Download ArrayPriorityList - University of Arizona

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Project: LinkedPriorityList<E> implements PriorityList<E>
Collaboration: Complete this project only with help from UofA Section Leaders and the course materials (books,
presentations, code demos). Do not give your code to anyone or copy any code. Do not even look at another's
screen with code from this project by another student.
Preview: This project asks you to develop class LinkedPriorityList<E> that implements the same
PriorityList ADT specified as a Java interface. This project has the following goals:
Implement a familiar ADT using a different data structure: singly-linked data structure
Revisit how generic classes safely store collections of the same type
Use exceptions to handle out of range indexes and test methods to ensure they do indeed throw exceptions
Use a Singly Linked Structure with your existing test cases
LinkedPriorityList<E> implements PriorityList<E> includes class Node to ensure you will use
instances of this private inner class to store a reference to the data and also to the next element (or null in the last
node). This collection class has all methods implemented as stubs so tests can compile immediately (or after a few
small changes to your unit test).
You will need a unit test for this. Because ArrayPriorityList and LinkedPriorityList have the same
methods as each other (specified by interface PriorityList<E>), you could use a copy of your existing to test all code. Then change all occurrences of ArrayPriorityList to
You can also get the with comments and
compiling method stubs that begins like this (add your name and description as comments):
public class LinkedPriorityList<E> implements PriorityList<E> {
// This private inner class saves lots of typing and is hidden from outsiders
private class Node {
// These instance variables can be accessed from the enclosing class
private E data;
private Node next;
public Node(E element) {
data = element;
next = null;
public Node(E element, Node link) {
data = element;
next = link;
// These instance variables belong to the enclosing class LinkePriorityList
private Node first;
private int size;
// Create an empty list with zero elements
public LinkedPriorityList() {
first = null;
size = 0;
// . . . Methods implemented as stubs in the zip file
Grading Criteria (100 points, subject to change)
Style/Readability 10pts
+2 You included your name as a comment in all files
+2 You have a 1 or 2 sentence description of the purpose of each class
+2 The source code is formatted nicely (in Eclipse use Source > Format)
+2 Used meaningful identifiers
+2 All methods are commented with an accurate description in LinkedPriorityList<E>
Problem and Code Coverage 90pts
+90 Web-Cat correctness and code coverage: To get 100% for these 90 points, you will need 100% problem
coverage only, which means Rick's tests pass and you exercised all methods. You can get a score of 0 even though
all of your tests passed in your workspace because
 WebCat reports a compile time error (look for Unknown symbol).
 One of Rick's test cases placed your loop into an infinite loop (Timeout error)
 One of your assertions failed on WebCat (even though it passed for you locally)
 Please note other ways to lose points when graded by your TA:
Up to -100 pts, a zero (0), will be given if you didn’t use the singly-linked structure of Node objects (you
may not use the same code as the previous assignment with Object[] or a Java collection class
-20 The initial capacity of data was changed from 20 (leave it as 20)
-1 pt for every WebCat submission more than 10, up to -30 points: Example: 3 days late with 40
submissions would be a maximum of 40/100 even with 100% code and problem coverage
You can also get a score of 0 even though all of your tests passed in your workspace because
WebCat reports a compile time error (look for Unknown symbol)
One of Rick's test cases placed one of your loops into an infinite loop for a Timeout Error
One of your own assertions fails on WebCat