily DBA activity.
You can attach any document to the journal record. For this purpose call Attach document
dialog from the Edit Journal dialog.
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Description of database sessions
The session detail dialog and Session history view provides information about database
sessions in your databases.
It’s important that you view not current connections but only history of connections. The
view updated only from time to time during working of repository monitoring jobs.
This view is very useful for identifying who connect to databases commonly and save
description for these connections.
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Catalog of documents
DBA Easy Control provides possibility to store DBA documents in the repository. It may be
technical documentation or business emails.
You can link some document together with description of user or its privilege. So, later you
can quickly define reason of creating of user and reason of granting privileges to him.
You can easy find privileges that were granted by document by select the View privileges
by document menu option.
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Databases’ hosts
The view provides common information about your hosts and it relations to databases.
This node is useful for viewing of all scripts working on your host.
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DDL script tab-view
The view generates DDL script for database objects.
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Users’ related information views
Description of database users
This view provides information about database users. DBA Easy Control allows saving
description of users in the repository. Schemas sizes, tablespaces and user’s status
information updated automatically by repository jobs.
To link repository document with a user you should use Assign document menu option. To
view a document associated with a user use the View document menu option.
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User’s detail view
The view provides detailed information about the selected user.
You can save user’s password in repository. For this purpose use the Description &
Password dialog.
Passwords save in repository in encrypted mode (128-bit DES with dynamic key) without
any transmitting of passwords in clear mode by network. Passwords can’t be tracked by
session tracing.
User password not displayed in dialog after calls one due to security reason. Only Saved
checkbox shows status of password saving. To view user password use magnify button.
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Size of users’ schemas
The dialog provides a diagram of sizes of user’s schemas.
You can select any schema for display by select users in database tree node of the Database
Browser view. The view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
You can quickly view the summary size of users’ schemas by selecting some users and
viewing the status bar Sum(size) pane:
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Users’ objects view
DBA Easy Control gathers and stores information about database objects during working of
repository monitoring jobs. Objects change history store with the latest objects versions.
The Objects node provides information about users objects and details of them. Every node
can be expanded for view of detailed information – dependencies, grantee information and
so on.
For viewing of object’s change history you must switch on the Show History menu option.
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Object’s DDL view
The Object’s DDL tab page allows you to view the SQL statement for the selected object.
When the History View mode is switch on, you can select an appropriate object version in
the right part of the Database Browser view.
DBA Easy Control generates DDL statement for next objects and its versions:
does not save due to significant resource consumption. Only related information from
DBA_OBJECTS is stored.
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Partitioned segments
The view provides detailed information about partitioned segments in your database.
Among common parameters there are the total sizes of partitioned objects and count of the
free partitions.
You can configure the free partitions threshold for warnings. Partition marked as free if it
has only one extent and placed at the end of partitions list.
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Tablespaces used by user objects
The view provides information about tablespaces where was placed segments of the
selected user and quotas. You can quickly view the count of objects in every tablespace and
summary size of them.
For viewing of quotas history you must switch on the Show History menu option.
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Tablespace used by objects on chart view
The view provides information about tablespaces where objects of the selected user was
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Tablespace information views
Tablespace details view
The Tablespace properties dialog and the Tablespaces view provide information about
tablespace details. Among common parameters for a tablespace you can see the max free
extent for tablespace, the max segment’s next extent in this tablespace and the free space
In this dialog you can configure free space thresholds for warnings, a mask for new datafiles
(ADD DATAFILE SQL Script) and an archive mask for MOVE/REBUILD SQL Scripts.
For tablespace with autoextent feature the free space calculates on the basis of maximum
datafile size that can be reached. Good practice is adding the file system monitoring by the
DBA Easy Control OS Metric Engine for these tablespaces.
The default free space tablespace’s threshold configured in System Settings.
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Tablespace’s free space detail
The view provides information about free extents in the tablespace. The view is useful for
tablespaces created in the dictionary segment management mode.
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Tablespace usage by segments
The view provides information about segments that placed in the selected tablespace.
You can quickly identify the largest segments in the selected tablespace by sorting them by
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Tablespace segments on chart view
The view provides a diagram of segments that placed in the selected tablespace.
You can print the diagram or save it in bmp-format by select the option of the context
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Tablespace usage by users
The view provides information about schemas placed in the selected tablespace. You can
view count of user segments and size of them.
You can quickly view a summary size of the selected segments with the Sum(size) pane of
the status bar.
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Tablespace users on chart view
The view provides diagram of schemas placed in the selected tablespace. Use this view for
quick identifying the largest schemas of the selected tablespace.
You can print graph or save it in bmp-format by select the option of the context menu.
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Monitoring with metrics
Metric for monitoring alert log errors
The predefined metric for monitoring alert log errors uses the database’s SQL engine for
view of the alert log. The metric uses UTL_FILE supplied package for reading of the alert
log file. You can configure warning options for notify about any type of error messages like
ORA-00600 or ORA-07445.
The SQL text for this metric must have alert log time review interval the same as metric
execution interval. All these values can be configured in metric description dialog.
The metric works only when monitored database is accessible and is not frozen.
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Metric for monitoring archived logs area
The predefined metric for monitoring database archive area uses database’s SQL engine for
identify count of archived logs in archived log directory. The metric uses UTL_FILE supplied
package for reading of the archived files’ attributes.
The good practice is identifying max count of logs in archive logs area during a normal
archive cycle and set warning threshold by 10-20% larger than this value. It allows
identifying a trouble of the archiving as just a problem appears. Also you can configure the
archive file system monitoring by the DBA Easy Control OS Metric Engine.
The metric works only when monitored database is accessible and is not frozen.
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Metric for monitoring UNDO usage
The predefined metric for monitoring the database UNDO area.
Release 10g and high has different UNDO tablespace behavior and it does not clear space
only when retention period expired.
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Metric for monitoring TEMP usage
The predefined metric for monitoring the database TEMP area.
The metric is useful for identify common problem with availability of TEMP space. To identify
errors you can use Alert log metric with corresponding warning settings.
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History information views
DBA Easy Control engine save all modifications it’s found during working of monitoring jobs.
It saves modifications found between cycles of monitoring. You must take into account your
database operations type when configure monitoring interval. It may be large for stable
system and must be small for databases with large rate of object changing (for example a
developing system).
History of changes of initialization parameters
The view provides important information about database initialization parameters and
history of it changes.
You can view history of parameters’ values by switch on the Show History mode.
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History of system privileges granted to user/role
The view provides information about system privileges granted to users and roles. You can
see not only current settings but its history. Also you can quickly find date and reason of the
privileges granting.
You can view history of privileges by switch on the Show History mode.
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History of object privileges granted to user/role
The view provides information about object privileges granted to users or roles. You can see
not only current settings but its history. Also you can quickly find date and reason of the
privileges granting.
You can view history of privileges by switch on the Show History mode.
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History of size of the user’s segment
DBA Easy Control saves all sizes of segments during the repository update cycle. You can
view size snapshots and the corresponding growth rate for tables, indexes, partitioned
tables and partitioned indexes.
To avoid significant repository growth the size-snapshot saves in accordance of Segment
statistic store interval system parameter.
To show a complete list, enable the show history data option by the View->Show history
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History of size of user segment on chart view
The dialog provides history information about segment growth statistics in the diagram.
You can select any point for display by select rows you need and select View Chart menu
option. The graph view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
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History of database jobs and its descriptions
The view provides information about database jobs. The view is useful for a jobs identifying
and some restoring.
It’s not current jobs view rather snapshot of them at the time of monitoring cycle.
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Database size history
The view provides information about history of database sizes. You can view sizes calculated
on the basis of datafiles sizes and precisely on the basis of used space in tablespaces.
To show a complete list, enable the show history data option by switch on the View>Show history menu.
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Database size history on chart view
The view provides information about history of database sizes. You can view sizes calculated
on the basis of datafiles sizes and precisely on the basis of used space in tablespaces.
You can select any point for display by select rows you need and select View Chart menu
option. The graph view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
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Tablespace usage history
The view provides information about used and free space in the selected tablespace.
Information updated automatically during monitoring jobs cycles.
To show a complete list, enable the show history data option by the View->Show
history menu.
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Tablespace usage history on chart view
The view provides information about total and free space in the selected tablespace.
Information updated automatically during monitoring jobs cycles.
The example shows history of tablespace usage when a periodic archive job exists in the
You can select any point for display by select rows you need and select View Chart menu
option. The graph view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
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User schema size history
The view provides information about sizes history of the selected schema. Information
updated automatically during monitoring jobs cycles.
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User schema size history on chart view
The view provides information about sizes history of the selected schema. Information
updated automatically during monitoring jobs cycles.
You can select any point for display by select rows you need and select View Chart menu
option. The graph view provides information as sorted as grid view one.
To identify database growth by segments use Segment Growth Analysis feature.
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External monitoring system interface
To communicate with external monitoring systems you should tune the
PROC_INSERT_WARNING interface procedure call.
The procedure’s specification
Parameter’s type
IN varchar2
IN varchar2
IN varchar2 default 'API'
Parameter’s description
Database SID
Warning text
Warning type*
 Warning belonging to a specific database is determined by the SID parameter.
 The warning registration date is the function call date.
* When receiving the CLEAR type warning, all active warnings of the specific database
are closed.
Integration with Oracle Enterprise Grid Control (UNIX platform)
1. Logon to Enterprise manager console and open page Setup-> Notification methods
2. Go to Script and SNMP Traps block
3. Add OS Command:
/usr/bin/ksh ". /oracle/admin/.profile; /usr/bin/echo "begin \n
proc_insert_warning('$TARGET_NAME','$MESSAGE','OEM messages');\n end; \n/"|
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus <user>/<password>@<database>"
<user>/<password>@<database> - DBA Easy Control repository connection
/oracle/admin/.profile - Environment settings (ORACLE_HOME, NLS_LANG, etc.)
4. Go to Preferences->Notification Rules and create rule for this notification method.
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Access code description
Access to tree nodes and functionality can be configured at three levels:
system (all)
database group
The following access rights exist in the system:
System name
View Administrators*
View Actions*
View Audit
View Connections
View Database node
View Documents
View Files
View Hosts
View Information
View Initialization Parameters
View Journal
View Jobs
View Metrics
View Objects
View Profiles
View Roles
View Scripts
View System Privileges
View Segments
View Size History
View SQL Script
View Tablespaces
View Oracle Users
View Warnings
Edit DBA Easy Control Users*
Edit Connection Description
Edit Database Details
Delete Database Description
Edit Document Details*
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Edit File Description
Edit Hosts Information
Edit Host Account Password*
Edit Information records
Edit Oracle Job Description
Edit Database Journal
Edit License settings*
Edit Metric Definition
Edit Script Definition
Actions with SQL Scripts
System Password Generation*
Edit Global Properties*
Edit Tablespace Parameters
Edit Oracle User Description
Edit Oracle User Password
Edit Warnings (close/comment)
Create/Alter Oracle Users
SQL Script Deleting
Grant/Revoke System/Object Privileges
SQL Script Planning
SQL Script Repeating
Make custom SQL Script
Edit SQL Scripts Statements
Password Prompt in SQL Tools
* Access can be configured only at system level
Depending on the access sets, corresponding options of the system menu become active
and corresponding tree nodes become visible. After the user access change completion,
repeated logon is required.
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System parameters description
Max job count for collect databases data at the same time
The parameter limits the application database server load.
SQL Script show-period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information displayed on the screen*.
Document show-period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information displayed on the screen*.
Info show-period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information displayed on the screen*.
Warning store period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information stored in the database. Outdated
information is removed.
Warning auto-close period (days)
Outdated warnings will be auto-closed with comments.
SQL Script free space reserve for tablespaces (Mb)
The parameter influences operation of the data migration SQL Script automatic
generation algorithm.
User actions show-period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information displayed on the screen*.
Journal show-period (days)
The parameter limits the amount of information displayed on the screen*.
SMTP-server address
Mail server address.
SMTP-server username/password
Account username/password.
Mail sender
Mail message sender address.
Length of the generated passwords (max 30)
Length of the password generated by wizard of create/alter user dialog.
Show Warnings Types for this period of days
This parameter defines list of warnings types on the screen at database browser
tree area*. Types of open warnings will be displayed in any case.
* To show a complete list, enable the show history data option (System->Show
history data menu).
Copyright 2015 Alexey Brysov, Last Updated on 2017/05/09
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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
Sample scripts for create mask description
/* "Y"YYYY"M"MM One partition per month */
name varchar2(100);
dn date;
mnum number;
mask_num number;
c number;
select count(1) into c from BS_PARTITION_MASKS
where mask = '"Y"YYYY"M"MM';
if c = 0 then
select sq$pm.nextval into mask_num from dual;
(n, mask, dsc)
(mask_num, '"Y"YYYY"M"MM', 'One partition per month');
dn := to_date('01012000','ddmmyyyy');
while dn < to_date('01012051','ddmmyyyy') loop
name := to_char(dn-1,'"Y"YYYY"M"');
mnum := to_number(to_char(dn-1,'MM'));
if mnum < 10 then
name := name||'0'||to_char(mnum);
name := name||to_char(mnum);
end if;
insert into bs_mask_intervals (N, MASK_NAME, HIGH_VALUE)
values (mask_num,name,dn);
dn := add_months(dn,1);
end loop;
end if;
/* "Y"YYYY One partition per year */
name varchar2(100);
dn date;
mask_num number;
mnum number;
c number;
select count(1) into c from BS_PARTITION_MASKS
where mask = '"Y"YYYY';
if c = 0 then
select sq$pm.nextval into mask_num from dual;
(n, mask, dsc)
(mask_num, '"Y"YYYY', 'One partition per year');
dn := to_date('01012000','ddmmyyyy');
while dn < to_date('01012051','ddmmyyyy') loop
name := to_char(dn-1,'"Y"YYYY');
insert into bs_mask_intervals (N, MASK_NAME, HIGH_VALUE)
values (mask_num,name,dn);
dn := add_months(dn,12);
end loop;
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DBA Easy Control for Oracle User’s Guide
end if;
You can find more examples in the create folder of the installation path.
Sample script for add file size description
c number;
select count(*) into c from bs_file_size
where size_dsc = '3/2 FULL';
if c = 0 then
Insert into bs_file_size
(n, file_size, size_unit, size_dsc)
(13, 25036875, 'k', '3/2 FULL');
end if;
Use this template to create your specific file size descriptions.
Copyright 2015 Alexey Brysov, Last Updated on 2017/05/09
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