Download Trader Notice MH 13/2013 - Revision of the export health certificate

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Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Trader Notice MH No. 13/2013
To: All Food Business Operators at Meat Establishments approved to export
pigmeat to the Republic of Korea
Subject: Revision of the export health certificate for the export of pork to
At the request of the Korean authorities, the veterinary health certificate for the export of
pigmeat from Ireland to the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has been revised and will come
into effect immediately.
The revisions relate to
new testing requirements for Listeria on fresh pork destined for South Korea
The revised Korean certificate includes a health attestation that the pork does not
contain, among other things, pathogenic bacteria. The pathogens of concern are
Salmonella spp and Listeria monocytogenes.
See Annex 1 to this trader notice for further details and sampling requirements.
changes to the timelines for freedom from certain diseases.
The Koreans have changed some of the timeframes for freedom from certain
diseases in order to comply with global standards.
other changes
Any non compliances must be corrected without delay.
Korean approved exporting slaughter/cutting/processing plants and coldstores
must not handle cloven hoofed animals or their products transported from or
via countries which are not allowed to export to Korea at the time when it is handling
pork for export to Korea. The list of countries dated 27 December 2012 which are
not allowed to export cloven hoofed animals (except ruminant animals) is attached.
The revised certificate comes into effect immediately & the previously agreed bilateral
health certificate must NOT be used after the 20 April 2013.
Eligibility for this trade
All pigmeat exports to Korea must
1. be derived from pigs that were born, reared and slaughtered in Ireland
2. the meat must be obtained from pigs that were slaughtered and the meat
handled/cut/processed/packed/stored at an abattoir cutting plant/processing and
coldstore approved by the Korean Authorities (contact Meat & Milk Policy Division for
details for approval process for this market).
3. The pork must be derived from pig farms that are not located in any areas restricted
by the Irish Veterinary Authorities concerned with the prevention of the spread of
In addition other main requirements for this market include:
the exporting slaughter/cutting/processing plant and coldstore must not handle
cloven hoofed animals or their products transported from or via countries which are
not allowed to export to Korea at the time when it is handling pork for export to Korea
The animals from which the pork derives must have passed ante and post mortem
examinations by a Veterinary Officer of the Irish Government and must be free from
Trichinella spiralis, Cystocercus cellulosae and Echinococcus spp.
The pork must not contain, on the basis of national and other testing
programmes, the following contaminants: antibiotics, synthetic anti-microbial drugs,
hormones, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria or radioactive
material in excess of permitted levels as set by the Korean Government and was not
treated by methods of ionisation, ultra violet light or tenderisers,
Pork that was not of an equal veterinary standard must not be handled at the same
time as slaughtering, cutting, processing, packing and storage of the pork destined
for South Korea.
Veterinary Health Certificate
Copies of the revised veterinary health certificate will be made available to Veterinary
Inspectors at the eligible plants through the usual channels, on request.
Role of Plant Management
All Plants approved to export to Korea must amend their existing SOPs, in consultation with
the Veterinary Inspector. The SOP must address the microbiological requirements of this
market and in particular how the FBO will conduct microbiology testing for Listeria in order
that certification can be provided (see Annex 1 below)
Danielle Coll
Meat Hygiene Division
12th April 2013
Annex 1
One of the health attestations on the revised health certificate for the export of pork to Korea
states that the pork must not contain, on the basis of national and other testing
programmes, the following contaminants: antibiotics, synthetic anti-microbial drugs,
hormones, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria or radioactive
material in excess of permitted levels as set by the Korean Government and was not treated
by methods of ionisation, ultra violet light or tenderisers,
“ pathogenic bacteria”.
The pathogens of concern are Salmonella spp and Listeria monocytogenes.
Salmonella spp: FBOs must be fully in compliance with the requirements of Regulation
2073/2005, Annex I, Chapter 2, Point 2.1.4. A reduction in the frequency from weekly to
fortnightly sampling can be considered by the VI if satisfactory results have been obtained
for 30 consecutive weeks as indicated in Chapter 3 of Annex Iof Regulation 2073/2005.
Listeria monocytogenes: FBOs are required to take 5 samples (n=5 of 25g per sample) of
end product i.e. cuts of meat and pool the samples for analysis.
Sampling and testing should be conducted on a weekly basis. Action in the case of
unsatisfactory results should entail improvements in slaughter hygiene and a review of
process controls.
FBOs must have an SOP in place detailing these procedures to achieve compliance
with these requirements.
Courtesy Translation by Embassy of Ireland Seoul
Countries Banned to Export Animals and Meat Products into Korea
(as of 27 December 2012)
1. Animals
Importation Ban Areas
A. Cloven-hoofed Animals
(except ruminant animals)
Countries except US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Switzerland,
Ireland and UK
2. Meat Products
Importation Ban Areas
Pork Meat
Countries except US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Poland,
Belgium, Mexico, Chile, Netherlands, Spain, Ireland,
France, Slovakia, Switzerland, Italy (processed goods
only), UK and Germany
* sourced from→정보광장→법령정보→훈령·예규·고시→지정검역물의
수입금지지역 (Korean language only)